
Programme: PhD

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07264004 Gordon Institute of Business Science
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 2 years Total credits: 360

Programme information

The PhD (Philosophiae Doctor) is a doctoral degree with a strong theoretical bias. Students submit an independent thesis in order to advance theory. The doctorate is the terminal academic degree, and it is expected that the thesis will build on existing scholarly work while investigating the challenges of business and management. Students who do the PhD will be offered support through online and contact sessions, and it is expected that they will also contribute to their peer community.

Admission requirements

  • An MBA degree from a recognised tertiary institution


  • A research master’s degree in a related field (e.g. Statistics Psychology Economics etc.) from a recognised tertiary institution
  • Familiarity with basic statistics.

Additional requirements

An application pack comprising the following must reach the Director of Research at GIBS before the due date:

  • A completed and signed hard copy of the application form and contract.
  • An application fee relevant for the year of admission, payable to the Gordon Institute of Business Science.
  • Official academic transcripts of all academic qualifications obtained to date. (Please note that a degree certificate is not a transcript.)
  • A 20-page research proposal, containing:
  • The research question;
  • A concise review of the literature most relevant to the research;
  • The proposed research design;
  • The proposed data source(s) and data gathering strategy.
  • Reports from two independent professional referees with whom the candidate is well acquainted, commenting on the candidate’s suitability for advanced academic study towards a doctorate. The signed referees reports should be marked “Admissions and the year of study” and sent directly to the Director of Research.
  • Successful candidates will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit relevant to the year of application, deductible from their subsequent tuition fees.
  • Assessments will be conducted to establish if candidates are capable of doctoral study. Continued study on the doctoral programme will be contingent upon meeting the requirements of the assessment.


Research information

Progress on the research will be guided by a supervisor and monitored through regular engagement with the student. In order to complete the research, candidates need to share their research, at a practitioner-based forum.

The completed research study must be presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. Manuscript based on the thesis must be prepared for submission to an accredited academic journal, local or international, for publication as an empirical research paper. The successful completion of the doctorate depends on having the academic publication accepted into the process of review, as well as passing the thesis.

Core modules

Core modules

Core modules

Core modules

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