Research Output


Journal articles 

J BanasiakDW Poka, S Shindin, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 17(5&6) (2024), 2030–2057.

Y Dumont , CF Oliva, PLoS Computational Biology 20(5) (2024): e1012052.

J Banasiak, SY Tchoumi,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 221 (2024), 1–18

Y Dumont, Journal of Biological Systems 32(1) (2024), 311–347

Y Dumont, IV Yatat–Djeumen, Mathematical Biosciences 370 (2024); 109165

SY Tchoumi, CW Chukwu and ML Diagne, Decision Analytics Journal 10 (2024); 100423

SY Tchoumi, J Elissa and JM Tchuenche, Decision Analytics Journal 10 (2024); 100374

J BanasiakSY TchoumiR Ouifki, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

Books / Chapters in Books

Chapwanya M. and Dumani P., Dynamics preserving nonstandard finite difference scheme for a microbial population model incorporating environmental stress. Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Phenomena Arising in Population Biology and Nonlinear Oscillations, Contemp. Math. 793 Amer. Math. Soc., 75–91, 2024.



J Banasiak (with KSzymanska-Debowska) edited a special issue on Nonlinear analysis and differential equations, in celebration of the  80th birthday of Jean Mahwin for Math.Methods Appl.Sci.46(11) (2023),1174712124.

Journal articles 

R Anguelov, G Manjunath, AE Phiri, TT Nyakudya, PBipath, JC Serem, YN Hlophe Mathematical Medicine and Biology

J Banasiak, BA Danquah, FChirove, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 20(7)(2023), 1189511938

R Anguelov, JMS Lubuma, Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models 38(2023), 22pp.

J Banasiak, Y Dumont, IV Yatat Djeumen, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 31(3)2023), 547580. 

SY Tchoumi, CW Chukwu, ML Diagne, H Rwezaura, MLJuga, JM Tchuenche, Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 12(7) (2023),19pp.

SY Tchoumi, H Rwezaura, ML Juga, JM Tchuenche Healthcare Analytics 3(2023); 100165.

SY Tchoumi, NY Njintang, JC Kamgang, JM Tchuenche Franklin Open3 (2023); 100013.

J Banasiak, BA Danquah, F Chirove. Controlling malaria in a population accessing counterfeit antimalarial drugs. Mathematical. Biosciences and Engineering 2023, Volume 20, Issue 7, 11895–11938.

Jacek Banasiak, Yves Dumont, Ivric Valaire Yatat Djeumen. Spreading Speeds and Traveling Waves for Monotone Systems of Impulsive Reaction–Diffusion Equations: Application to Tree–Grass Interactions in Fire-prone Savannas. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2023, 31, pp.547-580. 〈10.1007/s12591-020-00552-6〉.

Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Yves Dumont, Oscar Eduardo Escobar-Lasso, Hector Martinez-Romero, Olga Vasilieva. A sex-structured model of Wolbachia invasion to design sex-biased release strategies in Aedes spp mosquitoes populations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 119, pp.391-412. 〈10.1016/j.apm.2023.02.023〉.

Frédéric Hamelin, Frank Hilker, Yves Dumont. Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferences. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2023, 87 (2), pp.38. 〈10.1007/s00285-023-01972-y〉

M Chapwanya and P Dumani – Applied Mathematics and Computations 456(2023); 128138

M Chapwanya (with E Kenyon) Journal of Biological Systems 31(1) (2023), 185–213
M Chapwanya, P Dumani Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 210 (2023), 370–383
M Chapwanya, J Lubuma, B Tsanou (with Y Terefe)– Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 84:136 (2022), 48 pp.
J Banasiak (with DW Poka, S Shindin)– Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems– Series S
M Chapwanya, P Dumani– AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series
Buttstedt, A., Pirk, C.W.W., Yusuf, A. A. (2023a) Mandibular glands secrete 24-methylenecholesterol into
honey bee (Apis mellifera) food jelly. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,161: 14011

Buttstedt, A., Pirk, C.W.W., Yusuf, A. A. (2023b) Differences in the suitability of published honey bee (Apis mellifera) reference genes between the African subspecies Apis mellifera scutellata and European derived subspecies. Molecular Ecology

du Rand, E., Pirk, C. W.W., Okosun, O., Yusuf, A. A. (2023) The effect of diet on the development of pheromone signals in Apis mellifera scutellata workers. Journal of Apicultural Research, Accepted..

Istifanus, A.P., Abdelmutalab, A.G.A.; Pirk, C.W.W.; Yusuf, A. A. (2023) Predicting the Habitat Suitability and Distribution of Two Species of Mound-Building Termites in Nigeria Using Bioclimatic and Vegetation Variables. Diversity 15, 157.

Langston, K., Selaledi, T., Yusuf, A. A. (2023) Evaluation of alternative substrates for rearing the yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor (L), International Journal of Tropical Insect Science,

Books / Chapters in Books

J. Banasiak, Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska, Dynamical Systems in Modelling Processes in Life and Social Sciences and Engineering (in Polish), Polish Scientific Publisher 


Conference Proceedings

Yusuf, A. A. (2023). Honey bee population and frequencies of queen replacement (turnover rates. First
National honey bee workshop organised by SANBI, 05th December 2023- Plenary talk.

Yusuf, A. A. (2023) Honey bees and pollinator networks an African perspective. South African- Swedish
University forum, 27th – 31st March 2023- Plenary talk.

23rd Entomological Society of Southern Africa Congress, July 2023. The role of diet in establishing
pheromonal dominance hierarchies in Apis mellifera scutellata workers (Oral presentation).

