Code | Faculty |
06130005 | Faculty of Theology and Religion |
Credits | Duration | NQF level |
Minimum duration of study: 4 years | Total credits: 480 | NQF level: 08 |
This programme provides theological training and formation aimed at the needs of churches. It comprises two aspects, namely a general denominational aspect and a specific denominational aspect. The structure of the programme is determined by a balance between the (1) Biblical scientific dimensions, (2) historical and systematic theology and (3) applied dimensions in the field of theology.
The outcome that the programme aims to achieve, is theoretically supported formation aimed at a broad spectrum of ministerial needs. For this purpose certain elements of the programme are presented in partnership with churches that support the programme.
A student who registers for this programme has to submit his or her curriculum to the Dean for approval at the beginning of each year.
University of Pretoria website: click here
National Benchmartk Test website: click here
Minimum requirements | ||||
Achievement level | ||||
English Home Language or English First Additional Language | Subjects: 3 additional 20-credit subjects | APS | ||
NSC/IEB | AS Level | NSC/IEB | AS Level | |
4 | D | 4 | D | 25 |
Special examinations
See General Regulations G.12.4 and G.12.6.
A student who complies with all the requirements for the degree with the exception of a maximum of two semester modules or one year module in each of which a combined mark of at least 40% has been obtained, may be admitted to a special examination in the modules concerned at the end of the following semester.
1. To be admitted to the modules of the second year of study, a student must pass at least seven semester modules unless the Dean decides otherwise.
2. To be admitted to the modules of the third year of study, a student has to pass at least 15 semester modules, including Greek 110 and 120 and Hebrew 110 and 120, unless the Dean decides otherwise.
3. To be admitted to the modules of the fourth year of study, a student has to pass 24 semester modules including Greek 210 and 220 and Hebrew 210 and 220, unless the Dean decides otherwise.
Academic exclusion
The Dean may on recommendation of the relevant faculty committee, exclude a student academically by the cancellation of the registration for that particular year or the next year, if he or she does not comply with the minimum set requirements. You may appeal against academic exclusion.
The degree is conferred with distinction on a student who obtains an average of 75% (GPA) in all the prescribed modules of the final year and 75% in the independent study (OST 410), provided that not one of the modules had been failed previously and that the programme was completed within the minimum prescribed period.
Information on modules
Minimum credits: 120
The list of electives is an example only, students are not limited to these modules but may select two semester modules from any faculty, providing that the requirements for the module are met. Credit value may not exceed 24.
Module content:
Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology. Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.
Module content:
Find, evaluate, process, manage and present information resources for academic purposes using appropriate technology.
Module content:
Apply effective search strategies in different technological environments. Demonstrate the ethical and fair use of information resources. Integrate 21st-century communications into the management of academic information.
Module content:
This module intends to equip students to cope more confidently and competently with the reading and understanding of a variety of texts, to apply these skills in a variety of contexts and to follow the conventions of academic writing.
Module content:
By the end of this module students should be able to cope more confidently and competently with the reading, writing and critical thinking demands that are characteristic of the field of Theology.
Module content:
Geographical and historical background of the Old Testament. The Near-Eastern cultural background of the Bible
Module content:
The encyclopaedia of the New Testament. The Mediterranean socio-cultural setting of the New Testament.
Module content:
Greek grammar (1)
The basic characteristics of Hellenistic Greek: the writing system and pronunciation, the Greek verb and noun systems, conjugation and declension, basic syntax and vocabulary. Passages from the Greek New Testament are adapted as exercises in order to facilitate linguistic proficiency. Continuous evaluation includes class tests and homework assignments.
Greek grammar (2)
Further study of the verb and noun systems of Hellenistic Greek, expansion of the basic vocabulary, and analysis of compound sentences. Adapted passages from the New Testament form the core of practical academic literacy exercises.
Module content:
Greek grammar (3)
Further study of the verb and noun systems of Hellenistic Greek: middle and passive forms, the third declension, and analysis of compound sentences. Adapted passages from the New Testament form the core of practical academic literacy exercises.
Greek texts: Read and comprehend
Read selected texts from the NT and/or Apostolic Fathers, with emphasis on word analysis, basic translation, use of basic aids (dictionary, translations). Evaluation includes translation of unseen passages from the corpuses concerned.
Module content:
Hebrew grammar (1)
Basic principles of the grammar of classical Hebrew: signs of writing and pronunciation, Hebrew morphology, the nominal and verbal system, basic syntax and vocabulary. Exercise basic competence by means of the analysis and translation of selected passages from the Hebrew Old Testament.
