Student Noticeboard of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering



Departmental Documents || Sick Tests || Course Documents || Plagiarism || Timetables || Computing and Software || Workshops & Laboratories || PrEng Registration || Final year Research Projects

Warning : Outside tutoring services

It has come to the attention of the University of Pretoria that a private business has been targeting students from the EBIT Faculty for private tutoring in preparation for the upcoming examinations. The tutor sessions are presented from venues on the University’s Hatfield Campus ostensibly trying to create the impression that the sessions are approved by the University. The use of the venues has not been approved and thus the venues are being used without permission to generate income for the private business. The University is not opposed to students seeking additional tutoring, but it should be made clear that the onus is on the student seeking tutoring that the external tutoring business has been vetted, approved and/or accredited by the University. 

Work Ready Programmes for our students

The Ready for Work Programme is specifically designed for students or graduates from the University of Pretoria (UP) to acquire the requisite skills and attributes to help them integrate into the world of work more easily. Move from the world of education to the world of work with essential and/or specialised skills that will improve your employment (or self-employment) prospects. Access more information here.

Student Support FAQ

If you have ANY questions first read this

Departmental Documents

Sick Tests

Please DO NOT send emails to lecturers in this regard.

Refer to the departmental study guide above for the sick test application process.

Course Documents

Course prescribed textbooks:  Please see the list of prescribed books for each course here: Nevada-cloud 

Course Administrative forms to be downloaded

  • Application for credit of modules - Click here to download form
  • Change and discontinuations of modules: Click here to download form
  • Exemption from attendance of lectures/practicals - Click here for application form 
Study Guides

All study guides for courses offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering can be found here.

Course and lecturers list

Course and Lecturer List 


Time and again students have been found to commit PLAGIARISM. The University has compiled a document that serves as information on what constitutes plagiarism, why it is considered a grave offence, and what the possible consequences could be if a student is found guilty of plagiarism.

To ensure that a student understands this, he/she must submit his/her assignment or research using the following cover pages:


Lecture timetables

Test and Exam timetables:

Computing and Software

Calculators and Personal Computers
  • Personal Computers: Recommended specifications when purchasing a PC
  • Regarding Closed Book Exams: Any non-programmable calculator is allowed
  • Regarding Open Book Exams: Any pocket calculator is allowed, with the following exceptions:
    • Any calculator with wireless communication abilities
    • Palmtops/Palmpilots
    • Netbooks
    • Laptops
Software Licences

Student versions of the MSC software namely Adams, MSC (MD) Nastran, Marc and SimXpert are available for download. It is required that you register if you would like to use this software.

The license server for most commercial software in the Department is -

Listed below are the licence servers or licence information for particular software:

The images of the software can be downloaded under the name of the manufacturer from :

Much of the software can be downloaded directly from the manufacturer:


The University of Pretoria has a campus-wide licence to Matlab. If you would like to download and use Matlab, follow this link and register your Matlab account using your UP email address.

Workshops and Laboratories

Students are allowed to work in the workshops and laboratories under certain conditions. The rules and regulations for the use of the workshops and laboratories are set out in the following document: 

CERG Laboratory

Some introductory training videos to common CERG laboratory practices are available here.

Registration as a Professional Engineer

Visit the ECSA website to register as a candidate engineer.

Research ( MRN 412/422) Projects


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