GSTM - Frequently asked Questions.

What courses do you offer?

The GSTM offers:

as well as various certificate courses and short course programmes in collaboration with Enterprises, University of Pretoria e.g. Project Management, Technology Management, Maintenance Management . Please contact Enterprises on +27(12) 434 2500 for more information regarding short/online courses.

Do you offer the programmes after hours?

Not at this stage. The postgraduate programmes are presented on a part-time, modular basis. Each course is offered by way of two and a half consecutive days of full-time online attendance which is compulsory (exams also online). Learning is further facilitated through Web-based support to provide a virtual classroom. This learning model provides an opportunity for students from around the globe to attend.

Can I transfer any courses, e.g Project Management or Maintenence Management credits from certificate courses to ETM/MTIM/MEM/MPM?

No. This is not permitted as the education levels between degrees and certificate courses differ.

How much is the application fee for the University of Pretoria Masters?

     When you complete your online application you will be required to pay a R300 application fee.  

- Author Christopher Njaravani

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