Hebrew grammar (2)
More advanced principles of the grammar of classical Hebrew: the function of nouns, verbs and particles, the derived formations of the verb. Passages from the Hebrew Old Testament from the basis for exercising academic literacy.
Module content:
Hebrew grammar (3)
Continued study of the Hebrew verbal system: the irregular and weak verbs. Passages from the Hebrew Old Testament from the basis for students’ exercise in academic literacy.
Hebrew texts: Read and comprehend
Read selected texts from the OT, with emphasis on word analysis, basic translation, use of basic aids (dictionary, translations). Evaluation includes translation of unseen passages.
Module content:
Reflection on the relationship between theology and spirituality. The ambit, method and disciplines of theology.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse taalkunde met klem op lees-en skryfvaardigheid. Letterkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse letterkunde aan die hand van kortverhale en gedigte.
Module content:
Taalkundekomponent: Inleiding tot die Afrikaanse sintaksis, fonetiek en taalgeskiedenis. Letterkundekomponent:Inleiding tot die Romankuns Inleiding tot die Drama
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes - 2 discussion classes per week Introduction to Literature in English (1) This module introduces the study of literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, prose, drama). The texts studied here will be mainly from the pre-twentieth century era and may include texts written in English from both Africa and other parts of the world. The aim of this module is to equip students with the critical and analytical skills required for a perceptive reading of poetry, novels and plays.
Module content:
*Alternative evening classes: 2 discussion classes per week
Introduction to Literature in English (2)
This module introduces the study of post-nineteenth century literature by examining a number of texts representing different genres (poetry, drama, prose). Texts will be from both Africa and other parts of the world. By the end of this module students should have the background and analytical skills to perceptively read modern and contemporary poetry, novels and plays.
Module content:
What is religion? The functions of religion. Studying religion. Perspectives on religion. Common concepts and key terms in various religions will be dealt with - also generic dimensions and aspects. The interdependence of religion, culture and society.
Module content:
The occurrence of religion in societies. Types of religion. Primal religions. Christianity, Judaism, Islam. A variety of religions will be addressed: capita selecta will be made from Christianity; Hinduism; Buddhism; New Religions; New Age; main developments in the world and South Africa.
Minimum credits: 120
Module content:
Introduction to dogmatics and Christian ethics; introduction to selection of fundamental loci.
Module content:
Greek texts – syntax
Basic syntactical theory and application to selected Greek texts
Greek prose – text analysis
Basic theory of comprehensive text analysis and application of selected NT prose texts.
Module content:
Greek poetry – text analysis
Basic theory of poetic text analysis and application of selected NT and related poetry texts.
Greek texts – holistic analysis
Students are guided towards reading and analysing independently chosen Greek texts by application of all knowledge and skills acquired in GRK modules on year level 1 as well as in GRK 210 and 220.
Module content:
Introduction to science of religion and missiology. Introduction to theology of mission.
Module content:
Hebrew texts – syntax
Basic syntactical theory and application to selected Hebrew texts.
Hebrew prose – text analysis
Basic theory of comprehensive text analysis and application to selected OT prose texts.
Module content:
Hebrew poetry – text analysis
Basic theory of poetic text analysis and application to selected OT poetic texts. Hebrew texts – holistic analysis
Students are guided towards reading and analysing independently chosen Hebrew texts by application of all knowledge and skills acquired in HEB modules on year level 1 as well as in HEB 210 and 220.
Module content:
Introduction to the exegesis and theology of the gospels according to Mark and Matthew.
Module content:
Introduction to narratology and Old Testament exegesis. Capita selecta: Ruth, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah
Minimum credits: 120
Module content:
19th and 20th centuries in church history: rise of ideologies and philosophical movements; the Ecumenical Movement.
Module content:
Primal religions. Traditional African religions; African Independent Churches. Theologies of the Third World.
Module content:
Introduction, theology and exegesis of Luke. Introduction, theology and exegesis of Acts.
Module content:
General formation aimed at general ministerial needs. Community engagement in cooperation with the church partners.
Minimum credits: 120
Five (5) semester modules from the prescribed list
Module content:
Introduction, theology and exegesis of the authentic Pauline letters. Marriage, sexuality and ecclesiology in Paul.
Module content:
An essay based on independent reading and research in one of the disciplines listed in the BTh curriculum (Practical formation excluded).
Module content:
Introduction, theology and exegesis of the Deutero-Pauline letters. Introduction, theology and exegesis of the General Letters.
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