Prof MK (Mapundi) Banda

Tel: +2712 420-2544
Fax: +2712 420-3893
Office: Botany 2-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Position: Professor and Head of Department

Academic qualifications: BSc Applied Mathematics/Computer Science (Univ of Malawi); MSc Computing Science (Imperial College, Univ of London); MSc Industrial Mathematics (Univ of Kaiserslautern, Germany), PhD (Darmstadt Univ of Technology, Germany)

NRF rating: B2


Mapundi Banda (0000-0003-4330-7355) - ORCID           

Fields of interest:  Partial differential equations, Scientific Computing; Optimal control and optimization; Networked flows; Multiphysics problems - radiative hydrodynamics, Fluid-structure interaction; Geophysical flows based on shallow water models;High-order accurate schemes

Research interests: The analytical transition of kinetic models (Boltzmann-Type models) to continuum flow models in the small Mach or Knudsen number limit; Tthe numerical transition is achieved by applying tools from asymptotic analysis such as multiscale methods as well as ideas from relaxation systems of conservation laws. 

Publications over the past five years:

Journal Articles

Amikiya AE and Banda MK, Dispersion-Preserving Implicit–Explicit Numerical Methods for Reactive Flow Models. International Journal of Computational Methods 21(03) (2024); 2350030.

Weldegiyorgis GY, Banda MK Input-to-State Stability of Non-uniform Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws via Boundary Feedback Control. Applied Mathematics & Optimization 84(2021), 2701-2726

Banda MK, Weldegiyorgis GY Numerical boundary feedback stabilisation of non-uniform hyperbolic systems of balance laws. International Journal of Control 93(6)(2020), 1428-1441

Banda MK, Zhao ZX, Guo BZ Boundary switch on/off control approach to simultaneous identification of diffusion coefficient and initial state for one-dimensional heat equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 25(7)(2020), 2533-2554

Amikiya AE, Banda MK Modelling and simulation of reactive transport phenomena. Journal of Computational 28(2018),155–167

Amikiya AE, Banda MK A stoichiometric method for reducing simulation cost of chemical kinetic models. Computers and Chemical Engineering 112(2018), 274‐291

Zhao ZX, Banda MK, Guo BZ Simultaneous identification of damping coefficient and initial value for PDEs from boundary measurement. International Journal of Control 91(7)(2018), 1508-1521

Zhao ZX, Banda MK, Guoc BZ Simultaneous identification of diffusion coefficient, spacewise dependent source and initial value for one-dimensional heat equation. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 40(2017), 3552-3565

Banda MK, Häck AS and HertyM Numerical Discretization of Coupling Conditions by High-Order Schemes. J Sci Comput 69(2016), 122–145

Yohana EM and Banda MK High-order relaxation approaches for adjoint-based optimal control problems governed by nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws J. Numer. Math. 24(1)(2016), 45–71

Caluyna Pedro J, Banda MK Sibanda P Implicit-explicit higher-order time integration schemes for computations of structural dynamics with fluid-structure interaction. Applications and Applied Mathematics 10(2015), 287 – 311

Banda MK, Herty M, Medard J, Ngnotchouyec T On linearized coupling conditions for a class of isentropic multiphase drift-flux models at pipe-to-pipe intersections. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 276(2015), 81–97

Caluyna Pedro J, Banda MK, Sibanda P  On one-dimensional arbitrary high-order WENO schemes for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws.  Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2014, 10.1007/s40314-013-0066-y

Banda MK, Herty M  Numerical discretization of stabilization problems with boundary controls for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws.  Mathematical Control and Related Fields (MCRF), 3(2)(2013), 121-142

Banda MK, Herty M  Adjoint IMEX-schemes for control problems with conservation laws.  Computational Optimization and Applications, 51(2)(2012), 909-930

Ngnotchouye J-MT., Herty M, Veelken S, Banda MK  Relaxation approaches to the optimal control of the Euler equations, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 30(2)(2011), 399-425

Banda MK, Herty M  Towards a space-mapping approach to dynamic compressor optimization of gas networks.  Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 32(3)(2011), 253-269

Books and/or Chapters in Books

Banda MK, Seaïd M  Lattice Boltzmann simulation for shallow water flow applications.  In: Jin-hai Zheng (Ed.); Hydrodynamics-Theory and Model, InTech (2012), pp 255-286, DOI: 10.5772/25463, ISBN 979-953-307-405-3

Banda MK, Seaïd M  Discrete-Velocity models and Lattice Boltzmann methods for convection-radiation problems.  In:  Matthias Ehrhardt (ed.); Novel Trends in Lattice Boltzmann Methods.  Reactive Flow, Physicochemical Transport and Fluid-Structure-Interaction.  e-Book series Progress in Computational Physics (PiCP), Vol. 3, Bentham Science Publishers, 36 pages

Banda MK, Herty H, Trimborn T Recent Developments in Controlled Crowd Dynamics Pages 133-157 in Crowd Dynamics, Volume 2 Theory, Models, and Applications Editors: Gibelli, Livio (Ed.) Birkhauser

Conference Proceedings

Matebese B, Banda MK, Withey D  Application of the Leapfrog Method to Robot Path Planning, Proceedings of IEEE ICIA/ICAL, Hailar, China, 26-29 Jul, 2014, pp 710-715, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4101-8
MK Banda (with B Matebese, D Withey) - In Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and Mechatronics International Conference (PRASA-RobMech), 2016, Nov 30 – Dec 2 (1-6)
MK Banda (with B Matebese, D Withey), - In Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2016 IEEE International Conference on 2016 Dec 3 – 7 (613-618)
Matebese B, Banda MK, Withey D Leapfrog and optimal kinodynamic motion planning. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications (ICONIC '20), Association for Computing Machinery (New York, NY, USA), Plain Magnien, Mauritius. doi: 10.1145/3415088.3415122, ISBN: 9781450375580.

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