
Program: MPhil Ontwikkelingspraktyk (Gedoseer)

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Code Faculty
07255374 Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Credits Duration
Minimum duur van studie: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 180


Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.


The programme will take two years to complete and will consist of three elements, spread across two phases. The three elements are: theory, practice and leadership.
The first phase is called foundations and is aimed at equipping students with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to design and implement transformative development practices. During this phase attention will be given to two elements of the programme, namely coursework and leadership theory.
The second phase is called specialisation. During this phase students will be required to specialise, albeit in a limited sense, in a chosen developmental field. During this phase students will be embark on an internship in their chosen sector of specialisation and they will conduct a sector-specific research project. Students will in addition be embedded into service learning programme.
Five prescribed, compulsory modules, a leadership service learning course, a case study methods course and a mini-dissertation must be completed.

Students should register for all the modules. Students will only be allowed to register for Module 7 after 4 (four) coursework modules have been completed, thus with only 1 (one) coursework module and 1 (one) service learning module outstanding. Module 7 will comprise an internship and the documentation of a case study of development policy implementation. Students will be assigned to an internship institution according to their field of specialisation. Students will be equipped with the relevant theory and research skills to document and interpret a case study on policy implementation. Before embarking on the specialisation phase students will be required to reach a number of milestones, including a specified number of face-to-face meetings with supervisors, completion of a research methodology course, submission of a draft research design and literature review, submission of an updated research design and literature review and subsequent research proposal. In the specialisation phase of this track students will use their foundational knowledge and skills as basis to do fieldwork for the documentation of a particular case of development policy implementation. Students will be required to complete the case study in the months that follow their internship.

Ander programspesifieke inligting

Presentation method

  1. The duration of the programme is two years, and is presented every year.
  2. The modules that constitute the first year of the programme are presented on a weekly basis for the duration of the year.
  3. During the second year of the programme students will be required to attend weekly on-site modules during the first term, after which they are expected to embark on off-site internships. At least three months, or one term, of the completion of their case study should take place in Pretoria.

Eksamens en slaagvereistes

Promotion requirements

  • Candidates must obtain at least 80 credits in the first year to register for the second-year modules.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to register more than twice for the same module.
  • Candidates must pass five modules before the case study may be submitted for evaluation by the study leader.

A maximum of two years after first registration will be allowed for the completion of the degree provided that the Dean may, in exceptional cases, and on recommendation of the head of the department concerned, approve a fixed limited extension of the period of study.


  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    This module integrates three elements that are central to development practice in Africa, namely determinants of health and epidemiology, health systems strengthening and reproductive health.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.

    This module integrates five elements that are central to development practice in Africa, namely food systems, urban development, rural development, climate science and socio-ecological systems.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    This module covers the foundations of sustainable development, and includes the following elements: theory of the Sustainable Development Goals, poverty, peace and security, food, water, infrastructure and development, environmental governance, civil society and development, and the private sector and development.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    This module integrates four elements in social sciences central to development practice in Africa, namely the economics of development, governance and politics, gender and culture, and education.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    This module covers the most important contemporary leadership theories and focuses on the most recent literature on responsible leadership theory, particularly in Africa. Students will be required to investigate and reflect upon the conceptual linkages between responsible leadership theory and the development practice as propounded in the modules on health sciences, social sciences and natural sciences.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    This module is presented concurrently with students’ internship. The module is aimed at applying leadership theory acquired in Year 1 to development practice in an organisation. In addition to the application of leadership theory this module includes a structured mentorship programme.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    An internship and the documentation of a case study of development policy implementation will expose students to the practice of development policy implementation in Africa. Students will be assigned to an internship institution according to their field of specialisation. In addition to exposing students to the everyday realities of policy development and implementation the internship will provide students with the opportunity to document the implementation of a particular development policy. This will provide students with the opportunity to relate their foundational knowledge acquired in the theory track with the practice and complexity of policy implementation. Students will be equipped with the relevant theory and research skills to document and interpret a case study on policy implementation. Before embarking on the specialisation phase students will be required to reach a number of milestones, including a specified number of face-to-face meetings with supervisors, completion of a research methodology course, submission of a draft research design and literature review, submission of an updated research design and literature review and subsequent research proposal. In the specialisation phase of this track students will use their foundational knowledge and skills as basis to do fieldwork for the documentation of a particular case of development policy implementation. Students will be required to complete the case study in the months that follow their internship.

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