12th Oppenheimer Research conference, October 2023, Johannesburg. The honey bees of Reunion and how landscape and climate shapes them (Poster)

12th Oppenheimer Research conference, October 2023, Johannesburg. Cheap rearing: can the edible cricket be reared safely and cheaply? (Poster)


Journal articles 

J Lubuma, B Tsanou (with AJ Ouemba Tassé, JL Woukeng, F Signing) - J. Biol. Systems 30(1)(2022), 113-148

Chapwanya, M., Lubuma, J., Terefe, Y. et al. Analysis of War and Conflict Effect on the Transmission Dynamics of the Tenth Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bull Math Biol 84, 136 (2022).

J Banasiak, A Baoch. Evolution Equations and Control Theory 11(6)(2022), 2165-2181

Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Yves Dumont. Robust control strategy by the Sterile Insect Technique for reducing epidemiological risk in presence of vector migration. Mathematical Biosciences2022, pp.108856. 〈10.1016/j.mbs.2022.108856〉
Yves DumontIvric Valaire Yatat–Djeumen. Sterile insect technique with accidental releases of sterile females. Impact on mosquito-borne diseases control when viruses are circulating. Mathematical Biosciences2022, 343, pp.108724. 〈10.1016/j.mbs.2021.108724〉
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Yves Dumont, Oscar E. Escobar-Lasso, Hector J. Martinez-Romero, Olga Vasilieva. A sex-structured model of Wolbachia invasion to design sex-biased release strategies in Aedes spp mosquitoes populations. 2022〈hal-03689311〉 
Yves Dumont, Michel Duprez. Modeling the impact of rainfall and temperature on sterile insect control strategies in a Tropical environment. 2022〈hal-03811327〉 

J Banasiak,  A Baoch. Netw. Heterog. Media 17(1)(2022) 73-99

J Banasiak, M Mokhtar-Kharroubi. Kinetic and Related Models

Langlands, Z., du Rand, E.E., Yusuf, A.A. et al. Functional response of the hypopharyngeal glands to a social parasitism challenge in Southern African honey bee subspecies. Parasitol Res 121, 267–274 (2022).

Mumoki, F. N., Pirk, C. W., Yusuf, A. A., & Crewe, R. M. (2022). Anniversary of a beekeeper’s discovery of thelytoky in Cape honey bees. South African Journal of Science, 118(11/12).




Journal articles 


Y Dumont, IV Yatat Djeumen - Mathematical Biosciences 343(2022) 1-26

C. W. Pirk, E. du Rand, A. A. Yusuf (2021) The functional response of the hypopharyngeal gland in Apis mellifera scutellata workers to the exposure to a social parasite. 22nd Entomological Society of Southern Africa Congress, July 2021. Oral presentation.

A. Buttstedt, A. A. Yusuf (2021) Sterol provisioning by honey bees. EU-IUSSI conference, 21-22nd October, 2021. Oral presentation.

Chapwanya M., Dumont Y. (2021) Application of Mathematical Epidemiology to Crop Vector-Borne Diseases: The Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease Case. In: Teboh-Ewungkem M.I., Ngwa G.A. (eds) Infectious Diseases and Our Planet. Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 7. Springer, Cham.

Chapwanya M. and Dumani P., (2.32) Environmental considerations on the spread of rabies among African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) with control measures. To appear in: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021.

Chapwanya M., Lubuma J.M-S., Lutermann H., Matusse A., Nyabadza F., and Terefee Y., (--)A mathematical model for the cannabis epidemic in a South African province with a nonlinear incidence rate. To appear in: Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2021.

Michael Chapwanya, Americo Matusse, Yves Dumont. On synergistic co-infection in crop diseases. The case of the Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 90, pp.912-942.

Ivric Valaire Yatat Djeumen, Yves Dumont, Anna Doizy, Pierre Couteron. A minimalistic model of vegetation physiognomies in the savanna biome. Ecological Modelling, 2021, 440, pp.109381

 I.V. Yatat Djeuman (Valaire) won second prize of the International Society of Ecological Modelling for this paper 

IV Yatat Djeumen, Y Dumont, (with A Doizy, P Couteron) - Ecological Modelling 440(2021) 109381

Books / Chapters in Books

Chapwanya M. and Dumont Y., Application of mathematical epidemiology to crop-vector-borne diseases: the case of cassava mosaic virus. In Teboh-Ewungkem M.I., Ngwa G.A. (eds). Infectious diseases and our Planet Earth. Mathematics of the Planet Earth, vol. 7, Springer Cham,, 2021




Journal articles

Roumen Anguelov, Yves Dumont, Ivric Valaire Yatat Djeumen. Sustainable vector/pest control using the permanent sterile insect technique. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020, Special Issue: BIOMATH 2019, 43 (18), pp.10391 - 10412.

