Research Focus Areas


Research Focus Areas

Dr. H Botha
  • Developing pre- and in-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge and their instructional practices.
  • Research is based on the interplay between teachers’ knowledge and their practices and how they inform each other. Although PCK is developed over time with experience, it can be developed through developing their skills in designing meaningful and graded tasks and oral questions to be used during instruction. Emphasis is also placed on learners’ typical errors and misconceptions to inform teachers’ teaching. Different teaching strategies as part of Modes of instruction play an integral part.

 Prof. R Callaghan    

  • Teaching development and support as interaction between technology, pedagogy and content. 
  • Development of interactive teaching and learning material in the public sector and other academic fields.  
  • Technological innovations and investigations into enhancing the teaching and learning experience. 
  • Teaching methodologies in the Informatics subject areas.
Dr. C Coetzee
  • Topic Specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge: It’s measurement and application in teacher training. Misconceptions in Science in relation to teacher development.
  • The development of the professional knowledge and skills of pre-service science teachers, with emphasis on the development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Aligned to the PCK framework (Carlson & Daehler, 2019).
  • The integration of robotics in science education.
Dr. C Combrinck
  • Assessment and questionnaire design and refinement 
  • International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs)
  • Quantitative research methodology including Rasch and structural equation modelling
  • Assessment in Education and Psychology; Rasch Measurement Theory; Mixed Methods
Prof. R de Villiers
  • Life Sciences Education, is interconnected with teacher migration studies, and especially science teachers. 
  • The three transdisciplinary sub-fields (Teaching and learning; Curriculum studies; and Community engagement) within the interdisciplinary field, Life Sciences Education, are interconnected with the two transdisciplinary sub-fields (Educational- and Social aspects) within the interdisciplinary field, Teacher migration.
Prof. J Engelbrecht
  • Student collaboration through digital technology
  • Transition from high school to university in mathematics
  • Teaching undergraduate mathematics
  • Lesson Study as a teacher development model
  • Assessment in mathematics
Dr. C Khoza
  • Talk and interaction in science classrooms
  • Science teacher and teacher educator professional knowledge
  • Using self-study as a methodological approach to research best practices for teaching science
  • Science classroom talk, Science teacher education practices, self-reflexive methodologies

Dr. M Mihai

  • Computer integrated education. 
  • E-learning and mobile learning. 
  • Online and hybrid learning. Assessment and computer integrated assessment. 
  • The use of interactive whiteboards in urban and rural areas. 
  • The use of ICTs in languages
Prof..U Ogbonnaya
  • Meaningful learning of Mathematics.
  • Student opportunity to learn Maths.
  • ICT in Mathematics teaching and learning.
  • Mathematics in textbooks.

Prof. W Rauscher

  • Learning in technology education. Three related conceptual threads underlie this research focus, namely knowledge, cognition, and affective experiences. In terms of the knowledge component, my interest lies in the different knowledge types and knowledge-generating activities that are unique to technology education.
  • Since there is a close relationship between knowledge and cognition, I also examine critical thinking and higher-order thinking, the mental processes involved in thought and understanding.
  • The notion that critical thinkers should be disposed to think critically led me to explore the affective component of learning in technology education.

Dr. D Sekao

  • Lesson Study as a teacher development model
  • Effective teaching and learning of mathematics
  • Assessment in mathematics

Prof. T Vandeyar

  • Research scholarly contributions in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) and its influence on the practices of teachers and academics.
  • Technology integration into teaching and learning
  • Policy implementation studies with special attention to the South African e-Education policy.
  • The influence of 21st century trends on ICT integration into teaching and learning, namely; Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 4IR, AI, Machine Learning and analytics, Robotics, Mobile learning, e-learning, blended-learning and digital bias.
  • Particularly interested in teachers and academics as agents of change, focussing on exceptional patterns of ICT practice which seeks to investigate good pedagogic practices of teachers.
Prof. S van Putten
  • Professional Mathematics Teacher Identity.
  • Career choice in Education.
Dr. F Vitalis Akuma
  • Teacher practices and TPACK base linked to Inquiry-Based Practical Work (IBPW), in resource-constrained high school physical sciences classrooms
  • Teacher professional development needs and support provision, with reference to IBPW, especially in a resource-constrained high school physical sciences classrooms
  • Characterisation (and clarification) of intrinsic and contextual teaching challenges linked to IBPW, in school- and post-school science education
  • Characterisation of learning challenges relating to IBPW, in school- and post-school science education
  • Inquiry-based teaching and learning, Opportunity to learn disciplinary practices, Teaching and learning challenges, Teacher professional development
Dr. Karen Roux
  • Assessment and questionnaire design and development
  • International Large-Scale Assessments
  • Systemic Assessments
  • Mixed methods research methodology
Dr. Phillip Mirkin
  • Autoethnography
  • Holism Evolution
  • Science Poetry
  • Physical Science education
Dr. Tebogo Nkanyani
  • Innovative science education technologies
  • Blended/online teaching methods
  • Science classroom practices

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