Partnerships and Collaboration

Partners Collaboration
Dr Fru Vitalis Akuma and Prof Jenna Koenen

Dr Vitalis is working with Prof Jenna Koenen, in the TUM School of Education in the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Our research currently focusses on two topics:

  • Informing evidence-based teacher professional development in inquiry-based practical work, in resource-constrained South African schools, and
  • Characterisation of learning challenges associated with inquiry-based practical work: A systematic literature review

Dr David Sekao

University of Fukui (Japan)

  • Department of Basic Education: Through a signed MoU between UP and DBE we have identified 10 Lesson Study project schools in Tshwane South district (Gauteng) which we support for effective implementation of LS to improve their (teachers’) practice, subsequently we (UP) use the same schools as research sites.
  • Africa Lesson Study (AfriLS) forum: Through this newly established forum we aim to collaborate to co-create knowledge and expand research work on LS in the continent and share it globally. The institutions which are part of the AfriLS forum are: University of Pretoria; University of Rwanda; St John’s University (Tanzania); Center for Mathematics Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) (Kenya); Ministry of Education (Botswana); Department of Basic Education (South Africa); Nalikule College of Education (Malawi).
Prof Rian de Villiers

Contribute a book chapter on Migrant teachers’ identity.

  • Editors: Dr A. North and Dr E. Chase, University College London, University of London, London, UK
Prof Johann Engelbrecht
  • Prof Marcelo Borba, Brasil
  • Prof Greg Oates, Australia
  • Prof Salvador Llinares, Spain
  • Prof Christer Bergsten, Sweden
  • Prof Leigh Wood, Australia
  • Prof Ricardo Scucuglia, Brasil
  • Prof Gabriele Kaiser, Germany
  • Prof Karen Hollebrands, USA
Dr Fru Akuma

Mr. NH Ngwenya, HOD Science, Math, and Technology Education, University of Zululand Prof. Jena Koenen, Technical University of Munich

Dr Celeste Combrinck

Prof William Fisher, Berkley University; EBIT collaboration

Dr Climant Khoza

Dr Bob Maseko - University of Malawi; Prof Eunice Nyamupangedengu - University of the Witwatersrand

Dr Phillip Mirkin Torsten Arnken, Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland


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