Recent Journal articles
S. Mbatha, R.C. Everson, N. Engelbretcht, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, A. Lanzini, W. Brilman, Power-to-methanol process: A review of electrolysis, methanol catalysts, kinetics, reactor designs and modelling, process integration, optimisation, and techno-economics, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021. Accepted.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, R. Mokaya, N.M. Musyoka, L.E. Khotseng, Co-pelletization of a zirconium-based metalorganic framework (UiO-66) with polymer nanofibers for improved useable capacity in hydrogen storage, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 46, 2021, 8607-8620.
L.Y. Molefe, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, P.G. Ndungu, Effect of Inclusion of MOF‑Polymer Composite onto a Carbon Foam Material for Hydrogen Storage Application, J Inorg Organomet Polym Mater. 31, 2021, 80–88.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, R. Mokaya, N.M. Musyoka, L.E. Khotseng, Experimental demonstration of dynamic temperature-dependent behavior of UiO-66 metal–organic framework: compaction of hydroxylated and dehydroxylated forms of UiO-66 for high-pressure hydrogen storage, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12(22), 2020, 24883–24894.
J.C. Kemmegne-Mbouguen, F.P. Tchoumi, E. Mouafo-Tchinda, H.W. Langmi, S.E. Bambalaza, N.M. Musyoka, C. Kowenje, R. Mokaya, Simultaneous quantification of acetaminophen and tryptophan using a composite graphene foam/Zr-MOF film modified electrode, New J. Chem. 44, 2020, 13108-13117.
L.Y. Molefe, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, P.G. Ndungu, Polymer-Based Shaping Strategy for Zeolite Templated Carbons (ZTC) and Their Metal Organic Framework (MOF) Composites for Improved Hydrogen Storage Properties, Frontiers in Chemistry 7, 2019, 864.
S.O. Otieno, F.O Kengara, J.C Kemmegne-Mbouguen, H.W. Langmi, C.B.O. Kowenje, R. Mokaya, The effects of metakaolinization and fused-metakaolinization on zeolites synthesized from quartz rich natural clays, Micro. Mesoporous Mater. 290, 2019, 109668.
X. Dyosiba, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, M.S. Onyango, Feasibility of Varied Polyethylene Terephthalate Wastes as a Linker Source in Metal–Organic Framework UiO-66 (Zr) Synthesis, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (36), 2019, 17010-17016.
L.Y. Molefe, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, P.G. Ndungu, R. Dawson, M. Mathe, Synthesis of PIM-1@MIL-101(Cr) monolithic hybrid for hydrogen storage application, J. Mater. Sci. 54, 2019, 7078–7086.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, R. Mokaya N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, L.E. Khotseng, Compaction of a Zirconium Metal-Organic Framework (UiO-66) for high density hydrogen storage applications, J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8ta09227c
K.M. Rambau, N.M. Musyoka N. Manyala, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M.K. Mathe, Preparation of carbon nanofibers/tubes using waste tyres pyrolysis oil vapour and coal fly ash as catalyst support, J. Environ. Sci. Health A, 2018, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2018.1474594.
N.M. Musyoka, K.M. Rambau, N. Manyala, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M.K. Mathe, Utilization of waste tyres pyrolysis oil vapour in the synthesis of zeolite templated carbons (ZTCs) for hydrogen storage application, J. Environ. Sci. Health A 53, 2018, 1022–1028.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, J. Walker, M. Mathe, S. Liao. In-situ IR Monitoring to Probe the Formation of Structural Defects in Zr-fumarate Metal-organic Framework (MOF), Polyhedron 2018, 153, 205-212
K.M. Rambau, N.M. Musyoka, N. Manyala, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, Mechanochemical approach in the synthesis of activated carbons from waste tyres and its hydrogen storage applications, Materials Today: Proceedings 5(4), 2018, 10505-10513.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, L.E. Khotseng, Incorporation of UiO-66 into Graphene Foam for Hydrogen Storage Applications, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5, 2018, 10431–10439.
I.M. Ndlovu, R.C. Everson, S. Chiuta, H.W.J.P. Neomagus, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N. Engelbrecht, D.G. Bessarabov, A performance evaluation of a microchannel reactor for the production of hydrogen from formic acid, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 13, 2018, 485-497
J. Ren, X. Dyosiba, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, S. Liao, Review on the Current Practices and Efforts towards Pilot-scale Production of Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs), Coord. Chem. Rev., 352, 2017, 187-219.
