
  • Satisfying Africa’s sensory experience

    Posted on May 29, 2015

    Prof Riëtte de Kock, of the Department of Food Science and the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Well-being (IFNuW), has been involved in Sensory Food Science research since 1990.

  • Education Innovation: Schools as sites for social change

    Posted on May 21, 2015

    An interfaculty research team at UP is focussing on schools as sites for social change and the training of teachers to impart health-related messages.

  • International recognition for UP professor

    Posted on May 06, 2015

    Prof John Taylor of the Department of Food Science, a research theme leader in the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, has been elected as Honorary President of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC).

  • 2015 World Health Day focuses on Food Safety

    Posted on April 07, 2015

    Food safety is internationally recognised as one of the most important risks to public health and food security.

  • International project on understanding impact of large-scale land acquisitions launched

    Posted on March 17, 2015

    The one million Euro AFGROLAND project was launched this week at a project team workshop. This ambitious project (African Food, Agriculture, Land and Natural Resource Dynamics), in the context of global agro-food-energy system changes was awarded through a competitive international bidding...

  • Visiting professors from Iowa State University share expertise

    Posted on March 11, 2015

    Food safety research, challenges and cooperative extension were the topics that Professors Cathy Strohbehn and Lakshman Rajagopal shared with faculty staff members and postgraduate students attending the mini symposium on Food Safety Challenges and Opportunities during the last week of February.

  • Have your (low GI) cake and eat it

    Posted on February 23, 2015

    Research by Prof Mohammad Naushad Emmambux, associate professor at UP’s Department of Food Science, and his colleagues has shown that it is possible to modify high GI starch using fatty acids so that it becomes a low GI starch.

  • International expert on obesity speaks at UP

    Posted on February 16, 2015

    “Most problems in today’s society cannot be solved by a single discipline,” said Prof Sheryl Hendriks of the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being (IFNuW).

  • Mail and Guardian chooses UP scientists as the voices of science

    Posted on September 29, 2014

    Two PhD candidates and one MSc candidate from UP’s Institutional Research Theme (IRT) on Food, Nutrition and Well-being were selected for this prestigious profile supplement published by M&G.

  • UP to collaborate on project to address hunger and undernutrition

    Posted on September 16, 2014

    The University of Pretoria (UP) will be one of the institutions collaborating in a series of projects representing the best ideas and strategies from around the world to address hunger and undernutrition in some of the world’s most unforgiving agricultural regions.

  • A new generation of research-driven leaders in agriculture

    Posted on August 28, 2014

    Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being students, benefitting from the BASF-Becker Underwood had the opportunity to give representatives from Becker Underwood, BASF and DAFF an update on the progress made with their research projects.

  • IFNuW leads a national accreditation initiative and opens career paths for students

    Posted on August 01, 2014

    IFNuW acknowledges the importance of having accredited facilities and systems in the food industry to provide adequate food safety standards, and for this reason it has partnered with the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS).

  • A biscuit brings hope

    Posted on June 17, 2014

    Postgraduate students develop a magic bicuits

  • The chicken or the egg?

    Posted on June 17, 2014

    At the invitation of UP’s Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Prof Alders presented an insightful talk on village poultry, which is the poultry production system commonly found in rural areas and involves indigenous chicken genotypes.

  • Centre of Excellence in Food Security at UP and UWC officially launched

    Posted on April 01, 2014

    University of Pretoria and University of Western Cape officially launched Centre of Excellence in Food Security

  • UP Food Security Expert appointed to international Panel

    Posted on October 14, 2013

    Prof Sheryl Hendriks, Director of the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being and associate professor of Food Security in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Rural Development and Agricultural Extension at the University of Pretoria is one of o

  • Advising global governance on food security

    Posted on May 29, 2013

    Prof Sheryl Hendriks, Director of the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being (IFNuW) at the University of Pretoria participated in May this year in the seventh meeting of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) High Level Panel of Experts on Food

  • UP student wins fellowship to study Women's Empowerment Index

    Posted on November 20, 2012

    The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and its partners recently announced that Christopher Manyamba from the University of Pretoria has been awarded a PhD dissertation research fellowship on the Women

  • Prof John Taylor elected as Fellow of the ICC

    Posted on November 13, 2012

    Prof John Taylor from the Department of Food Science has recently been elected as a Fellow of the Academy of the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC). He also received a B1 NRF re-rating.

  • University of Pretoria launches Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being

    Posted on June 06, 2012

    Just more than a week (28 May) after G8 leaders had renewed their shared commitment to global food security through the New Alliance for Food Nutrition, the largest group of food researchers anywhere in the world launched a collaborative platform at the U

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