Anguelov R., Berge T., Chapwanya M., Djoko J.K., Kama P., Lubuma J.M.-S., and Terefe Y., (1.48) Nonstandard finite difference method revisited and application to the Ebola virus disease transmission dynamics. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 26(6), 818-854, 2020

M. Soledad Aronna, Yves Dumont. On Nonlinear Pest/Vector Control via the Sterile Insect Technique: Impact of Residual Fertility. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2020, 82 (8).
M. Djoukwe Tapi, Leïla Bagny-Beilhe, Yves Dumont. Miridae control using sex-pheromone traps. Modeling, analysis and simulations. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2020, 54, pp.103082.
R. Anguelov , T. Berge , M. Chapwanya , J.K. Djoko , P. Kama , J. M.-S. Lubuma & Y. Terefe (2020): Nonstandard finite difference method revisited and application to the Ebola virus disease transmission dynamics, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2020.1792892

R Anguelov, J Banasiak, C Bright, Lubuma JM-S, R OuifkiThe big unknown: The asymptomatic spread of COVID-19, Technical Report UPWT 2020/1, 2020

Chapwanya M, Jejeniwa OA, Appadu AR, Lubuma JMS An explicit nonstandard finite difference scheme for the FitzHugh–Nagumo equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 96(10)(2019) 1993–2009

Chapwanya M, Dozva R, Muchatibaya G A nonstandard finite difference technique for singular Lane-Emden type equations. Engineering Computations 36(5)(2019) 1566-1578

SM Garba, JM-S Lubuma, B Tsanou. Modeling the transmission dynamics of the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa. Mathematical Biosciences 328 (2020) 108441 1-14

UA Danbaba, SM Garba. Stability Analysis and Optimal Control for Yellow Fever Model with Vertical Transmission. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math 6 (2020) 105 1-34




Journal articles

Chapwanya M., Dozva R., and Muchatibaya G., (1.59) A nonstandard finite difference technique for the singular Lane-Emden type equations. Engineering Computations, 35(5), 1566 – 1578, 2019

Chapwanya M., Jejeniwa O.A., Appadu A.R. and Lubuma J.M-S., (1.93) An explicit nonstandard finite difference scheme for the FitzHugn-Nagumo equations. International J. Computer Mathematics, 96(10), 1993 – 2009, 2019

Usaini S, Hassan AS, Garba SM and Lubuma JM-S. Modeling the transmission dynamics of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) with latent immigrants. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics. 22(6) (2019) 903-930.

Bowong, S., Lubuma, J., Mann Manyombe, M.L., Mbang, J. and  Tsanou, B., Mathematical analysis of a spatio-temporal model for the population ecology of anopheles mosquito, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2019, Accepted.

Bowong, S, Lubuma, J., Ndongmo Teytsa, H.M. and Tsanou, B., Bifurcation analysis of a phage-bacteria interaction model with prophage induction, IMA Journal of Mathematical Medecine and Biology, 2019, submitted.

Bowong, S, Tsanou, B and Kurths, J., Estimation of unreported Ebola cases in the 2014-2016 West Africa Ebola epidemic. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2019, Submitted.

Aziz-Alaoui, M.A., Lubuma, J. and Tsanou, B., Prevalence-based modeling approach of schistosomiasis: global stability analysis and integrated control assessment. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2019, Submitted

J Banasiak (with BA Danquah, F Chirove) - Afrika Matematika

Y Dumont, R Ouifki, J Banasiak (with GA Ngwa, MI Teboh-Ewungkem) - Journal of Theoretical Biology 481(2019) 202–222

SY Madanha - Journal of Group Theory

R Ouifki (with AYA Mukhtar, JB Munyakazi) - Mathematical Biosciences 310(2019) 13-23

Dumont Y (with PA Bliman, D Cardona‐Salgado, O Vasiliev) ‐ Mathematical Biosciences 314(2019) 43‐60

Agbavon KM , Appadu AR  (with M Khumalo) - Advances in Difference Equations 146(2019) 1-33

Anguelov R, Bekker R, Dumont Y Bi-stable dynamics of a host-pathogen model Biomath 8(2019) 1-17

Strugarek M, Bossin H, Dumont Y On the use of the sterile insect release technique to reduce or eliminate mosquito populations. Applied Mathematical Modelling 68(2019) 443–470

Yatat Djeumen IV, Tamen AT, Dumont Y, Couteron P A tribute to the use of minimalistic spatially-implicit models of savanna vegetation dynamics to address broad spatial scales in spite of scarce data. Biomath 7(2018) 1-29

Books / Chapters in Books

M. Chapwanya, Y. Dumont,  Application of Mathematical Epidemiology to crop vector-borne diseases. The cassava mosaic virus disease case. Chapter of Book. Springer serie “Mathematics for Earth: Infectious Diseases and our Planet”. 2019 Accepted

J Banasiak (with W Lamb, P Laurencot) Analytic Methods for Coagulation-Fragmentation Models, Volume I & II, CRC Press, ISBN 9780367235444

Conference Proceedings

SM Garba, UA Danbaba. Mathematical assessment of the role of temperature variability on malaria control strategies. International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences. Bedlevo, Poland. (June 16-24, 2019).

SM GarbaUA Danbaba. Stability analysis and optimal control for yellow fever model with vertical transmission. International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (ICMSA 2019), 25-27, September 2019, St George Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa.

Chapwanya, M., Lubuma, J.M-S and Terefe, Y.A.  and Tsanou, B., Ebola virus disease:   transmission dynamics and nonstandard finite difference schemes revisited, International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Bioscience-BIOMATH 2019, 16-22 June 2019, Bedlewo, Poland. (Full paper to be submitted to a special issue of Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena ''Mathematical Models and Methods in Epidemiology”

Anguelov, R., Dukuza, K.  and Lubuma, J., Backward bifurcations in discrete dynamical systems and applications to nonstandard discretizations of epidemiological models, Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems, Tempe, Arizona, 12-14 October 2019. (Full paper to be submitted to a special issue of the Journal of Biological Dynamics).

