All submissions must be made on the Ethics Application and Approval System on the PeopleSoft Campus. Guidance for this is posted below.
Note that the admission of documents by pressing "submit" on PeopleSoft constitutes a legal commitment by the Principal Investigator, meaning this nor the signing of cover letters may not be delegated.
Important Information, all applicants:
- Post-Graduate students of the Faculty of Health Sciences: Before submission to the Ethics Committee, you should ordinarily have obtained written approval from a Scientific or Academic Advisory Committee (e.g: MMed- Committee, PhD-Committee, MSc-Committee)
- Submission for ethics review is via the electronic process.
- Electronic submissions should be done as follows:
- Login details:
- On the Staff/Student and Guest Portal, search for Research Grants & Ethics, and click on the link.
- On the Homepage, click on the “Ethics Application & Approval” tile.
- The submitted documents will only be processed after all documents are uploaded electronically.
- Amendments, SAEs and Annual Renewals follow the same process and should be submitted henceforth electronically via the electronic process.
- Line Listings should be uploaded electronically in batches (with clear reference to the approved study).
- Upon submission of your documents electronically, the system would allocate you a “Application ID Number, e.g. XXX/20XX”.
Steps for non University of Pretoria persons to follow to get log in details:
Guidelines for use of ETHICS APPLICATION & APPROVAL SYSTEM on the PeopleSoft Campus for:
Keeping track of Progress:
- Kindly note that it is the responsibility of the researcher to log onto ETHICS APPLICATION & APPROVAL SYSTEM for progress on your ethics application status.
- Please check your e-mails from our REC office about 3 days after the Prelim Committee meeting or the Main Committee meeting.
Researchers/Supervisors/HoDs who experience any difficulties, please contact the REC administrators:
University of Pretoria
Faculty of Health Sciences
Tswelopele Building, Level 4, Rooms 4-59; 4-60 and 4.61 (opposite the BMS Building)
9 Bophelo Road, Gezina, Pretoria
Ms Manda Smith - [email protected] - tel: 012 3563085
Ms Deepeka Behari - [email protected] - tel: 012 3563084
Ms Yashika Bennett - [email protected] - 012 3192409
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