
Program: PhD Statistics

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07267292 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360 NQF level:  10


The degree comprises the writing of a thesis and an article for publication in a recognised scientific journal.

Admission requirements

  • Relevant Master’s degree with an average of at least 65%.


  • Student numbers are limited to a maximum of 10, collectively over all doctoral programmes in the Department of Statistics. Selection is based on performance in the prior degree.

Research information

The weight of the research component contributes 100% towards the total requirements for the degree.

All doctoral students in Statistics/Mathematical Statistics should enrol for STK 911 which is a compulsory but non-credit-bearing module. The satisfactory completion of this module is a prerequisite for embarking on the research component of the degree programme.

Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    A compulsory bootcamp must be attended as part of this module – usually presented during the last week of January each year. Details regarding the venue and specific dates are made available by the department each year. The bootcamp will cover the basics of research to prepare the student for the research component of their degree. Students can be exempt from the bootcamp if it has already been attended in a previous year or for a previous degree. Each year of registration for the doctoral degree will also require the attendance of three departmental seminars. Students should ensure that their attendance is recorded by the postgraduate co-ordinator present at the seminars. The department approves the seminars attended.

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