Postgraduate: MCom (Informatics) / MIT(Information Systems) 

The Master’s degrees (Research-based = Full Dissertation)

A Master’s graduate has extensive and comprehensive knowledge in a specialised area of the discipline and is well versed in the scientific method. Through independent and guided research, s/he is able to demonstrate his/her ability to apply the scientific method in a scientific study. At the conclusion of his/her Master’s study, the candidate must submit a 35000 to 40000 words thesis.  This is done under the guidance of a supervisor.

Topics for the thesis may be chosen in line with the Department’s research focus areas.  For more information on the research focus areas of possible supervisors, please visit the following web page: Research focus areas of the staff members of the Department

The purpose of the Master’s thesis is to demonstrate that:

  • the student can plan and execute research;
  • the student can interpret some practical context in terms of the theory presented in the courses and come to appropriate conclusions;
  • that the student can interpret and present his/her research findings.

Students are also expected to hand in a publishable academic paper of 5000 to 7000 words, along with their thesis. The paper will be submitted to an accredited academic journal bearing the names of the candidate and supervisor(s), with the University of Pretoria retaining ownership of the intellectual property rights.

Please download the Departmental Masters Brochure for details on admission requirements and procedures here: Departmental MCom(Informatics) & MIT(Information Systems) Masters Brochure 2025

It is important to note that your initial admission provides access solely to a six-month seminar on advanced topics in IS Research (for non-degree purposes). You require a 60% average for this seminar to be allowed to officially register for the full dissertation Masters programme in the forthcoming year.

Closing date for applications for the MCom(Informatics) degree:  30 September 2024

Closing date for applications for the MIT(Information Systems) degree:  31 October 2024

Please use this online registration link to apply for admission: or watch this video if you need more information on the registration process:

Note: We cannot guarantee the processing of applications for students who only receive their Honours degree results after January of the next year.  However, these applications will be considered for the year following the upcoming year.

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