Community-Project Module Partners Acknowleged

Posted on February 26, 2010

The Community-Based project Module (JCP) of the Faculty Engineering, the Built Environment and Information Technology acknowledged the community members involved in the module. The community members all received a certificate and a handmade teddy bear made by Anina Remcken.

In the photograph in no random order:

Prof Andy Mogotlane (Vice-Principal UP)

Prof Roelf Sandenbergh (Dean of the Faculty Engineering, the Built Environment and Information technology)

Ida Breed (Department of Landscape Architecture)

Riaan Jansens (Department of Construction management)

Dawie Roux (Webmaster UP – assisted the students with their blog reports)

Daulcie Tau (National Zoological Gardens, Pretoria)

Marietjie Engelbrecht (Sunnyside Pre-primary School)

Laurie Butgereit (Meraka Institute, CSIR)

Anina Remcken (The Ginger Bear shop, Pretoria)

Thiru Tswettenham (Worldbank)

Representatives from Bokgoni Technical High School (Atteridgeville)

Representatives from Tateni Home Care Givers (Mamelodi)

Representatives from Tshegofatsong LSEN School (Mamelodi)

 Representatives from N’Wa Vangani Primary School (Mamelodi)

Representatives from District Tshwane South and Gauteng West, Gauteng Department of Education

Representatives from the Yeast City Housing

Representative from South African Landscape Institute

 Representatives from SA Cares for Life (Pretoria)


Prof Hein Venter (Department of Information Technology)

Ds Jaco Strydom (Echou House, Pretoria)

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