Keynote addresses

Lubuma, J.M.-S, Analysis of some epidemiological models undergoing or not undergoing backward bifurcations and their nonstandard discretizations, International Conference Mathématiques Appliquées à des Questions de Développement (MADEV19) : Mathématiques Appliquées et Théorie du Contrôle Appliquée a l’Epidémiologie, Académie des Sciences de France and Académie Nationale des Sciences and Techniques du Sénégal, Dakar, Sénégal, 25-27 November 2019.

 AR Appadu, KM Agbavon ‐ AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 030036 (2019) International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018)




Journal articles

Aderogba A.A. and Chapwanya M. (0.88) Positivity preserving and bounded nonstandard finite difference scheme for the Hodgkin-Huxley system of equations. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 35, 773 – 785, 2018

Berge T., Chapwanya M., Lubuma J.M.-S. and Terefe Y.A. (1.00) A mathematical model for Ebola epidemic with self-protection measures. Journal of Biological Systems, 26(1), 107 – 131, 2018.

Chapwanya M. and Y. Dumont. (1.88) On crop vector-borne diseases. Impact of virus lifespan and contact rate on traveling wave speed of infective fronts. Ecological Complexity, 34, 119 – 133, 2018

Nembot C, Soh PT, ten Hoopen GM, Dumont Y Modeling the temporal evolution of cocoa black pod rot disease caused by Phytophthora megakarya. Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8816–8843

Dumont Y, Soulie J-C, Michel F Modeling oil palm pollinator dynamics using deterministic and agent‐based approaches. Applications on fruit set estimates. Some preliminary results. Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8545–8564

Tapi D, Beihle B, Bowong S, Dumont Y Models for Miridae, a cocoa insect pest. Application in control strategies. Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8673–8696

Chapwanya M, Dumont Y On crop vector-borne diseases. Impact of virus lifespan and contact rate on the traveling-wave speed of infective fronts. Ecological Complexity 34(2018) 119-133

Talaga, S., Dejean, A., Mouza, C., Dumont, Y., Leroy, C., 2018. Larval interference competition between the native Neotropical mosquito Limatus durhamii and the invasive Aedes aegypti improves the fitness of both species. Insect Science, volume 25 (6):1102-107. [Lien éditeur]

Yatat, V., Couteron, P., Dumont, Y., 2018. Spatially explicit modelling of tree–grass interactions in fire-prone savannas: A partial differential equations framework. Ecological Complexity,online : XX-XX. [Lien éditeur]

R Anguelov (with M Borisov, A Iliev, N Kyurkchiev, S Markov) ‐ Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8365–8376

R Anguelov, K Dukuza, JM‐S Lubuma ‐ Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8784–8798

J Banasiak (with S Tchamga, MS Szymańska‐Dȩbowska) ‐ Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 471(2019) 776‐795

UA Danbaba, SM Garba SM ‐ Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41(2018) 8871‐8896

Y Dumont (with C Nembot, PT Soh, GM ten Hoopen) ‐ Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8816–8843 o Y Dumont (with M Strugarek, H Bossin) ‐ Applied Mathematical Modelling 68(2019) 443–470

SM Garba, CK Mumba ‐ Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41(2018) 8741‐8764

SM Garba (with DL Garba, AB Gumel, O Sharomi) ‐ Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41(2018) 8697‐8723

MB Lerata, JMS Lubuma (with AA Yusuf) ‐ Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8724–8740

JMS Lubuma, YA Terefe (with AB Gumel, O Sharomi) ‐ Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 8488–8513

J Malinzi, R Ouifki (with A Eladdadi, DFM Torres, KAJ White) ‐ Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 15(6)(2018) 1435‐463

R Ouifki (with EK Afenya, SD Mundle) ‐ Journal of Theoretical Biology 460(2019) 37‐55

J Banasiak (with A Puchalska) ‐ Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems‐B, 23(5)(2018) 1873‐1893

J Banasiak (with LO Joel, S Shindin) ‐ Math Meth Appl Sci. 41(2018) 6530‐6545

B Tsanou, M Chapwanya, JMS Lubuma, YA Terefe ‐ Journal of Biological Systems 26(1)(2018) 107‐131

AA Aderogba, M Chapwanya ‐ Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 35(2018) 773–785

J Banasiak ‐ Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Mathematical Modelling, Programming & Computer Software (Bulletin SUSU MMCS) 11(3)(2018) 18‐28

M Chapwanya, Y Dumont ‐ Ecological Complexity 34(2018) 119‐133

Books / Chapters in Books

J Banasiak (with A Puchalska) ‐ Chapter in: Mathematics Applied to Engineering, Modelling, and Social Issues, Springer (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control), Ed. Frank Smith, John N Mordeson.

Conference Proceedings

R Anguelov (with AE Phiri) ‐ Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, 10th International Conference (AMiTaNS’18). AIP Conf. Proc. 2025, 020002‐1–020002‐9;



Journal articles

Anguelov R Duford CC Dumont Y Mathematical model for pest–insect control using mating disruption and trapping. Applied Mathematical Modelling 52(2017), 437–457

Appadu AR Performance of UPFD scheme under some different regimes of advection, diffusion and reaction. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 27(7)(2017) 1412-1429

Appadu R, Djoko JK, Gidey H and Lubuma JM Analysis of Multilevel Finite Volume Approximation of 2D Convective Cahn-Hilliard Equation. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics34(2017), 253–304

Appadu AR, Chapwanya M, Jejeniwa OA Some optimised numerical schemes for the Korteweg-de Vries equation.  Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 17(4)(2017),  250-266

Appadu A, Djoko JK and Hagos G A priori analysis of multilevel finite volume approximation of 1D convective Cahn-Hilliard equation. Afrika Matematica 28(2017) 1193–1233

Appadu AR, Lubuma JM-S, Mphephu N Computational study of three numerical methods for linear and non-linear advection-diffusion-reaction equations.  Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 17(2)(2017), 114-129

Banasiak J, Seuneu Tchamga MS Delayed stability switches in singularly perturbed predator-prey models. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 35(2017), 312–335

Banasiak J, Falkiewicz A A singular limit for an age structured mutation problem. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 14(1)(2017), 17-30

A.R. Appadu, M. Chapwanya and O.A. Jejeniwa. (1.05) Some optimized schemes for 1D KdV equation. To appear in: Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics an Int. J., 17(4), 250-266, 2017.

