Student Feedback

The Student Feedback on Teaching Survey (SFTS) aims to provide lecturers an opportunity to collect evidence, among other sources (peer review, class observation reports, etc.), to build their teaching portfolio.  It is assumed that reflecting on the Student Feedback on Teaching Survey reports assists lecturers in continuously improving their teaching, learning and assessment practices, curricula, and the general quality of the modules they teach. Student Feedback on Teaching Survey reports and lecturer reflections are also used in performance reviews and as part of the applications for promotion. 

A lecturer must enrol/register their module/s in any of the eight Student Feedback on Teaching Survey cycles based on their teaching schedule. It is important to take note of the table below and note the enrollment dates for the cycle that suits your teaching schedule. Lecturers cannot enrol their modules outside the cycles’ published enrollment dates. Lecturers are responsible for ensuring that their module(s) is/are enrolled in the appropriate SFTS cycle by using this link: Enrol link. 

During the Student Feedback on Teaching Survey administration period, your students will receive an email with a link to participate in the Student Feedback on Teaching Survey. In addition, in their clickUP module, there will be a pop-up message indicating that they have Feedback Surveys to complete by the end of a set survey administration period. 

How to enrol modules for student feedback:

When you enrol/activate/register a module for the Student Feedback on Teaching Survey, you will receive an email confirmation of your enrolled module. Lecturers who teach in team-taught modules will also receive an email notification regarding the module enrolled and the cycle in which they have been enrolled. Please contact the Student Feedback Office at [email protected] if any changes in the module enrolment details need to be made.

Student Feedback on Teaching Survey Module Enrolment Dates for 2024 

* Lecturers can use any Student Feedback on Teaching Survey cycles that fall halfway through their quarter, semester, and year modules to solicit formative (in the middle of the module) student feedback.

Target modules Deadline for module enrolments/Activation Students complete the survey in clickUP between

Quarter 1 modules

(Semester 1*, Year modules*)

1- 27 March 2024 (enrol link) 10-17 April 2024

Semester 1 modules & Quarter 2 modules

(Year modules*)

6-21 May 2024 (enrol link) 3-15 June 2024

Quarter 3 modules

(Semester 2 modules*)

12-31 August 2024 (enrol link) 9-20 September 2024
Semester 2 & Quarter 4 & Year modules 2-23 October 2024 (enrol link) 7-30 November 2024


Flexible cycles enrollments for formative student feedback and sequentially team-taught modules:

Target modules Deadline for module enrolments/Activation Students complete the survey in clickUP between

Formative feedback and final feedback for sequentially team-taught modules for Quarter 1, Semester 1, and Year modules.

15 January - 29 February 2024 

(enrol link)

15 January – 31 March

Formative feedback and final feedback for sequentially team-taught modules for Semester 1, Quarter 2, and Year modules.

18 April - 5 May 2024

(enrol link)

18 April – 19 May

Formative feedback and final feedback for sequentially team-taught modules for Semester 2, Quarter 3, and Year modules.

22 July - 8 August 2024

(enrol link)

22 July – 30 August
Formative feedback and final feedback for sequentially team-taught modules for Semester 2, Quarter 4, and Year modules.

10 September - 1 October 2024

(enrol link)

10 Sep – 27 October


Important information and documents:

  1. Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Administration process
  3. Accessing reports: lecturers
  4. Accessing SFTS results: HoDs
  5. Adding and attaching custom questions
  6. UP Procedure & Student Feedback Survey


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