Science and world views 155

Module code FIL 155
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Module content

This is a broad introduction to the philosophy and history of science. Examples of themes and historical periods which are covered include: world views in ancient Greece; Socrates; Plato – the founder of Western thought; Aristotle – the foundation of a new tradition; Leonardo da Vinci; the foundation of modern science; the wonder years of the seventeenth century – the flourishing of the sciences and philosophy; the rising of mechanization; a drastic turn in man's vision – the rise of psychology; how the theory of relativity changed our view of the cosmos; quantum theory and its implications for the modern world view; the biological sciences and the secrets of life; the rise and role of psychology; the neuro-sciences; the place, role and benefit of philosophical thought in the sciences.

Module credits 6.00
NQF Level 05
Service modules Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 1 lecture per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Philosophy
Period of presentation Semester 1

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