
Strategic communication management 780

Modulekode SKO 780
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

*Only for BComHons Communication Management students
The objective of this module is to provide a conceptualisation of the role of corporate communication in the strategic decision-making process. It also addresses the overlapping and complementary areas of communication management with other fields of study in the management sciences.
Some of the topics that you will be introduced to are:

  • The corporate communication manager's contribution to strategic management;
  • The role of communication management in the identification and management of strategic issues in the internal, task and macro environment of the organisation;
  • The positioning and introduction of a corporate communication strategy;
  • How the strategic management of communication can assist in achieving corporate goals such as innovation (by creating a culture of creativity), productivity, rationalisation, a new corporate culture, and global competitiveness;
  • The crucial role of communication management in identifying and managing strategic stakeholders and problematic publics;
  • The responsibility of corporate communication in identifying and changing asymmetrical worldviews in the organisation;
  • Important research in the field; and
  • The experience of and relationships with top management.

Module evaluation is continuous and includes individual class tests, group presentations, projects and participation in class discussions.

Modulekrediete 25.00
Contact time 1 other contact session per week, 1 lecture per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Division of Communication Management
Period of presentation Semester 1

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