University of Pretoria Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control

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Postdoc opportunity! Data Connectivity: Malaria's Waterloo?
Seeking an individual to manage the M&E framework of our leadership programme. In any form of warfare, information is vital. In the fight against malaria, the connectivity of big data is a means to find the needle in the haystack.
A 2-year appointment, with the potential to be renewed...  Re.Search Issue 8 article contribution
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Research, innovation and education: Transcending disciplines, to allow for transdisciplinary collaborations and translational applications towards malaria elimination. This has been the ethos of the University of Pretoria Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP ISMC) from its inception. To truly delve into the Institute’s holistic approach to make a difference in the ongoing war against malaria, and to get a deeper understanding of transdisciplinarity in action, read the UP ISMC transdisciplinarity case study published in the University of Pretoria’s 2019 Sustainable Development Report.

“The UP ISMC provides a window into what transdisciplinarity in action looks like, and how it can be used to help transform our world”.

*The UP ISMC recognises the importance of using insecticides for malaria control, but also the necessity of finding safer alternatives to protect the lives and livelihoods of people living in areas where these insecticides are used.


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