Full Reports - password protected
UPWT2020/1 |
R Anguelov, J Banasiak, C Bright, J Lubuma, R Ouifki |
The big unknown: The asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 |
UPWT2019/1 | R Kellerman | First-order theories of bounded trees |
UPWT2018/2 | M Basson, B Stapelberg, NFJ van Rensburg | The mixed finite element method for the Timoshenko model |
UPWT2018/1 | M De Jeu, JH van der Walt |
On Order Continuous Duals of Vector Lattices of Continuous Functions on Resolvable Spaces |
UPWT2017/3 | HJM Messerschmidt | A pointwise Lipschitz selection theorem |
UPWT2017/2 | R Kufakuneso, C Guambe, L Mabitsela | Risk-based optimal of an insurer with regime switching and noisy memory |
UPWT2017/1 | C Guambe, R Kufakuneso | Optimal investment-consumption and life insurance selection problem under inflation. A BSDE approach |
UPWT2016/9 | DF Agbebaku, JH van der Walt | The order completion method: A Differential-Algebraic representation |
UPWT2016/8 | JH van der Walt |
The universal completion of C(X) and unbounded order convergence |
UPWT2016/7 | JH van der Walt |
Vector-valued interval functions and the Dedekind completion of C(X;E) |
UPWT2016/6 | NFJ Van Rensburg, S du Toit, M Basson | Locally linear Timoshenko beam model |
UPWT2016/5 | D Civin, NFJ Van Rensburg, AJ vdMerwe |
Using energy methods to compare linear vibration models |
UPWT2016/4 | M Basson, NFJ Van Rensburg, AJ vdMerwe, L Zietsman | The Galerkin nite element approximation for a general second order hyperbolic equation with modal damping |
UPWT2016/3 | C Guambe, R Kufakuneso | A remark on optimal investment-consumption and life insurance selection problem |
UPWT2016/2 | C Guambe, R Kufakuneso | Optimal investment-consumption and life insurance with capital constraints |
UPWT2016/1 | M Basson, S Du Toit, NFJ van Rensburg |
Earthquake induced oscillations of high rise buildings and other vertical structures |
UPWT2015/24 | R Nason, E Maré | The Need for VUCA Management in Financial Education |
UPWT2015/23 |
NFJ van Rensburg |
Locally linear Timoshenko beam model |
UPWT2015/22 |
M Basson, NFJ van Rensburg |
Finite element approximation for the transient response of a Timoshenko beam |
UPWT2015/21 |
M Basson, B Stapelberg, NFJ van Rensburg |
Error estimates for semi-discrete and fully discrete Galerkin finite element approximations of the general linear second order hyperbolic equation |
UPWT2015/20 |
F Chirovey, AS Hassanx, I KyoMugishaz, S Djiombaz, JMunganga and SM Garba |
Assessing the effectiveness of Ebola control measures in Kikwit, DRC 1995 |
UPWT2015/19 |
I Broere, LM Pretorius and J Heidema |
Graph congruences and what they connote |
UPWT2015/18 |
ML Mann Manyombe, J Mbang, B Tsanou, JM-S Lubuma |
Global dynamics of a vaccination model for infectious diseases with asymptomatic carriers |
UPWT2015/17 |
KN Dukuza |
On a seasonally responsive Malaria model |
UPWT2015/16 |
RA Aogo, B Assan, H Gaff, VM Magagula, JMW Munganga, J Mwambakana, I Oguoma |
Impact of proximity to wildlife on the use of dipping to control Nagana in cattle |
UPWT2015/15 |
M Chapwanya, N Hussaini, T Moto, C Mumba, and CMunongi |
Mathematical modeling and analysis of Lipodystrophy syndrome in HIV-1 patients |
UPWT2015/14 |
B Tsanou, GM Moremedi, JM-S Lubuma, N Morris, RKondera-Shava |
A simple mathematical model of Ebola in Africa |
UPWT2015/13 |
EFD Goufo, R Maritz and S Mugisha |
A mathematical analysis of Ebola hemorrhagic fever spread in West African metapopulations |
UPWT2015/12 |
L Coetzeeb, S Gatyenib, H Lutermanna, A Matussea, F Nyabadzab and Y Terefe |
