Publications 2014









1 Moodley, K., Sibanda, N., February, K. & Rossouw, T. "It's my blood": ethical complexities in the use, storage and export of biological samples: perspectives from South African research participants BMC Medical Ethics 2014 15 4  
2 Feucht, U., Rossouw, T., van Dyk, G. & Kruger, M. Consequences of prior use of full-dose ritonavirus as single protease inhibitor as part of combination antiretroviral regimens on the future therapy choices in HIV-1 infected children Pediatric Infectious Disease journal 2014 33 2 e53-e59
3 Rossouw, T.M., van Zyl, C. & Pope, A. Responsible conduct of research: global trends, local opportunities South African Journal of Science 2014 110 1 1-6
4 Fernandez, L., Rossouw, T., Marcus, T., Reinbrech-Schutte, A., Smit, N., Kinkel, H.F., Memon, S. & Hugo, J. Factors associated with patients' understanding of their management plan in Tshwane clinics PHCFM 2014 6 1 1-9
5 Rossouw, T.M.  Monitoring early warning indicators for HIV drug resistance in South Africa: challenges and opportunities Clinical Infectious Diseases  2014 58 11 1615-1617
6 Lessells, R.J., Stott, K.E., Manasa, J., Naidu, K.K., Skingsley, A., Rossouw, T. & de Oliveira, T. Implementing antiretroviral resistance testing in a primary health care HIV treatment programme in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: early experiences, achievements and challenges BMC Health Services Research 2014 14 116 1-10
7 Okonta, P.I. & Rossouw, T. Misconduct in research: A descriptive survey of attitudes, perceptions and associated factors in a developing country BMC Medical Ethics 2014 15 25 1-8
8 Rauf, W.N., Meyer, H.P., Marcus, T.S. & Becker, P.J. The impact of chronic pain on the quality of life of patients attending primary healthcare clinics South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2014 20 2 122-126
9 Treadwell, I., van Rooyen, M., Havenga, H. & Theron, M. The effect of an interprofessional clinical simulation on medical students AJHPE 2014 6 1 3-5
10 Raff, M., Crosier, J., Eppel, S., Meyer, H., Sarembock, B. & Webb, D. South African guideline for the use of chronic opioid therapy for chronic non-cancer pain SAMJ 2014 104 1 (suppl 1) 79-89
11 Nieuwoudt, M., Lameris, R., Corcoran, C., Rossouw, T.M., Slavik, T., Du Plessis, J., Osmoshoro-Jones, J.A.O., Stivaktas, P., Potgieter, F. & van der Merwe, S.W. Polymerase chain reaction amplifying mycobacterial DNA from aspirates obtained by endoscopic ultrasound allows accurate diagnosis of mycobacterial disease in HIV-positive patients with abdominal lymphadenopathy Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2014 40 9 2031-2038
12 Moodley, S.V.,  Wolvaardt, L., Louw, M. & Hugo, J. Practice intentions of clinical associate students at the University of Pretoria, South Africa Rural and Remote Health 2014 14 2381 1-12
13 Couper, I.D. & Hugo, J.F.M. Addressing the shortage of health professionals in South Africa through the development of a new cadre of health worker: the creation of Clinical Associates Rural and Remote Health 2014 14 2874 1-8
14 Klaas, N.E., Peu, M.D. & Netangaheni, T.R. The perceptions of a farming community in the Limpopo Province on HIV/AIDS AJARD 2014 4 8 437-448
15 Rossouw, T.M., van Rooyen, M., Louw, J.M. & Richter, K.L. Blood-borne infections in health care workers in South Africa South African Medical Journal 2014 104 11 732-735
16 Smith, S., Stolz, S. & Meyer, E.D. Technology as a tool to develop a community health model Journal of Contemporary Management 2014 11   556-573
17 Tucker, J.D., Rennie S., Bangsberg, D., Cai, W., Cheng, B., Crane, J., de Roubaix, M., Fenton, K., Gelpi, A., Henderson, G., Hightow-Weidman, L., Lo, Y-R, Meier, B.M., Margolis, D., Moodley, K., Necochea, R., Nie, J-B., Isler, M.R., Rossouw, T., & Sugarman, J. Social and ethical implications of HIV cure research AIDS 2014 28   1247-1250
18 Lentsoane PP, Meyer JC, Schellack N & Cameron DA Challenges in the provision of palliative care at resource-limited South African hospice settings. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD)  2014 Supplement 1   420-432
19 Wolvaardt, G., Johnson, S., Cameron, D., Botha, B. & Kornik, S. Challenges and constraints at district management level South African Health Review 2013/14 2014 chapter 8   81-92 
20 Blumberg, L., Frean, J., Moonasar, D., Asomugha, C., Baker, L., Barnes, K.I., Blumberg, L., Brooke, B.D., Coetzee, M., de Jager, T., Duvenhage, C., Frean, J., Groepe, M.A., Kleinschmidt, I., Koekemoer, L.L., Kruger, P., Mabuza, A., Maharaj, R., Margo, B., Mayet, N.T., Misiani, E., Mokate, R.,  Moonasar, D., Morris, N., Raman, J., Raswiswi, E. & Ukpe, I.S. Successfully controlling malaria in South Africa S Afr Med J 2014 104 suppl 1 224-227
21 Meyer HP.  Fibromyalgia. Over-investigated and over-treated.  Specialist Forum 2014     8-11
22 Meyer HP.  Pain Management: current perspectives., Sept 2014. 2014      

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