Garba SM, Safi MA, Usaini S Mathematical model for assesing the impact of vaccination and treatment on measles transmission dynamics. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences(2017) 1–18

Mahasa KJ, Eladdadi A, de Pillis L, Ouifki R Oncolytic potency and reduced virus tumor-specificity in oncolytic virotherapy. A mathematical modelling approach. PLOS ONE 12(9)(2017) e0184347

Obaid HA, Ouifki R, Patidar KC A nonstandard finite difference method for solving a mathematical model of HIV-TB co-infection, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 23(6)(2017) 1105–1132

Terefe YA, Lubuma JM-S Global stability for the continuous and discrete SIS-diffusion epidemiological models. Quaestiones Mathematicae 40(2)(2017), 161–176

Tsanou B Bowonga S Lubuma JMS Global stability of a two-patch cholera model with fast and slow transmissions. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 133(2017), 142–164

Usaini S, Lloyd A, Anguelov R, Garba SM Dynamical behavior of an epidemiological model with a demographic Allee effect. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 133(2017), 311–325

Books / Chapters in Books

Banasiak J, Falkiewicz A, Seuneu Tchamga MS, Applying systems analysis to complex global problems, Springer

Banasiak J, Mathematical Modelling in One Dimension ‐ An Introduction via Difference and Differential Equations, Cambridge University Press 2013 into Portuguese MODELAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA EM DIMENSÃO UM. UMA INTRODUÇÃO VIA EQUAÇÕES DIFERENCIAIS E ÀS DIFERENÇAS, Book Publication ‐ translation  

Conference Proceedings

AR Appadu Atmospheric flow modelling using some finite difference methods. Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM, 2017), (Thessaloniki, Greece). To appear in AIP Conference Proceedings o

AR Appadu Comparison of some finite difference methods for the Black‐Scholes equation. Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM, 2017), (Thessaloniki, Greece). To appear in AIP Conference Proceedings




Journal articles

Terefe YA, Chapwanya M, Lubuma JM-S Analysis and dynamically consistent nonstandard discretization for a rabies model in humans and dogs. RACSAM 110(2016), 783–798

Aderogba AA, Chapwanya M, Djoko JK, Lubuma JM-S Coupling finite volume and nonstandard finite difference schemes for a singularly perturbed Schrödinger equation. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 93(11)(2016) 1833–1844

Akimenko V and Anguelov R Steady states and outbreaks of two-phase nonlinear age-structured model of population dynamics with discrete time delay. Journal of Biological Dynamics 11(1)(2016), 75–101

Appadu AR, Djoko JK, Gidey HH  A computational study of three numerical methods for some advection-diffusion problems.  Applied Mathematics and Computation 272(3)(2016), 629-647

Banasiak J Explicit formulae for limit periodic flows on networks. Linear Algebra and Applications, 500(2016), 30-42

Banasiak J Kinetic models - mathematical models of everything? Comment on "Collective learning modeling based on the kinetic theory of active particles" by D. Burini et al. Physics of Life Reviews, 16(2016), 40-41

Hussaini N, Lubuma JM-S, Barley K, Gumel AB Mathematical analysis of a model for AVL–HIV co-endemicity Mathematical Biosciences 271 (2016), 80–95

Tenkam HM, Shatalov M, Fedotov I, Anguelov R  Mathematical models for the propagation of stress wave in elastic rods: Exact solution and numerical simulation. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 8(2)(2016), 257-270

Tenkam HM, Anguelov R, Fedotov I, M Shatalov Exact solution of the Mindlin-Herrmann model for longitudinal vibration of an isotropic rod. Journal of Engineering Mathematics 99(2016), 185–201

Terefe YA, Chapwanya M, Lubuma JM-S Analysis and dynamically consistent nonstandard discretization for a rabies model in humans and dogs. RACSAM 110(2016), 783–798

Tsanou B, Lubuma JM-S Moremedi GM, Shava RK A Simple Mathematical Model for Ebola in Africa. Journal of Biological Dynamics 11(2016), 42–74 

Conference Proceedings

Aderogba AA, Chapwanya M, Jejeniwa OA Finite difference discretisation of a model for biological nerve conduction.Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2015), (Rhodes, Greece), American Institute of Physics - AIP-Conference Proceedings 1738, 030021 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4951777

Anguelov R, Markov S Hausdorff Continuous Interval Functions and Approximations M Nehmeier (Editor) Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics 16th International Symposium, Würzburg, Germany, September 21–26, 2014 SCAN 2014, LNCS 9553, pp. 3–13, (2016) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31769-4 1

Anguelov R and Mabula MD Asymmetric Metric: An Application to Dealing with Uncertainty. Editor, MD Todorov, Sofia. Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, 8th International Conference (AMiTaNS’16). AIP Conf. Proc. 1773, 050001-1–050001-7; doi: 10.1063/1.4964971

