Mini-dissertation 804

Module code MND 804
Qualification Postgraduate
Faculty Faculty of Law
Module content
  1. The student must submit a research proposal during his/her second year of registration for the LLM degree to the supervisor prior to commencing with the writing of the mini-dissertation.
  2. A mini-dissertation (MND 804) of minimum of 13 000 words inclusive of footnotes but excluding the list of contents and the bibliography, is required. The mini-dissertation must be submitted to the supervisor not later than August of the second year of registration for the LLM programme. The mini-dissertation must deal with the subject content of one of the modules or a combination of the modules registered for by the student for his/her LLM degree. Any request for an extension of the period for submission of the mini-dissertation may only be granted by the Dean on recommendation of the LLM Committee.
Module credits 100.00
NQF Level 09
Prerequisites RHP 801 and RHP 803
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Law Deans Office
Period of presentation Year

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