- Electronic submissions should be done as follows:
- Login details:
- On the Staff/Student and Guest Portal, search for Research Grants & Ethics, and click on the link.
- On the Homepage, click on the “Ethics Application & Approval” tile.
- The submitted documents will only be processed after all documents are uploaded electronically.
- Amendments, SAEs and Annual Renewals follow the same process and should be submitted henceforth electronically via the electronic process.
- Line Listings should be uploaded electronically in batches (with clear reference to the approved study).
- Upon submission of your documents electronically, the system would allocate you a “Application ID Number, e.g. XXX/20XX”.
Steps for non University of Pretoria persons to follow to get log in details:
Guidelines for use of ETHICS APPLICATION & APPROVAL SYSTEM on the PeopleSoft Campus for:
Keeping track of Progress:
- Kindly note that it is the responsibility of the researcher to log onto ETHICS APPLICATION & APPROVAL SYSTEM for progress on your ethics application status.
- Please check your e-mails from our REC office about 3 days after the Prelim Committee meeting or the Main Committee meeting.
Researchers/Supervisors/HoDs who experience any difficulties, please contact the REC administrators:
University of Pretoria
Faculty of Health Sciences
Tswelopele Building, Level 4, Rooms 4-59; 4-60 and 4.61 (opposite the BMS Building)
9 Bophelo Road, Gezina, Pretoria
Ms Manda Smith - [email protected] - tel: 012 3563085
Ms Deepeka Behari - [email protected] - tel: 012 3563084
Ms Yashika Bennett - [email protected] - 012 3192409
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