Academic Programmes

General information for prospective students

Apply at UP | UP Programmes Search | Undergraduate Study Programmes | Honours Study Programmes | Masters Study Programmes | Doctoral Study Programmes

For a list of school subjects required for application to any of our undergraduate degrees (you will have to pick these in Grade 10) please look at the Junior Tukkie site.

Unsure of what to study? Why not complete our questionnaire and we'll give you ideas of what might fit your interests and skills.

Unsure if you wish to join our department? Then have a look at the presentations below. If you are unsure of going into a geospatial field then listen to the GeoPod podcasts. A presentation that summarises what we do and our programs can be found here.

Departmental information for prospective students

 unless otherwise indicated, all programs are offered through the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Undergraduate Degrees | Honours Degrees | Masters Degrees | Doctoral Degrees

Undergraduate Degrees Programme Coordinator / Contact Person Links

BA specialising in Geographical Sciences
Offered through the Faculty of Humanities

Prof Nerhene Davis

Information brochure


BSc Geography and Environmental Science
Dr Michael Loubser

Information brochure


BSc Geoinformatics
Accredited by SA Geomatics Council for registration as a candidate Geomatics Technologist in GISc (GTg GISc)

Also, have a look at our selection of presentations on remote sensing and geoinformatics:

Dr Philemon Tsele

Information brochure


BSc Meteorology
Prof Thando Ndarana

Information brochure


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Honours Degrees Programme Coordinator / Contact Person Links
BScHons Geography and Environmental Sciences Prof Emma Archer

Information brochure


BSocSciHons Geographical Sciences Dr JJ Gregory

Information brochure


BScHons Geoinformatics
Accredited by SA Geomatics Council for registration as a candidate Geomatics Professional in GISc (GPr GISc)

Dr Christel Hansen

Information brochure


BScHons Meteorology
Graduates conform to all the requirements for a meteorologist according to the definition of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Technical Regulations

Prof Liesl Dyson

Information brochure


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Masters Degrees Programme Coordinator / Contact Person Links
MSc Environmental Management

Prof Greg Breetzke

Information brochure

MA Geography

Offered through the Faculty of Humanities

Prof Nerhene Davis
MSc Geography Prof Greg Breetzke
MSc Geoinformatics Prof Greg Breetzke
MSc Meteorology Prof Willem Landman
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Doctoral Degrees Programme Coordinator / Contact Person Links

PhD Environment and Society
Offered through the Faculty of Humanities

Prof Nerhene Davis Information brochure
PhD Environmental Science Prof Greg Breetzke

PhD Geography
Offered through the Faculty of Humanities 

Prof Nerhene Davis
PhD Geography Prof Greg Breetzke
PhD Geoinformatics Prof Greg Breetzke
PhD Meteorology Prof Willem Landman
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