
  • Advocacy training for advocates

    Posted on February 21, 2011

    During the week of 10 to 15 January 2011, the National Bar Association offered training for advocates. The training, which took place in Stellenbosch, was aimed at providing exposure to the conducting of a court trial in civil disputes and was attended by

  • Money Laundering in Dubai

    Posted on February 15, 2011

    An international conference on fraud and corruption took place in Dubai from 31 January to 2 February 2011. The conference was attended by delegates from the UK, USA and the Arab speaking countries.

  • Mountain of Rescue / Food Project

    Posted on November 15, 2010

    During December the number of abandoned animals rises dramatically and the SPCA is under enormous pressure to provide food for all.

  • Thuthuka students visit Leamogetswe Safety Home

    Posted on November 12, 2010

    One of the greatest weaknesses is the inability to count our blessings. Things like the roof over our heads, parents and clothes are taken for granted.

  • A happy hallo from Holland.

    Posted on October 25, 2010

    Nolo Mphahlele, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Accounting is presently in the Netherlands to further her MCom studies.

  • News from the Unit for Forensic Accounting

    Posted on September 23, 2010

    The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners held its annual conference during September 2010. The local chapter of the Association has 2000 members in South Africa and the conference was attended by more than 500 participants.

  • Thuthuka 4DEF Challenge 2010

    Posted on August 20, 2010

    Eager and excited aspiring Chartered Accountant's arrived at the UP Conference Centre on 23 July 2010, for the annual 4DEF Challenge.

  • Tuks does it again in the 2010 qualifying examination of SAICA

    Posted on June 01, 2010

    The results of Part 1 of the Qualifying Examination (QE 1) of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) were released on Friday 28 May 2010 after being written in January for the first time in 2010. A total of 2921 candidates wrote the

  • 1st Thuthuka Graduation 2010

    Posted on May 19, 2010

    Proud students, their families and Thuthuka staff celebrated together on 15 April 2010, as the first ever group of Thuthuka students graduated at the University of Pretoria.

  • Meditari ranked on the ABDC list

    Posted on May 19, 2010

    It gives the Department of Accounting great pleasure to announce that Meditari - Accountancy Research(a scientific journal) has been ranked on the recently published journal list of the Australian Business Deans Council ( This list contai

  • Thuthuka Sports Day

    Posted on September 23, 2009

    The Thuthuka project is interested in the holistic development of the students and thus believes that involvement in sports is an excellent life experience for social and physical growth.

  • UP Thuthuka students play Business Development Game with Mamelodi learners

    Posted on September 23, 2009

    On Saturday 05 September 2009, 1st and 2nd year students from the University of Pretoria Thuthuka Programme joined with Grade 12 learners of the SAICA Tshwane Saturday Class group in playing the Business Development Game at the Mamelodi Campus.

  • Truly global capital markets are becoming a reality

    Posted on September 10, 2009

    Truly global financial reporting standards and genuinely global capital markets may be a reality much sooner than is generally expected, says Professor Mary Barth, former member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and Professor of Accou

  • UP CA Students rewarded

    Posted on September 08, 2009

    The Dean of the Faculty, Prof Carolina Koornhof rewarded the top 5 candidates of the University of Pretoria who wrote the first part of the 2009 Qualifying Exam (QE1) of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) with a breakfast special

  • 4DEF Thuthuka Challenge

    Posted on September 03, 2009

  • UP CA Students are tops once again!

    Posted on September 02, 2009

    The results of the first part of the 2009 Qualifying Exam (QE 1) of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) were released on 26 June 2009 and once again the University of Pretoria achieved excellent results in this very challenging pr

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