J. Ren, M. Ledwaba, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, S. Liao, Structural Defects in Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs): Formation, Detection and Control toward Practices of Interests, Coord. Chem. Rev. 349, 2017, 169-197.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, P. Annamalai, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Synthesis of rGO/Zr-MOF composite for hydrogen storage application, J. Alloys Compd. 724, 2017, 450-455.
P. Annamalai, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, L.F. Petrik, Electrospun zeolite templated carbon composite fibres for hydrogen storage applications, Res. Chem. Intermed. 43, 2017, 4095–4102
D. Bessarabov, G. Human, A.J. Kruger, S. Chiuta, P.M. Modisha, S.P. du Preez, S.P. du Preez, S.P. Oelofse, I. Vincent, J. van der Merwe, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, South African Hydrogen Infrastructure (HySA Infrastructure) for fuel cells and energy storage: Overview of a projects portfolio, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42, 2017, 13568-13588.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, S. Liao, Current research trends and perspectives on materials-based hydrogen storage solutions: A critical review, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 45, 2017, 289-311. (Paper awarded the Int. J. Hydrogen Energy David Sanborn Scott Award).
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, W. Pang, M. Wang, J. Walker, In-situ IR monitoring of the formation of Zr-fumarate MOF, Appl. Surf. Sci. 404, 2017, 263-267.
J. Ren, X. Dyosiba, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, Development of functional metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs) for storing hydrogen in para form, Procedia Manufacturing 7, 2016, 34-38.
L.N. Baloyi, B.C. North, H.W. Langmi, B.J. Bladergroen, T.V. Ojumu, The production of hydrogen through the use of a 77 wt% Pd 23 wt% Ag membrane water gas shift reactor, South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 22, 2016, 44-54.
X. Dyosiba, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, M.S. Onyango, Preparation of value-added metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) using waste PET bottles as source of acid linker, Sustainable Materials and Technologies 10, 2016, 10-13.
J. Ren, X. Dyosiba, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, M. S. Onyango, Green synthesis of chromium-based metal-organic framework (Cr-MOF) from waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles for hydrogen storage applications, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 41, 2016, 18141-18146.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, P. Annamalai, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Synthesis of a hybrid MIL-101(Cr)@ZTC composite for hydrogen storage applications, Res. Chem. Intermed. 42, 2016, 5299-5307.
T. Segakweng, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, P. Crouse, H.W. Langmi, Comparison of MOF-5 and Cr-MOF derived carbons for hydrogen storage application, Res. Chem. Intermed., 42, 2016, 4951-4961.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, X. Kang, Tuning Defects to Facilitate Hydrogen Storage in Core-shell MIL-101(Cr)@UiO-66(Zr) Nanocrystals, Materials Today: Proceedings 2, 2015, 3964-3972.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, A comparison of hydrogen storage capacity of commercial and fly ash-derived zeolite X together with their respective templated carbon derivatives, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40, 2015, 12705-12712.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, X. Kang, S. Liao, Hydrogen storage in Zr-fumarate MOF, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 40, 2015, 10542-10546.
J. Ren, T. Segakweng, H.W. Langmi, B. North, M. Mathe, Ni foam-immobilized MIL-101(Cr) nanocrystals towards system integration for hydrogen storage, J. Alloys Compd. 645, 2015, S170–S173.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, P. Annamalai, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, Electrospun MOF Nanofibers as Hydrogen Storage Media, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40, 2015, 9382-9387.
J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North and M. Mathe, Review on processing of metal-organic framework (MOF) materials towards system integration for hydrogen storage, Int. J. Energy Res. 39, 2015, 607-620.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, A. Swartbooi, B. North, M. Mathe, A more efficient way to shape metal-organic framework (MOF) powder materials for hydrogen storage applications. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 40, 2015, 4617-4622.
A. Tokarev, A.V. Avdeenkov, H. Langmi, D.G. Bessarabov, Modeling hydrogen storage in boron‐substituted graphene decorated with potassium metal atoms, Int. J. Energy Res. 39, 2015, 524–528.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, D.E.C. Rogers, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Synthesis of templated carbons starting from clay and clay-derived zeolites for hydrogen storage applications, Int. J. Energy Res. 39, 2015, 494–503.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, X. Kang, Fabrication of core-shell MIL-101(Cr)@UiO-66(Zr) nanocrystals for hydrogen storage, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 39, 2014, 14912–14917.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, T. Segakweng, B.C. North, M. Mathe, Modulated synthesis of chromium-based metal-organic frameworks (MIL-101) with enhanced hydrogen storage uptake, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 39, 2014, 12018–12023.
