
Program: PhD Old Testament Studies

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
06265042 Faculty of Theology and Religion
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360


The programme line that starts with the BTh (previously BA [(Theology]) and continues via the BThHons or previously BAHons (Theology) and MTh or previously MA(Theology), or the programme line that starts with the BDiv (previously the four year BTh) and continues with the one year MDiv or the MTh, is concluded with the PhD. The outcome of a PhD is highly specialised, research-based knowledge and expertise.

Also consult General Regulations with regard to doctoral studies.

Admission requirements

In accordance with the stipulations of General Regulations G.1.3 G.45 and G.62 a candidate who holds a MA(Theol) or an equivalent qualification with a minimum final mark of 65% and who has completed a successful colloquium doctum will be admitted to the study for the PhD degree. The candidate must hand in an initial research proposal with a view to the colloquium doctum.

Examinations and pass requirements

Examination regulations applicable to doctorates in the faculty
A doctorate is conferred on a student only if he or she has complied with all the requirements laid down in faculty regulations: An examined thesis and oral examination. The doctorate is not conferred with distinction.

Research information

  1. A thesis of international standard on a topic in the field of Theology must be submitted and defended in public before the Faculty.
  2. Prospective doctoral students register for Theology Doctoral Preparatory (Code 06280002) if so determined by the Admission Committee of the Postgraduate Committee.
  3. The registration period for Theology Doctoral Preparatory is maximum one year, and the student must prepare a substantial research proposal under supervision of the supervisor. If necessary, the supervisor may prescribe additional fundamental material (eg research methodology) which is essential for the preparation of the thesis, to be studied and assessed formally.
  4. Once the supervisor has completed the assessment to his or her satisfaction and the research proposal is recommended by the relevant head of department and approved by the Research and Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Theology, the student will be allowed to register for the appropriate doctoral programme.

Article for publication
Unless Senate, on the recommendation of the supervisor, decides otherwise, a student, before or on submission of a dissertation, must submit at least one draft article for publication in a recognized academic journal and in the case of a thesis, must submit proof of submission of an article issued by an accredited journal, to the Head: Student Administration.

The draft or submitted article, as the case may be, should be based on the research that the student has conducted for the dissertation/thesis and be approved by the supervisor if the supervisor is not a co-author.
The supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that the paper is taken through all the processes of revision and resubmission, as may be necessary. Conferment of the degree may be made subject to compliance with the stipulations of this regulation.

General information

Registration for postgraduate programmes

1. Concurrent registration for a second postgraduate programme
No student is allowed to register for more than one postgraduate programme concurrently, except where the student’s academic record warrants it and with the Dean’s approval. Continuation of study for the second postgraduate programme will be subject to favourable progress reported by the heads of department in the Faculty of Theology. However, no student will be allowed to participate in examinations for a second postgraduate programme in another faculty during the examinations of the Faculty of Theology.

2. Renewal of registration
Students of the University are registered for one year of study. After an academic year has expired, students wishing to continue their studies at the University must renew their registration and pay such fees for renewal of registration as prescribed.
No interruption may occur in a postgraduate student’s registration for a postgraduate study programme. Should a student interrupt his/her studies, such a student will upon re-registration be liable for the full fees applicable to the degree programme.
If a student interrupts registration for the postgraduate programme and it is not renewed within four years of the first registration, the credits obtained will no longer be valid. The student should repeat the modules already passed.

A student for an honours degree must complete his or her studies within two years. Under special circumstances, the Dean, on the recommendation of the relevant head of department, may give approval for a limited fixed extension of this period.
A master’s degree is conferred on a student only if at least one year has expired after obtaining the qualifications required for master’s study.

A doctorate is conferred on a student only if at least 12 months since registration for the doctorate at this University have expired. Subject to other faculty regulations, a student for a doctorate must complete his or her studies within three years after first registering for the degree. Under special circumstances, the Dean, on the recommendation of the relevant head of department, may give approval for a limited fixed extension of this period.

Core modules

Core modules

Core modules

Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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