Serena Coetzee

Serena Coetzee

email: [email protected]

Research profile

My research focuses on the ever-increasing volumes of geospatial information and the management and governance challenges related to making it available, accessible and usable. The research is interdisciplinary, mainly in GISc, cartography, information systems and technologies, and contributes to understanding and solving these challenges in the context of SDIs, based on open principles and standards, often at municipal level for address data. The problem statements or case studies typically originate from practical challenges in South Africa.

In 2023, I was elected as one of the Vice Presidents of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). For many years, I actively participated in international geographic information standardization efforts through the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) technical committee ISO/TC 211, Geographic Information/Geomatics, and nationally through the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) mirror committee. I led the work on ISO 19160-1, Addressing Part 1: Conceptual model, and on ISO 19160-2:2023, Addressing Part 2: Assigning and maintaining addresses for objects in the physical worldI was also the project lead for different parts of SANS 1883, Geographic information -- Addresses. These standards facilitate the assignment of addresses, e.g., in former townships, rural areas and informal settlements, and they contribute to online validation of addresses required for e-commerce and e-governance.


  • BSc Computer Science and Mathematics - University of Pretoria
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science (cum laude) - University of Pretoria
  • Higher National Education Diploma (HNED) - University of Pretoria
  • MSc Computer Science (cum laude) - University of Pretoria
  • PhD Computer Science - University of Pretoria


Research publications

Please click here for the profile on Research Gate. Publications available through the UP repository: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3.

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