
Research project 422

Modulekode MRN 422
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

The module involves the management of the execution of a project that produces knowledge and understanding of a phenomenon, conclusions and a recommended course of action. The project is undertaken under the supervision of a staff member with the student ultimately taking responsibility for the management of and execution of the project. This module follows onto MSC 412 and deals with the same topic in the same year. The student should be able to demonstrate competence in designing and conducting investigations and experiments and adherence to well defined time-lines and work breakdown structures. An acceptable process consists of but is not restricted to: (a) understanding of the stated problem, (b) developing a work breakdown structure, (c) performing the necessary analyses; (d) selecting and using appropriate equipment or software; (e) construction and instrumentation of an experimental set-up; (f) taking measurements; (g) analysing, interpreting and deriving information from data; (h) drawing conclusions based on evidence; (i) communicating the purpose, process and outcomes in a technical report, presentation and poster.

Modulekrediete 24.00
NQF Level 08
Prerequisites Finalist only, MRN 412
Contact time 12 other contact sessions per week
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Department Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Period of presentation Semester 2

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