Mathematical modeling and analysis of Cannabis epidemic in a South Africa province |
UPWT2015/11 |
R Kufakunesu |
On embedded options in the Lévy and stochastic volatility markets |
UPWT2015/10 |
R Kufakunesu and C Guambe |
On optimal portfolios and consumption in an n-dimensional BNS market |
UPWT2015/09 |
CR Bambe Moutsinga, E Pindza and E Maré |
Laplace transform-homotopy perturbation method for pricing under Affine pure diffusion models |
UPWT2015/08 |
E Pindza, E Maré and JC Mba |
Discrete singular convolution for the generalized variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries equation |
UPWT2015/07 |
S Bowong, JM-S Lubuma and B Tsanou |
Global stability of a two-patch cholera model with fast and slow transmissions |
UPWT2015/06 |
C Guambe and R Kufakunesu |
Optimal investment-consumption and life insurance with an embedded option in a jump-diffusion market |
UPWT2015/05 |
E Pindza, JC Mba, E Maré, D Moubandjo |
Lagrange regularized kernel and exponential integrators for solving time-fractional diffusion equations |
UPWT2015/04 |
BF Nteumagné , E Pindza and E Maré |
Lie symmetry treatment for pricing options with transactions costs under the fractional Brownian model |
UPWT2015/02 |
C Guambe and R Kufakunesu |
A note on optimal investment consumption insurance in a Lévy market |
UPWT2015/01 |
A Kotze, R Oosthuizen and E Pindza |
Local volatility modeling of JSE exotic can-do options |
UPWT2014/16 |
M Basson and NFJ van Rensburg |
Galerkin finite element approximation of the general linear second order hyperbolic equation |
UPWT2014/15 |
BH Taljaard and E Maré |
A comparison of benchmark indices for South African equity investors |
UPWT2014/14 |
LM Pretorius and CJ Swanepoel |
An application of designs to fingerprint comparisons |
UPWT2014/13 |
R Kufakunesu |
A note on the multi-dimensional portfolio optimization with stochastic volatility |
UPWT2014/12 |
E Maré |
Market risk management in the context of engineering asset management |
UPWT2014/11 |
L Mabitsela, E Maré and R Kufakunesu |
A note on var valuation in South African equity market |
UPWT2014/10 |
R Kellerman |
First-order aspects of tree paths |
UPWT2014/09 |
M Borowiecki and I Broere |
Hamiltonicity and generalised total colourings of planar graphs |
UPWT2014/08 |
AA Aderogba, M Chapwanya, JK Djoko, and JM-SLubuma |
Coupling finite volume and nonstandard finite difference schemes for a singularly perturbed Schrödinger equation |
UPWT2014/06 |
N Pesheva, N Bunzarova and J Brankov |
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process - a simple model of biological transport processes |
UPWT2014/05 |
I Potgieter |
Advection induced pattern formation in the CDIMA reaction |
UPWT2014/04 |
I Broere and J Heidema |
Universality in graph properties allowing constrained growth |
UPWT2014/03 |
I Broere and M Pilśniak |
The distinguishing index of some infinite graphs |
UPWT2014/02 |
I Broere and T Vetrík |
Universal graphs for two graph properties |
UPWT2014/01 |
I Broere, MDV Matsoha and J Heidema |
Lattices of hom-properties and H-colourability of graphs |
UPWT2013/29 |
JH van der Walt |
Linear and quasi-linear spaces of set-valued maps |
UPWT2013/28 |
M Basson and NFJ van Rensburg |
Convergence of the finite element approximation for the vibration of a Timoshenko beam with boundary damping |
UPWT2013/27 |
JH van der Walt |
The Riesz space of minimal usco maps |
UPWT2013/26 |
JH van der Walt |
The linear space of Hausdorff continuous interval functions |
UPWT2013/25 |
M Chapwanya, JM-S Lubuma and RE Mickens |
