
Strategic communication management 780

Modulekode SKO 780
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the value creation role of communication for organisations

Study themes:

  • The different roles (technical, managerial and strategic) of the communication specialist;
  • Different vantage points (micro, meso and macro levels) regarding communication within and on behalf of an organisation;
  • Corporate reputation;
  • Crisis management;
  • Organisational communication;
  • Contemporary issues like communication in digital environments, diversity, transformation and leadership.

The purpose of this module is to explore how communication specialist function in different roles and thus contribute to the overall success of the organisation. Knowledge of key issues such as reputation, crisis management, organisational communication, the digital environment, diversity, transformation and leadership are pivotal for communication specialists who aspire to function at a managerial level.

Modulekrediete 20.00
NQF Level 08
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 1 lecture per week, 1 other contact session per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Business Management
Period of presentation Semester 1

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