Submission dates


Dates for 2024 are as follows: 


Submission Deadline

Prelim Meeting

Main Meeting

04 January 2024:         For consideration during January

17 Jan.

31 Jan.

29 January 2024:         For consideration during February

14 Feb.

28 Feb.

26 February 2024:       For consideration during March

13 Mar.

27 Mar.

25 March 2024:            For consideration during April

10 Apr.

24 Apr.

22 April 2024:             For consideration during May

15 May

28 May

27 May 2024:              For consideration during June

12 Jun.

26 Jun.

24 June 2024:              For consideration during July

17 Jul.

31 Jul.

29 July 2024:              For consideration during August

13 Aug.

28 Aug.

26 August 2024:         For consideration during September

11 Sept.

25 Sept.

23 September 2024:    For consideration during October

16 Oct.

30 Oct.

28 October 2024:        For consideration during November

13 Nov.

27 Nov.

December 2024           No meetings




*Prelim Committee: Prof TM Rossouw, Prof C Kotze, Dr R Sommers, Prof A Nienaber and plus a rotating member as specified are to attend the meeting only.  Researchers do not attend these meetings.


**Full Committee: Researchers attend this meeting only upon invitation or they may request a discussion opportunity with the Committee.

Updated 10/07/2024

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