Core Students Statistics

Transformation: UP Strengths and Achievements 2018 - 2023

UP is recognised as leaders in quality education delivered by a talent bank of educators. UP’s graduates are well-rounded individuals, socially responsible citizens, and highly employable. At the University of Pretoria (UP), we are committed to gender balance, equal opportunity and women’s empowerment at all levels of academia. UP is home to more than 2 932 academics and researchers, of which 57% are women. We have 447 professors, among whom 39% are women. Women currently account for 40% of UP’s total of 570 National Research Foundation-rated researchers, and 50% of our South African Research Chair Initiative positions are held by women. We have a number of support interventions that aid women’s career progression into leadership and decision-making roles, such as access to research grants to aid early career researchers in enhancing their research and publishing productivity, which is essential for progress along the academic pipeline.

% of black contact students

57.2% (2018) - 66% (2023)

% of female contact students

55.7% (2018) - 60% (2023)

Students receiving National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) support

15% (2018) - 22% (2023)

% of permanent academic staff with PhDs

69.5% (2018) - 74% (2023)

% of registrations in Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) (contact students)

53.3% (2018) - 48% (2023)

% successful Full-time Enrolment (FTE) students to total FTE enrolments

83% (2018) - 87% (2023)

% of black staff (Department of Labour employment equity (EE) definitions)

51.7% (2018) - 71% (2023)

% of female academics

53% (2018) - 55% (2023)

Source: HEMIS


University of Pretoria

HEMIS Student Headcount


Table 1: Number of student registrations per Qualification Type

Qualification Type 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Undergraduate 35 746 35 820 37 820 37 075 35 968
Postgraduate 14 434 14 722 16 278 116 994 17 510
Occasional  414 413 401 397 433
Total 50 594 50 955 53 912 54 466 53 911


Table 2: Number of student registrations per qualification group

Qualification Group 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Doctorate 2 375 2 411 2 537 2 586 2 555
Masters 6 239 6 248 6 318 6 190 6 220
Honours 4 630 4 351 4 615 4 621 4 884
PG Diplomas and Certificates 1 190 1 712 2 808 3 597 3 851
Occasional  414 413 401 397 433
UG Degrees 35 275 35 139 36 444 35 700 34 220
UG Diplomas and Certificates 471 681 789 1 375 1 748
Total 50 594 50 955 53 912 54 466 53 911


Table 3: Number of student registrations per faculty

Faculty 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Humanities 5 603 5 689 6 001 5 955 5 941
Natural and Agricultural Sciences 6 448 6 412 6 591 6 230 5 753
Law 2 572 2 515 2 809 2 969 2 777
Theology and Religion 631 707 724 721 636
Economic and Management Sciences 7 712 7 805 8 039 8 094 8 222
Veterinary Science 1 417 1 390 1 452 1 493 1 481
Education 6 550 6 883 7 687 8 214 9 056
Health Sciences 7 256 7 355 7 873 8 183 8 191
Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology 11 258 10 895 11 034 10 708 9 850
Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) 1 147 1 304 1 702 1 899 2 004
Total 50 594 50 955 53 912 54 466 53 911


Table 4: Number of student registrations per ethnic group

Ethnic Group 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
 African 25 985 26 831 29 542 31 281 31 928
 Coloured 1 507 1 558 1 680 1 758 1 759
 Indian 3 056 3 205 3 516 3 452 3 467
 White 20 021 19 336 19 141 17 929 20
 Undisclosed 25 25 33 46 16 737
Total 50 594 50 955 50 955 54 466 53 911


Table 5: Number of student registrations per gender

Gender 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
 Female 28 621 29 258 31 490 32 318 32 748
 Male 21 973 21 692 22 359 22 031 21 053
 Undisclosed   5 63 117 110
Total 50 594 50 955 53 912 54 466 53 911


Table 6: Number of graduates

Graduates 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Undergraduate 6 617 7 291 7 588 7 675 7 809
Postgraduate 6 240 5 590 6 005 5 879 6 514
Total 12 857 12 881 13 593 13 554 14 323



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