Programme: BEdHons Computer Integrated Education (Distance Education)

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Code Faculty
09240052 Faculty of Education
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 2 years Total credits: 128 NQF level:  08

Programme information

It is not possible to meet the training needs of teaching staff in South Africa through contact tuition only. Therefore, the Faculty of Education has been offering programmes in a distance education delivery mode for a number of years. To ensure that distance education students can depend on the same quality academic programmes and levels of service quality as contact students, a Unit for Distance Education has been established in the Faculty to manage the distance programmes of the Faculty.

This is an online programme-, supported by academic contact sessions and is presented in a blended education mode.

Other programme-specific information

The learning materials are available only in English.

Students have two contact sessions with lecturers per year. These contact sessions take place over a period of at least one (consecutive) day at the different centres countrywide and provide important learning support opportunities for students. It is the student’s own responsibility to arrange for his/her own transport, accommodation and food during contact sessions and examinations.

General requirements
Students must complete and submit at least two assignments per module. These assignments are support mechanisms for students in their studies. Assignments are compulsory and contribute 30% towards the final mark. If a student failed the examination in a module twice, the student will be de-registered for that module and will have to reregister for the module. A student who reregisters for a module has to pay the full tuition fees for that module again, and will have to resubmit both assignments 1 and 2. Assignment marks obtained previously will not be carried over. A student in the honours programme may only reregister for a module once. If a student does not pass the module after the second registration, he/she will be de-registered from the whole programme, and will not be allowed to continue his/her studies for this degree at the University of Pretoria. (Also consult General Regulation G.18.)

Examinations and pass requirements

Examinations take place twice a year (during April and October) at examination centres countrywide. Students must register for examinations as stipulated under faculty-specific regulations.
A final mark of at least 50% is required to pass a module. The final mark is calculated by using the following three marks: assignment 1 = 10%; assignment 2 = 20% and the examination/project = 70%.

Research information

A research project is compulsory, and must be prepared according to the requirements of the specific department and submitted for assessment. Both assignments for the project are compulsory. The project will contribute 70% towards the final mark.

Pass with distinction

The degree is conferred with distinction on a student who has obtained an average of at least 75%, with a minimum of 70% in each module.

Minimum credits: 16

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Meta-theories in education. Empiricism; rational empiricism; critical rationalism; critical theory; phenomenology; hermeneutics; system theory; philosophies in education: traditional philosophies; indigenous (African) philosophies. The influence of modernism and postmodernism on education. Sociological imperatives for education. Theories of societal change and roles and values of education. Comparative perspectives on learning theories and their meaning for education.

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  • Module content:

    The nature of educational enquiry: contexts of research, research ethics, truth, rationality, subjectivity and objectivity; Quantitative and qualitative modes of enquiry, research designs and data collection techniques. Various approaches to qualitative research including case study research, historical research, ethnographic research, and action research. Basic concepts and principles of quantitative research. Statistical techniques in the educational research process. Survey methodology and questionnaire design. Classification and graphical representation of data. Descriptive measures. Statistical inference. Data-processing procedures. Parametric versus non-parametric tests. Some test statistics (e.g. F-Test and T-test). Formulating a research methodology for a limited project.

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Minimum credits: 16

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Foundations, principles and ethics of assessment practices. International trends. Quantitative and qualitative modes of assessment and appropriate instruments. Generating evidence for assessment. Assessment and quality assurance. Techniques of computer-based assessment.

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  • Module content:

    Principles and foundations of curriculum/programme design and development. International and national models and trends in curriculum/programme development. Principles of outcomes-based programming in the SAQA context. Curriculum development models and instruments in action. Situation and task analysis needs assessment. Development. Dissemination. Implementation as a change process. Assessment and evaluation.

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Minimum credits: 16

Core modules

Minimum credits: 16

Core modules

The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section. Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

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