
Articles ahead of print:

  • Gluckman H, Pontes CC, Du Toit J. Hyperplastic response following soft tissue augmentation in the esthetic zone. - Journal of Periodontology / Clinical Advances in Periodontics
  • Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. Esthetic tunnel exposure: A combination technique for peri-implant soft tissue development at second-stage surgery. - Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Jagathpal A, Sykes L, Vally Z, Du Toit J. Comparison of excess cement at implant crowns using three extraoral cementation techniques. - Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Schwimer C, Gluckman H, Salama M, Nagy K, Du Toit J. The socket-shield technique at molar sites: A proof-of-principle technique report. - Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
  • Gluckman H, Nagy K, Salama M, Du Toit J. Prosthodontic management of the socket shield. - Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry


Recent peer reviewed journal publications:

  • Todorovic VS, Vasovic M, Beetge MM, van Zyl AW, Kokovic V. Stability Development of Immediately Loaded Hybrid Self-Tapping Implants Inserted in the Posterior Maxilla: 1-Year Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Oral Implantol. 2017
  • Beetge MM, Todorovic VS, Oettlé A, Hoffman J, van Zyl A, A micro-CT study of the greater palatine foramen in human skulls, Journal of Oral Science, 2018
  • Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. A retrospective evaluation of 128 socket-shield cases in the esthetic zone and posterior sites: partial extraction therapy with 4 years follow-up. - Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 2018
  • Schwimer C, Pette GA, Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. Human histological evidence of new bone formation and osseointegration between root dentin (unplanned socket-shield) and dental implant. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants
  • Gluckman H, Pontes CC, Du Toit J. Radial plane tooth position and bone wall dimensions in the anterior maxilla: A CBCT classification for immediate implant placement. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2017
  • Gluckman H, Du Toit J. Consecutive treatment failures of an immediate maxillary canine implant and the subsequent replacement and reconstruction of the site. - International Dentistry Africa Edition, 2017
  • Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. Partial extraction therapies (PET). Part 2: Technical aspects  The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2017
  • Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. The pontic shield: Partial extraction therapy for ridge preservation and pontic site development. - The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2017
  • Du Toit J, Siebold A, Dreyer A, Gluckman H. Choukroun Platelet-Rich Fibrin as an Autogenous Graft Biomaterial in Preimplant Surgery: Results of a Preliminary Randomized, Human Histomorphometric, Split-Mouth Study. - The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2016
  • Gluckman H, Du Toit J. Aesthetic laser therapy correction of gingival hyperpigmentation - International Dentistry Africa Edition, 2016
  • Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. The socket-shield technique to support buccofacial tissues at immediate implant placement: a case report and review of the literature. - International Dentistry Africa Edition, 2016
  • Gluckman H, Salama M, Du Toit J. Partial extraction therapies (PET). Part I: Maintaining the bundle bone - The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 2016


Planned research

  • Histological and immunohistochemical profile of platelet-rich fibrin.
  • Profiling alveolar bone trephine core biopsies, from autogenous sites and those healed by synthetic materials.
  • Investigating material properties of synthetic bone substitutes by scanning electron microscope.
  • Partial extraction therapies.
  • Volumetric analyses before and after socket-shield treatment at immediate implants.
  • Retrospective analyses of implant survival at socket-shield sites: ongoing prospective clinical trial, with human/animal histological studies planned.

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