J. Ren, T. Segakweng, H.W. Langmi, N.M. Musyoka, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Microwave-assisted modulated synthesis of zirconium-based metal-organic framework (Zr-MOF) for hydrogen storage applications, Int. J. Mater. Res. 105, 2014, 516-519.
H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, B. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Hydrogen storage in metal-organic frameworks: A review, Electrochim. Acta, 12, 2014, 368-392 (Hot Article).
J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Modulated synthesis of zirconium-Metal organic framework (Zr-MOF) for hydrogen storage applications, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 39, 2014, 890-895.
J. Ren, D.E.C. Rogers, T. Segakweng, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Thermal treatment induced transition from Zn3(OH)2(BDC)2 (MOF-69c) to Zn4O(BDC)3(MOF-5), Int. J. Mater. Res. 105, 2014, 89-93.
Recent Conference proceedings
S. Mbatha, R. Everson, N. Engelbretcht, N. Musyoka, H. Langmi, D. Bessarabov, 11th Renewable Energy Postgraduate Symposium, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 21 September 2020. Oral presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, Holistic approach for low-cost synthesis of Fe-based Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) using Fe derived from acid mine drainage and PET-derived organic linker, AAAFM-UCLA International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials, Los Angeles, USA, 19 – 22 August 2019. Oral presentation.
H.W. Langmi, S.E. Bambalaza, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, R. Mokaya, Towards Application of Metal-Organic Frameworks in Hydrogen Storage, Gordon Research Conference on Hydrogen-Metal Systems, Castelldefels, Spain, 30 June – 5 July 2019. Invited Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, S.E. Bambalaza, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, R. Mokaya, L. Khotseng, Shaping of UiO-66 for high density hydrogen storage, 16th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2018), Guangzhou, China, 28 October-2 November 2018. Oral presentation.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, N.M. Musyoka, R. Mokaya, L. Khotseng, Compaction of UiO-66/MIL-101(Cr) Metal-Organic Framework composite material for high density hydrogen storage, 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, ACC Liverpool, 26–30 August 2018. Poster Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B. North, and M. Mathe, Clinoptilolite derived templated carbon for hydrogen storage application, 10th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites (Zeolite 2018), Cracow, Poland, 24-29 June 2018. Oral presentation.
K.M. Rambau, N.M. Musyoka, N. Manyala, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, Synthesis of carbon nanomaterials using waste tyres pyrolysis oil vapor. 28th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA), Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa, 19-22 November 2017. Poster Presentation.
M.V. Ledwaba, J. Ren, N. M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Defect control in metal organic frameworks (MOFs) for improved hydrogen storage, 28th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA), Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa, 19-22 November 2017. Poster Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, The Role of Hydrogen in a Renewable Energy Era, Advances in Sustainable Energy Materials for Africa, Kisumu, Kenya, 14-15 November 2017. Invited Presentation.
L.Y. Molefe, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren and P.G. Ndungu, Synthesis of MIL-101(Cr)@PIM-1 monolithic hybrid composite for hydrogen storage applications, 2nd European Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers (Euro-MOF). Delft, The Netherlands, 29 October – 01 November 2017. Poster Presentation.
X. Dyosiba, J. Ren, N. Musyoka, H. Langmi, M. Mathe, M. Onyango, Waste PET-derived MIL-101(Cr) for Enrichment of Para-hydrogen, 2nd European Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers (Euro-MOF). Delft, The Netherlands, 29 October – 01 November 2017. Poster Presentation.
J. Ren, X. Dyosiba, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, M. Onyango. Waste PET-derived metal-organic framework (MOF) materials for enrichment of para-hydrogen. Advances in Functional Materials (AFM-2017), 14-17 August 2017, University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Oral presenation.
N.M. Musyoka, S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, L. Khotseng. Electrospinning: Approach for Producing Multi-Hierarchical Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Composites. 8th International Symposium NANOPOROUS MATERIALS-VIII (NANO-8), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. 9 – 12 July 2017. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, S. Bambalaza, B. North, M. Mathe, Development of Porous Materials for Hydrogen Storage: Metal-Organic Frameworks and Carbon Nanostructures, SACI Inorganic 2017, Hermanus, South Africa, 25-29 July 2017. Oral Presentation.
