Publications 2016









1 Joseph K, Hitchcock SA, Meyer HP, Geyser MM & Bekker PJ Active myofascial trigger points in head and neck muscles of patients with chronic tension-type headache in two primary health cre units in Tshwane S Afr Fam Prac 2016 1 1 1-5
2 Geyser M.M. & Smith S. Chest pain prevalence, causes, and disposition in the emergency department of a regional hospital in Pretoria. African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine (PHCFM) 2016 8 1 1-5
3 Memon, SJ., Louw JM., Bac M., Hugo J., Rauf WN. & Sandars JE Students' perceptions of the instructional quality of district hospital-based training African Journal of Primary Health Care and Family Medicine (PHCFM) 2016 8 1 1-6
4 Bergh A-M., Bac M., Hugo J. & Sandars J. "Making a difference" - Medical students' opportunities for transformational change in health care and learning through quality improvement projects BMC Medical Education 2016 16 171  
5 D Rogers Does a brief workshop change clinical associate students’ resilience African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 2016 8 1 1-4
6 Rossouw TM., Hitchcock S & Botes M. The end of the line? A case of drug resistance to third-line antiretroviral therapy Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2016 17 1  
7 Harding R., Defilippi K. & Cameron D. What palliative care–related problems do patients with drug resistant or drug-susceptible tuberculosis experience on admission to hospital? A cross-sectional self-report study. Palliative Medicine 2016 30 9 862-868
8 Hussein, S.Y., Swanepoel, D.W., de Jager L.B., Myburgh, H.  Eikelboom, R.,&  Hugo, J. Smartphone hearing screening in mHealth assisted community-based primary care Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2016 22 7 405-412
9 D Rogers Which educational interventions improve healthcare professionals’ resilience? A literature review Medical Teacher 2016 38 12 1236-1241
10 Hamm, JMA., van Bodegraven PC., Bac, M. & Louw JM. Cost effectiveness of Clinical Associates: A case-study for the Mpumalanga province in South Africa PHCFM 2016 8 1 1-6
11 A. Nel, N. van Niekerk, S. Kapiga, L.-G.
Bekker, C. Gama, K. Gill, A. Kamali,
P. Kotze, C. Louw, Z. Mabude, N. Miti,
S. Kusemererwa, H. Tempelman,
H. Carstens, B. Devlin, M. Isaacs, M.
Malherbe, W. Mans, J. Nuttall, M.
S. Ntshele, M. Smit, L. Solai, P. Spence,
J. Steytler, K. Windle, M. Borremans,
S. Resseler, J. Van Roey, W. Parys, T.
Vangeneugden, B. Van Baelen,
and Z. Rosenberg
Safety and Efficacy of a Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV Prevention in Women New England Journal of Medicine 2016 375 29 2133-2143
12 Bac M., Hamm JMA., van Bodegraven PC., Pater, B. & Louw JM. A new health care profession in rural district hospitals: a case study of the introduction of Clinical Associates in Shongwe hospital SAFPJ 2016 Accepted
13 Meyer, E D and Scheepers, C Contextual leadership of a multi-partner approach to health care inovation  Emerald Journal 2016 Accepted

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