Positivity-preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for cross-diffusion equations in biosciences |
UPWT2013/24 |
BF Nteumagné, E Pindza and E Maré |
Applying the barycentric Jacobi spectral method to price options with transaction costs in a fractional Black-Scholes framework |
UPWT2013/23 |
E Pindza and E Maré |
Numerical solutions of generalized regularized long wave equation using Hermite distributed approximating functional method |
UPWT2013/22 |
E Pindza and E Maré |
Discrete singular convolution method for numerical solutions of fifth order Korteweg-de Vries equations |
UPWT2013/20 |
E Pindza and E Maré |
Sinc collocation method for solving the Benjamin-Ono equation |
UPWT2013/17 |
JK Djoko and M Mbehou |
Finite element analysis of the stationary Power-Law Stokes equations driven by friction boundary conditions |
UPWT2013/16 |
JK Djoko and M Mbehou |
On the numerical solution of the stationary Power-Law Stokes equations: A penalty finite element approach |
UPWT2013/15 |
JM-S Lubuma, EW Mureithi and YA Terefe |
Nonstandard discretizations of the SIS epidemiological model with and without diffusion |
UPWT2013/14 |
E Pindza and E Maré |
Discrete singular convolution and exponential time integrators for solving the generalized Korteweg-de Vriesequation |
UPWT2013/13 |
AJ van Zyl |
Finite Elements and financial derivatives: a survey and an implementation |
UPWT2013/12 |
T Vetrik |
Abelian Cayley graphs of given degree and diameter 2 and 3 |
UPWT2013/11 |
S Mukwembi and T Vetrik |
Wiener index of trees of given order and diameter at most 6 |
UPWT2013/10 |
P Dankemann and T Vetrik |
The degree-diameter problem for claw-free graphs and hypergraphs |
UPWT2013/09 |
I Broere and J Heidema |
Universality for and in induced-hereditary graph properties |
UPWT2013/08 |
I Broere and E Drgas-Burchardt |
Unique factorization of compositive hereditary graph properties |
UPWT2013/07 |
I Broere and J Heidema |
Constructing an abundance of Rado graphs |
UPWT2013/06 |
I Broere and J Heidema |
Some universal directed labelled graphs |
UPWT2013/05 |
I Broere, J Heidema and P Mihók |
Constructing universal graphs for induced-hereditary graph properties |
UPWT2013/04 |
I Broere and J Heidema |
Induced-hereditary graph properties, homogeneity, extensibility and universality |
UPWT2013/03 |
I Broere and J Heidema |
Universal H-colourable graphs |
UPWT2013/02 |
I Broere , J Heidema and P Mihók |
Universality in graph properties with degree restrictions |
UPWT2013/01 |
I Broere and MJ Dorfling |
The property of k-colourable graphs is uniquely decomposable |
UPWT2012/12 |
HR Thackeray |
Numerical methods to approximate p-adic roots |
UPWT2012/11 |
WS Lee and N Sauer |
An algebraic-analytic setting for intertwined families of evolution operators |
UPWT2012/10 |
R Kufakunesu |
Optimal investment models with stochastic volatility and portfolio constraints: the time inhomogeneous case |
UPWT2012/09 |
R Kufakunesu and AJ van Zyl |
A note on variance reduction for Monte Carlo simulation for the Schwartz stochastic volatility model |
UPWT2012/08 |
R Anguelov, Y Dumont and JM-S Lubuma |
On nonstandard finite difference schemes in biosciences |
UPWT2012/07 |
PF du Preez and E Maré |
A new method for interpolating yield curve data, with applications to the South African market |
UPWT2012/06 |
PP Ntumba |
Symplectic A-transvections as generators of the symplectic group sheaf |
UPWT2012/05 |
PP Ntumba |
On the group sheaf of A-symplectomorphisms |
UPWT2012/04 |
PP Ntumba |
Reflexivity of orthogonality in A-modules |
