Small Animal Internal Medicine Research

Our current research areas are:

  • Endocrine response in critical illness
  • Oncology
  • Parvovirus enteritis
  • Prudent antimicrobial use
Meet the researchers and lecturers: 

Prof Johan Schoeman

BVSc, MMedVet(Med), PhD, DSAM, Dipl. ECVIM
Section Head
Professor: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Tel: +27 12 529 8095
Email: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5057-311X

Prof Schoeman has an overarching research interest in the effect of infectious organisms and inflammation on the host response (babesiosis, parvovirus infection, dog bite wounds and snake envenomation being prime examples), He is particularly interested in the endocrine response to critical illness, especially those induced by the four disease models referred to above. Areas of study within the pathobiology research theme include changes in the normal physiology of animals brought about by disease processes, for example, changes in gut permeability in parvovirus infection. An integral component of this theme includes disease diagnostics; from clinical changes observed in the patient to diagnostic imaging perturbations, clinical pathological changes, pathological changes and molecular study of disease processes - canine babesiosis features strongly here. Moreover, the theme also involves the description of new pathological agents and/or toxins and the epidemiology of animal disease, such as snake envenomation and prognosis across different seasons and rainfall patterns, and its impact on human health.


Dr Paolo Pazzi

BVSc, BVSc(Hons), MMedVet(Med), Dipl ECVIM, PhD
Senior Lecturer: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Tel: +27 12 529 8288
Email: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5331-1422

Dr Pazzi’s primary research interests are in haemostasis and neurology. Additionally, he has been involved in projects on oncology, canine spirocercosis, acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome and gallbladder mucoceles.

Dr Varaidzo Mukorera

Lecturer: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Tel: +27 12 529 8519
Email: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6166-9136

Dr Mukorera’s areas of special interest are renal/urinary health and oncology. Her research interests include lower urinary tract infections in dogs and cats, with a focus on antibiotic resistance. 

Dr Anri Celliers

Senior Lecturer: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Tel: +27 12 529 8490
Email: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4284-6074


Dr Anouska Jade Rixon

Lecturer and Resident: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Tel: +27 12 529 8135
Email: [email protected]

For her MMedVet degree and ECVIM qualification, Dr Anouska Rixon’s research focused on investigating paraneoplastic glomerulopathies in dogs with carcinomas and sarcomas. The main objective of her research is the novel characterisation of glomerular lesions in dogs with carcinoma and sarcoma to determine it’s diagnostic and clinical significance in dogs with cancer. She is also involved in other research projects involving haemostatic alterations in dogs with cancer, markers of metastasis in cancer and the diagnostic discriminatory potential of acute phase protein concentrations in canine effusions. 


Dr Muhammad Seedat

Resident: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Email: [email protected]

For his MMedVet degree and ECVIM qualification, Dr Seedat’s research is focused on cobalamin deficiencies in dogs with parvovirus enteriris, as well as the acute phase response, specifically investigating serum amyloid A, in cats with severe inflammation.


Dr Liana Coetzee

Resident: Small Animal Internal Medicine

Email: [email protected]

Dr Coetzee’s main research focuses include intestinal permeability in gastrointestinal disease, using Canine Parvovirus as a model. Another research interest of Dr Coetzee is the effect of gonadectomy on the endocrine system, which will form a longer-term research project, focussing especially on thyroid function.


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