Appadu AR.  Analysis of the unconditionally positive finite difference scheme for advection-diffusion-reaction equations with different regimes. Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2015), (Rhodes, Greece) 1738, 030005 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4951761

Appadu AR.  Comparative study of three numerical schemes for contaminant transport with kinetic Langmuir sorpion. Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2015), (Rhodes, Greece) 1738, 030021 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4951777




Journal articles

Banasiak J, N. Bellomo, A. Elaiw, A. M. Althiabi and M. A. Alghamdi. Multi-scale problems in complex domains -- a mathematical framework for systems biology. Comment on "On the Interplay between Mathematics and Biology Hallmarks Toward a New Systems Biology'', Physics of Life Reviews, 12, (2015), 65-67, doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.01.004

Garba SM, Gumel A, Hassan AS, Lubuma JM-S Switching from exact scheme to nonstandard finite difference scheme for linear delay differential equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 258(2015), 388-403.

Usaini S, Anguelov R, Garba SM Dynamics of SI Epidemic with a Demographic Allee Effect. Theoretical Population Biology, 106(2015), 1–13.

Chapwanya M, Lubuma JM-S, Terefe YA Analysis and dynamically consistent nonstandard
discretization for a rabies model in humans and dogs, RACSAM doi: 10.1007/s13398-015-0266-y

Lubuma JM-S· Terefe YA. A nonstandard Volterra difference equation for the SIS epidemiological model, RACSAM109(2015), 597–602

Appadu AR, Lubuma JM-S, Mphephu.   Computational study of three numerical methods for linear and non-linear advection-diffusion-reaction equations.  To appear in Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Appadu AR, Djoko JK, Gidey HH.  A computational study of some numerical methods for some advection-diffusion problems.  To appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation.

Kortenhoeven, C., Joubert, F., Bastos, A.D.S. & Abolnik, C. 2015. Virus genome dynamics under different propagation pressures: Reconstruction of whole genome haplotypes of West Nile viruses from NGS data. BMC Genomics 16, 118 doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1340-8

Le Grange, A., Bastos, A.D.S., Brettschneider, H. & Chimimba, C.T. 2015. Evidence of a contact zone between two Rhabdomys dilectus (Rodentia: Muridae) mitotypes in Gauteng Province, South Africa. African Zoology 50(1), 63-68. doi:10.1080/15627020.2015.1021178

Chapwanya M, Misra NN  A soft condensed matter approach towards mathematical modelling of mass transport and swelling in food grains.  Journal of Food Engineering, 145(2015), 37-44

M. Chapwanya and N.N. Misra. A mathematical model of meat cooking based on polymer-solvent analogy. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(14):4033-4043, 2015

M Chapwanya, HF Winstanley, AC Fowler, and SBG O'Brien. A 2D channel-clogging biofilm model. Journal of Mathematical Biology 71(2015), 647‐668

Aderogba AA, Chapwanya M An explicit nonstandard finite difference scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 21(10)(2015), 875–886




Journal articles

Anguelov RGarba SM, Usaini S  Backward bifurication analysis of epidemic model with partial immunity.  Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68(2014), 931-940

Appadu AR  Applications and spectral analysis of some optimized high order low dispersion and low dissipation schemes.  Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 8(3)(2014), 993-1001

Appadu R  Optimized low dispersion and low dissipation Runge-Kutta algorithms in computational aeroacoustics. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 8(1)(2014), 57-68

Appadu AR  Applications and spectral analysis of some optimized high order low dispersion and low dissipation schemes.  Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 8(3)(2014), 993-1001

Boshoff, C.I., Bastos, A.D.S., Dube, M.M. & Heath, L. 2014. First molecular assessment of the African swine fever virus status of Ornithodoros ticks from Swaziland. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 81 (1), Art #846 doi: 10.4102/ojvr.v81i1.846

Van Hooft, P., Greyling, B.J., Getz, W., van Helden, P., Zwaan, B. & Bastos, A.D.S., 2014. Positive selection of deleterious alleles through interaction with a sex-ratio suppressor gene in African buffalo: A plausible new mechanism for a high frequency anomaly. PlosOne 9 (11), e111778

Kabuuka, T., Kasaija, P.D., Mulindwa, H., Shittu, A., Bastos, A.D.S. & Fasina, F.O. 2014. Drivers and risk factors for circulating African swine fever viruses in Uganda, 2012-2013. Research in Veterinary Science 97: 218-225. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2014.07.001

Fowler AC, Chapwanya M  The instability theory for the formation of ribbed moraine, drumlins and mega-scale glacial lineations.   Proceedings of the Royal A -Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 470(2171)(2014), 20140185

Cavegn, N, van Dijk, R.M., Menges, D., Brettschneider, H., Phalanndwa, M., Chimimba, C.T., isler, K., Hans-Peter,L. Slomianka, L, Amrein, I. (2014). Habitat-specific shaping of proliferation and neuronal differentiation in adult hippocampal neurogenesis in adult wild rodents. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 7:34.

Slomianka, L, Drenth, T., Cavegn, N., Menges, D., Lazic, S.E., Phalanndwa, M., Chimimba, C.T., Amrein, I. (2014). The hippocampus of the eastern rock sengi: cytoarchtecture markers of neuronal function,              principal cell numbers and adult neurogenesis. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7:59.