UPWT2012/03 |
GL Panga and PP Ntumba |
Presheaves of symplectic groups generated by symplectic A-transvections |
UPWT2012/02 |
PP Ntumba and B Yizengaw |
On extending the algebra sheaf A of an A-module and adjoint associativity of HomA and tensor product |
UPWT2012/01 |
M Abel and PP Ntumba |
Universal problem for Kähler differentials in A-modules: non-commutative and commutative cases |
UPWT2011/09 |
ADS Bastos, H Brettchneider, CT Chimimba and RAnguelov |
A mathematical epidemiological model of gram-negative Bartonella bacteria: does differential ectoparasite load fully explain the differences in infection prevalence of Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus? |
UPWT2011/08 |
R Anguelov, Y Dumont and JM-S Lubuma |
Mathematical Modeling of Sterile Insect Technology for Control of Anopheles Mosquito |
UPWT2011/07 |
JH van der Walt |
Applications of convergence spaces to Vector Lattice Theory |
UPWT2011/06 |
M Chapwanya, JM-S Lubuma and R Mickens |
From enzyme kinetics to epidemiological models with Michaelis-Menten contact rate: Design of nonstandard finite difference schemes |
UPWT2011/05 |
S Markov |
Intervals and (non-)negative numbers |
UPWT2011/04 |
JM-S Lubuma, EW Mureithi and Y Terefe |
Analysis and dynamically consistent numerical schemes for the SIS model and related reaction diffusion equation |
UPWT2011/03 |
JH van der Walt |
The order completion method: A differential-algebraic representation |
UPWT2011/02 |
R Kufakunesu |
A note on variance reduction for Monte Carlo simulation for the Schwartz stochastic volatility model |
UPWT2011/01 |
M Chapwanya, JM-S Lubuma and R Mickens |
Non-standard finite difference schemes for Michaelis-Menten type reaction diffusion equations |
UPWT2010/14 |
J Djoko Kamdem and PA Razafimandimby |
Analysis of the Brinkman-Forchheimer equations with slip boundary conditions |
UPWT2010/13 |
JH van der Walt |
Convergence of semi-continuous functions |
UPWT2010/12 |
I Fabris-Rotelli and S van der Walt |
Applications and memory-efficient implementation of the two-dimensional discrete pulse transform |
UPWT2010/11 |
PP Ntumba and G Panga |
Presheaves of symplectic groups generated by symplectic A-transvections |
UPWT2010/10 |
NFJ van Rensburg |
Energy methods for the general linear vibration problem |
UPWT2010/09 |
JH van der Walt |
The order convergence structure |
UPWT2010/08 |
M Basson, D Civin and NFJ van Rensburg |
Using the Timoshenko beam theory to determine the applicability of the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory |
UPWT2010/07 |
PP Ntumba and B Chiteng |
A-transvections and factorization of A-symplectomorphisms |
UPWT2010/06 |
PP Ntumba |
Complexification in A-modules |
UPWT2010/05 |
Y Dumont, R Anguelov, JM-S Lubuma and EW Mureithi |
Stability analysis and dynamics preserving non-standard finite difference schemes for a Malaria model |
UPWT2010/04 |
R Anguelov, E Popova |
Reliable simulations for dynamical models in the applied sciences |
UPWT2010/03 |
R Anguelov, PW Butler, CH Rohwer and M Wild |
The output distribution of important LULU-operators |
UPWT2010/02 |
JH van der Walt |
Singularities in space-time foam algebras |
UPWT2010/01 |
R Anguelov and I Fabris-Rotelli |
Properties of the discrete pulse transform for multi-dimensional arrays |
UPWT2009/23 |
SM Garba, AB Gumel and JM-S Lubuma |
Dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference |
UPWT2009/22 |
R Anguelov, Y Dumont, JM-S Lubuma and M Shillor |
Dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference schemes for epidemiological models |
