Current Honours cohort

Bachelor of Science Honours (Entomology)

Student Project Supervisors
Erin Conroy Solifugae (Arachnida) reproductive biology: Analysing reproductive traits towards a greater understanding of solifuge reproductive success T. L. Bird, A. A. Yusuf & D. E. Vrech
Robyn Dzirba Mating success, fecundity and fertility of Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) exposed to heatwaves M. Riddin, I. González-López & C. W. Weldon
Stefanie Roets Development of chemical fingerprints and analysis of contaminants in commercial honey and beeswax using gas chromatography A. A. Yusuf, C. W. W. Pirk & H. Human


Bachelor of Science Honours (Wildlife Management)

Student Project Supervisors
Minke Els Testing artificial intelligences ability to correctly identify elephants and open gates to facilitate elephant movement A. Shrader
Tasmin Fourie Detection by African elephants (Loxodonta africana) of differences in quantities of plant matter using olfaction. A. Shrader
Dinis Gomes Quantifying the thermal environment in small mammal traps exposed to varying levels of shade H. Melville, M. J. Somers & M. Keith
Carina Meyer Assessing the indirect impacts of elephants on bird and bat species assemblages M. Keith, J. A. Venter (NMU) and M. J. Somers
Chanelle Potgieter Assessing patterns and drivers affecting occupancy of sympatric mesocarnivores  in the Waterberg, Limpopo Province M. J. Somers & M. Keith
Michelle Sieberts Temporal partitioning of mesocarnivores in the Waterberg area of South Africa M. Keith & M. J. Somers


Bachelor of Science Honours (Zoology)

Student Project Supervisor
Chloe Chappell Investigating arthropod communities along a gradient of land use intensities within Gauteng T. L. Bird & K. Birkhofer
Emma de Bruyn South African whale-watching industry in a changing climate: Can impacts be detected? E. Vermeulen & E. Seyboth
Lucas de Klerk Testing Poynton’s niche conservancy hypothesis using modern methods M. Mokhatla
Gabriella du Preez Can mole rats use olfactory cues to detect water? A. M. Shrader & D. Hart
Nina Kruse Assessing the distributional range and haemoparasite occurrence rates in two cryptic Mastomys species in the Greater Kruger, South Africa A. D. S. Bastos, L. Retief & L. Kruger
Mattheus Louw The ecological importance of rhino middens and hyaena latrines to secondary species A. Ganswindt & A. Webster
Ria Naidoo Are African mole rats ecosystem engineers in the highveld? D. Hart, N. Bennett & P. le Roux
Caitlin Read Interacting effects of air temperatures and humidity on thermoregulatory performance in grey go-away-birds  A. E. McKechnie & M. T. Freeman
Ivana Samujh Use of pheromone supplements to protect hives from Cape honeybee parasites A. A. Yusuf, C. W. W. Pirk & H. Human
Julia Schroeder Investigating the impact that threat level has on rate of spread of information in a collective A. Shrader
Kayla Swan Temporal changes in home ranges and resource use in breeding bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) M. Oosthuizen
Katelyn Swanepoel Assessing the isotopic niche space of Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis), in relation to their body condition E. Vermeulen
Laurene van Dijk Climate change and cyanobacterial blooms: How construction of artificial waterholes can influence bloom potential in a semi-arid system A. Ganswindt & A. Webster
Andrew Venter Rodent species and the genetic diversity of southeast African vlei rats (Otomys auratus) across a disturbance gradient C. Oosthuizen & M. Oosthuizen
Terèze Viljoen Twenty years of avifaunal community change in Nylsvley Nature Reserve, South Africa B. W. T. Coetzee & S. M. Marr
Annika Werhahn Development of a baseline vocalisation library for Otomys auratus M. Oosthuizen
Mari-Lou Zaayman The impact of differential carbon dioxide levels on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in the nursery/hatchery stage C. Oosthuizen & G. D. Taylor


- Author C. Weldon

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