Mapping Mamelodi: Open Data Day 2020

  • DATE

    07 March 2020

  • TIME

    8:00 - 15:00



This is an event to celebrate International Open Data Day 2020 on 7 March.

Minibus taxis are the most common and affordable public transport option for the majority of South Africans. An estimated 69% of households make use minibus taxis for their daily commute and the industry employ more than 600 000 people. However, the routes and taxi ranks (i.e. areas where minibus taxis drop off or pick up commuters) are not mapped and only individuals with local knowledge know where to find a minibus taxi that travels in their direction.

For our open data day event, we will focus on engaging with school learners on open mapping. School learners from local schools will be invited to the event (approximately 50 learners are expected). Through the use of participatory mapping, we aim to expose the students to the importance of open mapping platforms and why making data available is so important for policymaking and improving the quality of life for all citizens in South Africa.

  • Contact: 0124203489

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