UPWT2009/21 |
PP Ntumba and A Orioha |
Biorthogonality in A-pairings and hyperbolic decomposition theorem for A-modules |
UPWT2009/20 |
PA Phiri |
Methods of scaling marks |
UPWT2009/19 |
PP Ntumba |
On A-transvections and symplectic orthogonally convenient A-modules of finite (even) rank |
UPWT2009/18 |
J Djoko Kamdem and BD Reddy |
Existence results for a polymer melt with an evolving natural configuration |
UPWT2009/17 |
G Deugoue and J Djoko Kamdem |
On the time discretization for the globally modified three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations |
UPWT2009/16 |
R Anguelov and I Fabris-Rotelli |
LULU operators and discrete pulse transform for multi-dimensional arrays |
UPWT2009/15 |
R Anguelov, Y Dumont, JM-S Lubuma and M Shillor |
Comparison of some standard and nonstandard numerical methods for the MSEIR epidemiological model |
UPWT2009/14 |
R Anguelov, Y Dumont, JM-S Lubuma and M Shillor |
Dynamically consistent non-standard finite difference |
UPWT2009/13 |
JH van der Walt |
The completeness of Cc(X,Y) |
UPWT2009/12 |
JH van der Walt |
A closed graph theorem for order bounded operators |
UPWT2009/11 |
PWM Chin, J Djoko Kamdem and JM-S Lubuma |
Reliable numerical schemes for a linear diffusion equation on a nonsmooth domain |
UPWT2009/10 |
R Kufakunesu |
The density process of the minimal entropy martingale measure in a stochastic volatility market. A PDE approach. |
UPWT2009/09 |
PP Ntumba |
Witt’s theorem in abstract geometric algebra |
UPWT2009/08 |
J Djoko Kamdem |
On the time discrete approximation of the Brinkman-Forchheimer equations |
UPWT2009/07 |
PA Phiri and OD Makinde |
A new derivative-free method for solving nonlinear equations |
UPWT2009/06 |
R Anguelov |
Structurally stable numerical schemes for applied dynamical models |
UPWT2009/05 |
R Anguelov, JMS Lubuma and M Shillor |
Topological dynamic consistency of nonstandard finite difference schemes for dynamical systems |
UPWT2009/04 |
PP Ntumba |
Duality and pairings of sheaves of modules. Cartan Dieudonn´e’s theorem |
UPWT2009/03 |
JH van der Walt |
The order completion method for systems of nonlinear PDEs: Solutions of initial value problems |
UPWT2009/02 |
JH van der Walt |
Solutions of smooth nonlinear PDEs |
UPWT2009/01 |
N Sauer |
Energy methods and the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation |
UPWT2008/19 |
M de Villiers and NFJ van Rensburg |
Solvability of a model for the vibration of a beam with a damping tip body |
UPWT2008/18 |
P Ntumba |
Witt’s theorem in abstract geometric algebra |
UPWT2008/17 |
K Driver, N Mbuyi and K Jordaan |
On the interlacing of zeros of linear combinations of Jacobi polynomials from different sequences |
UPWT2008/16 |
F Toókos and K Jordaan |
Interlacing theorems for the zeros of orthogonal polynomials from different sequences |
UPWT2008/15 |
K Driver, K Jordaan and N Mbuyi |
Interlacing of zeros of linear combinations of classical orthogonal polynomials from different sequences |
UPWT2008/14 |
F Toókos and K Jordaan |
Mixed recurrence relations and interlacing of the zeros of some q-orthogonal polynomials from different sequences |
UPWT2008/13 |
A Jooste and K Jordaan |
Real zeros of Meixner and Krawtchouk polynomials |
UPWT2008/12 |
R Anguelov and JH van der Walt |
On spaces of set-valued maps |
UPWT2008/11 |
PP Ntumba and A Orioha |
Abstract geometric algebra. Orthogonal and symplectic geometries |
UPWT2008/10 |
JH van der Walt |
The order completion method for systems of nonlinear PDEs. Regularity of generalized solutions |
UPWT2008/09 |
R Kufakunesu |
