Submission Process

Please note: Case reports do not need to be submitted to RESCOM for approval prior to submission to the Ethics Committee (submission to this committee is compulsory). Please inform the secretary of RESCOM via email (details below) of your case report submission for documentation purposes only.

  1. Protocols need to be submitted to the RESCOM secretary with all required documentation (documentation listed A0 - A7 – available for download below, hard copy as well as a soft copy):

Mrs. Renata van Aswegen (Secretary for RESCOM)

Room 3 – 86 (Level 3)

Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine

Oral and Dental Hospital

Email: [email protected]

  1. A member of RESCOM most suited to that field of research (this is decided upon via email communication with all members for transparency) allocates two reviewers.
  2. The Secretary requests reviewers (based on suggestions by RESCOM member) assistance in the review process via email.
  3. Once reviewers accept the review process, a deadline of ten (10) working days is instituted.
  4. Reviewer’s comments go back to the RESCOM member allocated to the protocol (as per point 2).
  5. RESCOM member goes through the reviewer’s comments to ensure appropriateness/relevance within two (2) working days after receiving feedback from reviewers. Collated feedback is returned/discussed with both reviewers.
  6. Once the RESCOM member is satisfied, formal reviewer’s comments go back to the researcher for corrections (normal principle applies regarding whether reviewers wish to see corrections or not).
  7. The RESCOM member may elect to contact the researcher to mentor or give appropriate guidance/feedback.
  8. Researchers are given ten (10) working days to submit or respond to the suggested changes. Delays may require the researcher to resubmit the protocol.
  9. Once all parties are satisfied, the final protocol is approved and signed off by the Chair of RESCOM for submission to the Chair of School.
  10. Approval from the Chair of School will then be immediately sent to the researcher; following this, the researcher can now go ahead and submit to the Ethics Committee.

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