Announcement: Revision of the University of Pretoria's Language Policy

Posted on February 01, 2016

In February 2015, the University Executive appointed a task team to review the University’s current language policy, in view of the rapidly changing student and staff demographics experienced by the University in recent years, proposals from a number of academic departments to change their language plans, as well as the new teaching and learning approaches implemented by the University to enhance student access and success.

This task team concluded the requested review in December 2015 and submitted its report to the University Executive and Senate on 26 and 27 January 2016, respectively. At the meeting on 27 January there was consensus in support of the key findings and recommendations of the task team.

The recommendations will now be submitted to faculties and student representative bodies for comment, where after it will be submitted to the University Council for consideration. Details of the proposed changes to the University’s language policy will be shared with staff and students during the course of the consultations that will be scheduled for this purpose.


Prof Norman Duncan
Vice-Principal: Academic
Chairperson: UP Language Policy Task Team


- Author Department of University Relations

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