UP Community Engagement

The University of Pretoria (UP), through its nine faculties, including the Mamelodi Campus, leverages Curricular Community Engagement (CCE) as a vehicle for fostering social transformation in communities. This transformation is driven by partnerships that equally value the voices of all participants. Community engagement is a strategic priority for UP and is embedded in teaching, learning, and research, as mandated by the 1997 Education White Paper 3: A programme for the transformation of higher education.

UP defines community engagement as the planned, purposeful application of resources and expertise in teaching, learning, and research in the university's interaction with external communities to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes aligned with the institution's vision and mission.

In reimagining community engagement, UP has developed the Curricular Community Engagement Framework and Toolkit. This framework and toolkit guide staff, students, and community partners in advancing strategic objectives that align with UP’s vision and mission.

CCE is central to the university's academic mission, as it aims to create positive societal impact through the graduates we produce and the knowledge we co-create. As a strategic priority, CCE has full support at the highest levels of the university. An example of this commitment is reflected in the focus of the 2024 Senate Conference: Teaching with Impact: Advancing Curricular Community Engagement for Societal Transformation. The CCE Framework and Toolkit are closely aligned with and follow the UP Integrated Academic Framework, launched in 2023. It is especially integral to the Teaching and Learning System and Pathway featured in the toolkit.



University Social Responsibility: Community Engagement

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