Katandukila, J.V., Chimimba, C.T., Bennett, N.C., Makundi, R., Le Comber, S.C., Faulkes, C.G. (2014) Sweeping the house clean: burrow architecture and seasonal digging activity in the East African root rat, Tachyoryctes splendens from Tanzania Journal of Zoology, London 293:271-280.

Minnaar, I.A., Bennett, N.C., Chimimba, C.T., McKechnie, A.E. (2014) Summit metabolism and metabolic expansibility in Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bats (Epomophorus wahlbergi): seasonal acclimatisation and effects of captivity. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:1363-1369.

Minnaar, I.A., Bennett, N.C., Chimimba, C.T., McKechnie, A.E. (2014) Partitioning of evaporative water loss into respiratory and cutaneous pathways in Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bats (Epomophorus wahlbergi). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83:478-485.\

Djoko Kamdem J On the time approximation of the Stokes equations with nonlinear slip boundary condition.  International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 11(1)(2014), 34-53

Djoko Kamdem J, Razafimandimby PA  Analysis of the Brinkman-Forchheimer equations with slip boundary conditions.  Applicable Analysis, 93(7)(2014), 1477-1494

Garba SM, Gumel AB, Hussaini N  Mathematical analysis of an age-structured vaccination model for measles.  Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (JNMS), 33(2014), 41-76, 101-122

Abdullahi Ahmed Yusuf, Robin. M. Crewe, & Christian W. W. Pirk (2014). Olfactory detection of prey by the termite raiding ant Pachycondylaanalis, Journal of Insect Science 14: 53 doi: 10.1093/jis/14.1.53

Yusuf A., I. Gordon, R. M. Crewe, & C. W. W. Pirk (2014). Prey choice and Raiding Behaviour of thePonerine ant Pachycondyla analis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Journal of Natural History, 48(5-6),345-358 DOI:10.1080/00222933.2013.791931

Winstanley HF, Chapwanya M, Fowler AC and O'Brien SBG A 2D channel-clogging biofilm model. In press: (

Lubuma JM-S, Yibeltal AT A nonstandard Volterra difference equation for the SIS epidemiological model. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas, ISSN 1578-7303 (http:/

Chapwanya M, Lubuma JM-S, Mickens RE  Positivity-preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for cross-diffusion equations in biosciences. Computers and Mathematics with Applications,68(2014), 1071-1082 (http:/

Anguelov R, Garba SM and Usaini S 2014. Backward Bifurcation Analysis of Epidemic Model with Partial Immunity. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. In Press (http:/

Hassan, AS; Garba, SM; Gumel, AB and J.M-S Lubuma, JM-S 2014, Dynamics of mycobacterium and bovine tuberculosis inhuman and African buffalo populations, Computational and Mathematical Methods inMedicine, Volume 2014, Article ID 912306, 20 pages (http:/

Anguelov R, Dumont Y, Lubuma JM-S, Shillor M  Dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference schemes for epidemiological models.  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 255(2014), 161-182

Garba SM, Gumel AB, Hussaini N  Mathematical analysis of an age-structured vaccination model for measles.  Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (JNMS), 33(2014), 41-76

Books / Chapters in Books

Lubuma J, Mureithi E and Terefe Y  Nonstandard discretizations of the SIS epidemiological model with and without diffusion. In: A Gumel (editor), Mathematics of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, AMS Contemporary Mathematics book series. Volume in honour of Ronald E Mickens' 70th birthday, American Mathematical Society 2014, Vol 618, pp 113-132, ISBN: 978-0-8218-9862-8, 978-1-4704-1686-7

Conference Proceedings

A.R.Appadu, J.K. Djoko and J.H.H. Gidey  A Computational Study of Some Numerical Schemes for a Test Case with Steep Boundary Layers.  To appear in Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2014

A.R.Appadu, J.K. Djoko and J.H.H. Gidey  A Computational Study of Some Numerical Schemes for a Test Case with Steep Boundary Layers.  To appear in Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2014


Journal articles

Anguelov R, Dumont Y, Lubuma JM-S, Mureithi EW  Stability analysis and dynamics preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for a malaria model.  Mathematical Population Studies, 20(2013), 101-122

Chapwanya M, Lubuma JM-S, Mickens RE  Nonstandard finite difference schemes for Michaelis-Menten type reaction-diffusion equations.  Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 29(1)(2013), 337-360

Dufourd C, Dumont Y  Impact of environmental factors on mosquito dispersal in the prospect of sterile insect technique control.  Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(2013), 1695-1715

Dufourd C, Weldon V, Anguelov R, Dumont Y  Parameter identification in population models for insects using trap data, Biomath 2(2)(2013), Article ID 1312061, 10 pages

Garba SM, Safi MA, Gumel AB  Cross-immunity-induced backward bifurcation for a model of transmission dynamics of two strains of influenza.  Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 14(2013), 1384-1403

Garba SM, Safi MA  Mathematical analysis of West Nile virus model with discrete delays.  Acta Mathematica Scientia, 33B(5)(2013), 1439-1462

Anguelov R, Van der Walt JH Algebraic and topological structure of some spaces of set-valued maps.  Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(2013), 1643-1654

Dufourd C, Weldon V, Anguelov R, Dumont Y Parameter identification in population models for insects using trap data, Biomath 2(2013), Article ID 1312061, 10 pages

Appadu AR  Numerical solution of the 1-D advection-diffusion equation using standard and nonstandard finite difference schemes.  Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2013), Article ID 734374.

Appadu AR, Peer AAI  Optimized weighted essentially non-oscillatory third order schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws.  Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2013), Article ID 428681.

