Programme: PGDip Integrated Reporting

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07220032 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 120
Dr PDG Conradie
[email protected]
+27 (0)124205929

Admission requirements

A relevant bachelor’s degree and/or appropriate prior learning.

The Department of Business Management reserves the right not to present the programme during a specific period or to limit the number of candidates admitted.

Additional requirements

  1. The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the General Regulations or Faculty Regulations.
  2. Only selected candidates will be allowed to register for a Postgraduate Diploma.
  3. The department concerned reserves the right not to present a programme during a specific period or to limit the number of candidates admitted.
  4. The presentation of the programme is subject to the admission of a minimum number of candidates.

Examinations and pass requirements

  1. Candidates are finally evaluated during the periods of May to June and October to November for the first and second semesters respectively. The examinations may take the form of oral or written evaluations. 
  2. An examination paper is written in each module and a minimum of 50% should be obtained. A subminimum of 40% in each module is required.
  3. There are no supplementary examinations.

In calculating marks, General Regulation G12.2 applies.
Subject to the provisions of General Regulation G.26, a head of a department determines, in consultation with the Dean

  • when the examinations for the Postgraduate Diploma in his/her department will take place, provided that:
  1. examinations for the Postgraduate Diploma which do not take place before the end of the academic year, must take place no later than 18 January of the following year, and all examination results must be submitted to the Student Administration by 25 January; and
  2. examinations for the Postgraduate Diploma which do not take place before the end of the first semester, may take place no later than 15 July, and all examination results must be submitted to the Student Administration on or before 18 July.
  • whether a candidate will be admitted to a supplementary examination, provided that a supplementary examination is granted, only once in a maximum of two prescribed semester modules or once in one year module;
  • supplementary examinations (if granted) cover the same subject matter as was the case for the examinations; NB: For the purpose of this provision, the phrase "not sit for an examination more than twice in the same subject" as it appears in General Regulation G.18.2, implies that a candidate may not be admitted to an examination in a module, including a supplementary examination, more than three times.
  • the manner in which research reports are prepared and examined in his department. NB: Full details are published in each department's postgraduate information brochure, which is available from the relevant head of department. The minimum pass mark for a research report is 50%. The provisions regarding pass requirements for dissertations contained in General Regulation G.12.2 apply mutatis mutandis to research reports.

Subject to the provisions of General Regulation G., the subminimum required in subdivisions of modules is published in the study guides, which are available from the relevant head of department.

Minimum credits: 120

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Objective of the module:
    The purpose of the module is to develop the management and leadership skills of students so that they can make effective decisions where amongst others; ethics, motivation, innovation and change aspects of a typical business enterprise are concerned.
    Study themes:
    • Managers and managing;
    • Ethics, social responsibility and diversity;
    • The manager as decision maker;
    • The manager as a planner and strategist;
    • Managing organisational structure;
    • Organisational control and culture;
    • The manager as a person;
    • Motivation;
    • Leadership;
    • Groups and teams and
    • Communication.

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  • Module content:

    This module will focus on the role and responsibility of assurance providers for the assurance of Integrated Reports. To accommodate non-accounting students, the module will firstly investigate the basic principles of auditing before applying these principles in a sustainability assurance environment. Finally, the challenges that integrated reporting poses to assurance providers will be investigated from practical and academic perspectives.

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  • Module content:

    This module will focus on the role and responsibility of assurance providers for the assurance of Integrated Reports. To accommodate non-accounting students, the module will firstly investigate the basic principles of auditing before applying these principles in a sustainability assurance environment. Finally, the challenges that integrated reporting poses to assurance providers will be investigated from practical and academic perspectives.

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  • Module content:

    This module, Strategic management, analyses the combination of competitive moves and business approaches that organisations can employ to please customers, achieve organisational objectives and compete successfully in a dynamic business environment.
    Study themes:

    • The strategic management process: an overview;
    • Establishing company direction: developing a strategic vision, setting objectives and crafting a strategy;
    • Industry and competitive analysis;
    • Evaluating company resources and competitive capabilities;
    • Strategy and competitive advantage;
    • Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry and company situations;
    • Strategy and competitive advantage;
    • Evaluating the strategies of diversified companies;
    • Building resource strengths and organisational capabilities;
    • Managing the internal organisation to promote better strategy execution and
    • Corporate culture and leadership - keys to effective strategy execution.

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  • Module content:

    *Only for Postgraduate Diploma in Economics and Management Sciences Option: Integrated Reporting students.

    The objective of this module is to provide a conceptualisation of the role of corporate communication in the strategic decision-making process. It also addresses the overlapping and complementary areas of communication management with other fields of study in the management sciences.
    Some of the topics that you will be introduced to are:
    * The corporate communication manager's contribution to strategic management
    * The role of communication management in the identification and management of strategic issues in the internal, task and macro environment of the organisation
    * The positioning and introduction of a corporate communication strategy
    * How the strategic management of communication can assist in achieving corporate goals such as innovation (by creating a culture of creativity), productivity, rationalisation, a new corporate culture, and global competitiveness
    * The crucial role of communication management in identifying and managing strategic stakeholders and problematic publics
    * The responsibility of corporate communication in identifying and changing asymmetrical worldviews in the organisation
    * Important research in the field
    * The experience of and relationships with top management.
    Module evaluation is continuous and includes individual class tests, group presentations, projects and participation in class discussions.

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The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section. Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.

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