A PDE representation of the minimal entropy martingale measure in stochastic volatility markets: The time-inhomogeneous case |
UPWT2008/08 |
R Kufakunesu and FE Benth |
Pricing of exotic energy derivatives based on arithmetic spot models |
UPWT2008/07 |
EW Mureithi and AP Bassom |
On the stability of a curved geostrophic front |
UPWT2008/06 |
R Duvenhage |
Ergodicity and mixing of W*-dynamical systems in terms of joinings |
UPWT2008/05 |
R Anguelov, JM-S Lubuma and M Shillor |
Dynamically consistent nonstandard finite difference schemes for continuous dynamical systems |
UPWT2008/04 |
R Anguelov, J Djoko and JM-S Lubuma |
Numerical schemes that preserve properties of the solutions of the Burger's equation for small viscosity |
UPWT2008/03 |
JH van der Walt |
The order completion for systems of nonlinear PDEs revisited |
UPWT2008/02 |
A Mallios and PP Ntumba |
Symplectic Reduction of Sheaves of A-modules |
UPWT2008/01 |
R Anguelov and B Anguelov |
Fast implementation of discrete transform of images. |
UPWT2007/23 |
R Duvenhage |
Joinings of W*-dynamical systems |
UPWT2007/22 |
R Anguelov and I Plaskitt |
Multi-dimensional LULU Operators |
UPWT2007/21 |
R Anguelov and C Rohwer |
LULU operators for functions of continuous argument |
UPWT2007/20 |
M Grobbelaar-Van Dalsen |
On a structural acoustic model which incorporates shear and thermal effects in the structural component. |
UPWT2007/19 |
K Jordaan, K Driver and N Mbuyi Cimwanga |
Interlacing of the zeros of Jacobi polynomials with different parameters |
UPWT2007/18 |
K Jordaan and K Driver |
Zeros of linear combinations of Laguerre polynomials from different sequences |
UPWT2007/17 |
K Jordaan and F Tookos |
Convexity of the zeros of some orthogonal polynomials and |
UPWT2007/16 |
C Beyers, RdV Duvenhage and A Ströh |
The Szemeredi property in ergodic W*-dynamical systems |
UPWT2007/15 |
J H van der Walt |
Generalized Solutions to Nonlinear First Order Cauchy Problems |
UPWT2007/14 |
J H van der Walt |
On the Completion of Uniform Convergence Spaces and an Application to Nonlinear PDEs |
UPWT2007/13 |
J H van der Walt |
The Order Convergence Structure on Archimedean f-Algebras |
UPWT2007/12 |
J H van der Walt |
The Uniform Order Convergence Structure on ML(X) |
UPWT2007/11 |
Y Dumont and JM-S Lubuma |
Reliable Finite Difference Schemes for Impact Oscillators |
UPWT2007/10 |
R Duvenhage |
A mean ergodic theorem for actions of amenable quantum groups |
UPWT2007/09 |
A. Labuschagne, N.F.J. van Rensburg and A. J. van der Merwe |
Comparison of linear beam theories |
UPWT2007/08 |
A. Labuschagne, N.F.J. van Rensburg and A. J. van der Merwe |
Natural frequencies and modes of a Reissner-Mindlin-Timoshenko plate-beam system |
UPWT2007/07 |
JH van der Walt |
The Order Completion Method for Systems of Nonlinear |
UPWT2007/06 |
J.K. Djoko, F. Ebobisse, A.T. McBride, B.D. Reddy |
A Discontinuous Galerkin formulation for classical and |
UPWT2007/05 |
J.K. Djoko, F. Ebobisse, A.T. McBride, B.D. Reddy |
A Discontinuous Galerkin formulation for classical and |
UPWT2007/04 |
J M-S Lubuma |
Fourier Series and Integral Equation Method for the |
UPWT2007/03 |
R Anguelov |
Mathematical Modelling of Solar Glint on Water |
UPWT2007/02 |
R. Anguelov, J.K. Djoko, P. Kama and J.M-S. Lubuma |
On finite difference schemes having the correct linear |
UPWT2007/01 |
R Anguelov, J M.-S. Lubuma and Fr Minani |
A Monotone Scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations via the Nonstandard Finite Difference Method |
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