Appadu AR, Gidey HH  Time splitting procedures for the numerical solution of the 2D Advection-Diffusion Equation.  Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2013), Article ID 634657.

Harrison, A., Bastos, A.D.S., Medger, K. & Bennett, N.C. 2013. Eastern rock sengis as reservoir hosts of Anaplasma bovis in South Africa. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 4: 503-505.

Fasina, F.O., Olaokun, O.O., Oladipo, O.O., Fasina, M.M., Makinde, A.A., Heath, L. & Bastos, A.D.S. 2013. Phytochemical analysis and in vitro anti-African swine fever virus activity of extracts and fractions of Ancistrocladus uncinatus, Hutch and Dalziel (Ancistrocladaceae). BMC Veterinary Research 9:120. doi:10.1186/1746-6148-9-120                           

Penrith, M.-L., Vosloo, W., Jori, F. & Bastos, A.D.S. 2013. African swine fever virus eradication in Africa. Virus Research 173: 228-246. (Review paper)

Tchouassi, D.P., Sang, R., Sole, C.L., Bastos, A.D.S., Teal, P.E.A., Borgemeister, C. & Torto, B. 2013. Common host-derived chemicals increase catches of disease-transmitting mosquitoes and can improve early warning systems for Rift Valley fever virus. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7(1): e2007. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002007

Van Sandwyk, J., Bennett, N.C., Swanepoel, R. & Bastos, A.D.S. 2013. Retrospective genetic characterisation of encephalomyocarditis viruses from African elephant and swine outbeaks reveals two distinct lineages in South Africa. Veterinary Microbiology 162: 23-31.

Katandukila, J., Harrison, A., Bennett, N.C., Bastos, A.D.S. 2013. Molecular investigation of three zoonotic bacterial genera AnaplasmaBartonella and Leptospira in East African root-rats (Tachyoryctes splendens: Spalacidae) from Tanzania. Proceedings of the 9th TAWIRI Conference, 4-6 December 2013.

Aderogba AAChapwanya, MDjoko Kamdem J On a fractional step-splitting scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation.  Engineering Computations, 31(7)(2014), 1151-1168

Katandukila, J.V., Faulkes, C.G., Chimimba, C.T., Bennett, N.C. (2013) Reproduction in the East African root rat    (Tachyoryctes splendens; Rodentia: Spalacidae) from Tanzania: the importance of rainfall Journal of Zoology        (London) 291:258-268.

Katandukila, J.V., Bennett, N.C., Chimimba, C.T., Faulkes, C.G., Oosthuizen, M.K. (2013) Locomotor activity             patterns of captive East African root rats, Tachyoryctes splendens (Rodentia: Spalacidae). Journal of Mammalogy 94:1393-1400.

Zengeya, T.A., Robertson, M.P., Booth, A.J., Chimimba, C.T. (2013) A qualitative ecological risk assessment of the            invasive Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in a sub-tropical African river system (Limpopo River, South Africa).        Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 23:51-64.

Zengeya, T.A., Robertson, M.P., Booth, A.J., Bastos, A.D.S.Chimimba, C.T. (2013) A qualitative ecological risk assessment of the invasive Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in a sub-tropical African river system (Limpopo River, South Africa). Biological Invasions 15:1521.

Maputla, NW, Chimimba, CT & Ferreira, SM (2013). Calibrating a camera trap–based biased mark–recapture sampling design to survey the leopard population in the N’wanetsi concession, Kruger National Park, South        Africa. African Journal of Ecology 51:422-430.

Djoko Kamdem J  Discontinuous Galerkin finite element discretization for steady Stokes flows with threshold slip boundary condition.  Quaestiones Mathematicae, 36(2013), 1-16

Djoko Kamdem J, Mohamed M   Finite element analysis for Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations driven by threshold slip boundary conditions.  International Journal for Numerical Analysis and Modeling (IJNAM) Series B, 4(3)(2013), 235-255
Garba SM, Safi MA, Gumel AB  Cross-immunity-induced backward bifurcation for a model of transmission dynamics of two strains of influenza.  Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 14(2013), 1384-1403

Garba SM, Safi MA  Mathematical analysis of West Nile virus model with discrete delays.  Acta Mathematica Scientia, 33B(5)(2013), 1439-1462

Abdullahi A. Yusuf, Robin M. Crewe, & Christian W. W. Pirk (2013). An effective method for maintaining the African termite-raiding ant Pachycondyla analis in the laboratory. African Entomology, 21(2), 132-136.

ISI journal papers:

Garba SM, Gumel A, Hassan ASLubuma JM-S  Switching from exact scheme to nonstandard finite difference scheme for linear delay differential equation.  Applied Mathematics and Computation, 258(2015), 388-403

Anguelov R, Dumont Y, Lubuma JM-S, Shillor M  Dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference schemes for epidemiological models.  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 255(2014), 161-182

Chapwanya MLubuma JM-S, Mickens RE  Positivity-preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for cross-diffusion equations in biosciences.  Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 68(2014), 1071-1082

Hassan AS, Garba SM, Gumel A, Lubuma JM-S  Dynamics of mycobacterium and bovine tuberculosis in a human-buffalo population.  Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2014, Article ID 912306, 20 pages

Anguelov R, Dumont Y, Lubuma JM-S, Mureithi EW  Stability analysis and dynamics preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for a malaria model.  Mathematical Population Studies, 20(2013),

Chapwanya MLubuma JM-S, Mickens RE  Nonstandard finite difference schemes for Michaelis-Menten type reaction-diffusion equations.  Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 29(1)(2013),




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