Consultation: By appointment
Research profile
I am a geographer, working on sustainable agriculture/managed ecosystems and climate in Africa. After my PhD at Clark University in the northeastern US, I undertook a NOAA Global & Climate Change postdoctoral fellowship at the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI) at Columbia University in New York; co-hosted by the Pennsylvania State University. My research focus is on drylands, with experience throughout the SADC region and on the continent.
- B.A. (Environmental and Geographical Science; Social Anthropology); University of Cape Town
- B.A. Honours (Environmental and Geographical Science); University of Cape Town
- PhD (Geography); Clark University, USA
Courses presented
- ENV 101 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences
- ENV 301 - Human Environmental Interactions
National & international involvement
- Editor in Chief for PLOS Climate
- Member of the UNCCD Science Policy Interface
Recent research publications
Scopus H-Index | Google Scholar H-Index | ORCID ID
- Meyfroidt, Patrick; De Bremond, Ariane; Ryan, Casey M; Archer, Emma; Aspinall, Richard; Chhabra, Abha; Camara, Gilberto; Corbera, Esteve; DeFries, Ruth; Díaz, Sandra; ,Ten facts about land systems for sustainability, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,119,7,e2109217118, 2022
- Leadley, Paul; Gonzalez, Andrew; Obura, David; Krug, Cornelia B; Londoño-Murcia, Maria Cecilia; Millette, Katie L; Radulovici, Adriana; Rankovic, Aleksandar; Shannon, Lynne J; Archer, Emma; ,Achieving global biodiversity goals by 2050 requires urgent and integrated actions, One Earth,5,6,597-603,2022
- Archer, Emma; Obura, David; Leadley, Paul; Arneth, Almut; Smith, Pete; Mori, Akira S; ,Establishing a climate target within the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework,PLOS Climate,1,12,e0000106,2022,"Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA"
- Leadley, Paul; Obura, David; Archer, Emma; Costello, Mark John; Dávalos, Liliana M; Essl, Franz; Hansen, Andrew; Hashimoto, Shizuka; Leclère, David; Mori, Akira S; ,Actions needed to achieve ambitious objectives of net gains in natural ecosystem area by 2030 and beyond,PLOS Sustainability and Transformation,1,12,e0000040,2022,"Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA"
- Mograbi, Penelope J; Archer, Emma; Fabricius, Christo; Wynberg, Rachel; Donaldson, John; ,The sustainable use of wild species benefits biodiversity and human well-being in South Africa,South African Journal of Science,119,3-4,1-5,2023,Academy of Science of South Africa
- Theron, SN; Archer, E; Engelbrecht, CJ; Midgley, S; Walker, S; ,"Using SPI and SPEI for baseline probabilities and seasonal drought prediction in two agricultural regions of the Western Cape, South Africa",Water SA,49,2,103–116-103–116,2023,
- Theron, Simone Norah; Midgley, Stephanie; Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan; Archer, Emma; Tramberand, Sylvia; Walker, Sue; ,"Agricultural resilience and adaptive capacity during severe drought in the Western Cape, South Africa",Regional Environmental Change,23,3,98,2023,Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin/Heidelberg
- Landman, Willem A; Tadross, Mark; Archer, Emma; Johnston, Peter; ,Probabilistic vs deterministic forecasts–interpreting skill statistics for the benefit of users,Water SA,49,3,192–198-192–198,2023,
- Ngcobo, SI; Hill, TR; Jewitt, G; Archer, E; ,A yield gap analysis to assess vulnerability of commercial sugarcane to climatic extremes in southern Africa,Journal of Agriculture and Food Research,14,,100734,2023,Elsevier
- McNulty, Steven G; Archer, Emma RM; Gush, Mark B; ,Unknown tipping-points: a method for anticipating future forest disturbance risk,Future Forests,,,279-293,2024,Elsevier
- Sengani, David; Ramoelo, Abel; Archer, Emma; ,A review of fusion framework using optical sensors and Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery to detect and map land degradation and sustainable land management in the semi-arid regions,Geocarto International,38,1,2278325,2023,Taylor & Francis
- Archer, Emma; Males, Jamie; ,Advancing action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals,PLOS Climate,3,1,e0000341,2024,"Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA"
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