L.Y. Molefe, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, P.G. Ndungu, Development of polymer-based metal-organic framework composites for hydrogen storage applications, 1st Africa Energy Materials (AEM-2017) conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 28-31 March 2017. Poster Presentation.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, L.E. Khotseng, Incorporation of uio-66 into graphene foam for hydrogen storage applications, 1st Africa Energy Materials (AEM-2017) conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 28-31 March 2017. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, Hydrogen energy: a real solution to a real problem? Scifest Africa, Grahamstown, South Africa, 8-14 March 2017. Keynote (Invited) Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, Adsorptive Hydrogen Storage: Opportunities & Challenges, Energy Technologies Research Institute (ETRI) Conference, Nottingham, UK, 10 January 2017. Invited Keynote Presentation.
P. Annamalai, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, and L.F. Petrik, Synthesis and characterisation of electrospun porous composite materials for hydrogen storage application, 1st SACI North Section Young Chemist Symposium, Limpopo, South Africa, 23 November 2016. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, N.M. Musyoka, S. Bambalaza, J. Ren, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Synthesis of MOF/Carbon Composite Materials for Enhanced Hydrogen Storage Properties, European Materials Society (E-MRS) Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 19-22 September 2016. Oral Presentation.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, Development of functional materials for storing hydrogen in para form, 1st International conference on Advanced Energy Materials (AEM-2016), Guildford, England, 12-14 September 2016. Oral Presentation.
S.E. Bambalaza, H.W. Langmi, N.M. Musyoka, L. Khotseng, In-situ growth of zirconium-metal organic framework nanocrystals onto graphene foam and its hydrogen storage properties, Annual National Renewable and Sustainable Energy Postgraduate Symposium, Alice, South Africa, 5-6 September 2016. Oral Presentation.
L. Molefe, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, P. Ndungu, Polymer-based Metal Organic Framework (MOF) Composites for Hydrogen Storage, Annual National Renewable and Sustainable Energy Postgraduate Symposium, Alice, South Africa, 5-6 September 2016. Oral Presentation.
X.L. Dyosiba, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M.S. Onyango, Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) as sustainable precursors for synthesis of BDC based MOFs for hydrogen storage application, Annual National Renewable and Sustainable Energy Postgraduate Symposium, Alice, South Africa, 5-6 September 2016. Poster Presentation.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe, Green synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in supercritical carbon dioxide, 2nd International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering, Rome, Italy, 20-22 July 2016. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, Hydrogen: alternative energy source for the future? Sustainability Week, Sustainable Energy Seminar, Pretoria, South Africa, 31 May – 02 June 2016. Invited Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, P. Annamalai, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, Porous carbonaceous materials for hydrogen storage applications, Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Spring Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, 8-11 March 2016. Oral Presentation.
I.M Ndlovu, J. Ren, H.W Langmi, R.C. Everson, H. Neomagus, S. Chiuta, D. Bessarabov, An Experimental Evaluation of a Microchannel Reactor for Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid using Au/Al2O3 Catalyst, Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-18 November 2015. Poster Presentation.
A. Swartbooi, H.W. Langmi, B. North, D. Bessarabov, Composite Cylinders for Hydrogen Storage, 2nd International Conference on Composites, Biocomposites and Nanocomposites, Durban, South Africa, 28-30 October 2015. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Progress in Materials-based Storage at HySA Infrastructure in South Africa, 6th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, Sydney Australia, 11-14 October 2015. Oral Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, P. Annamalai, H.W. Langmi, B. C. North, M. Mathe, L. Petrik, Synthesis of porous electrospun nanofiber composites for hydrogen storage applications, 1st European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers, Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See (nearby Berlin), Germany, 11-14 October 2015. Poster Presentation.
J. Ren, N. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B. North, M. Mathe, Solar energy-assisted production of Zr-fumarate Metal-Organic Framework (MOF), 1st European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers, Kongresshotel Potsdam am Templiner See (nearby Berlin), Germany, 11-14 October 2015. Poster Presentation.
T. Segakweng, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, The effect of using different organic linkers on the Hydrogen storage ability of Zirconium-based Metal-Organic Framework (Zr-MOF), 5th CSIR Emerging Researcher Symposium, Pretoria, South Africa. 8 October 2015. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, Towards development of hydrogen storage technologies for clean energy applications, 5th CSIR Conference. Pretoria, South Africa. 8-9 October 2015. Invited Presentation.
P. Annamalai, N. M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, and L.F. Petrik, Electrospinning of zeolitic fibre composites for hydrogen storage applications, 5th CSIR Emerging Researcher Symposium, Pretoria, South Africa. 8 October 2015. Poster Presentation.
H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N. Musyoka, B. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, A showcase of Research at HySA Infrastructure Centre of Competence, SA-UK Researcher Links Workshop: Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage: Design, Synthesis and Characterisation of Porous Materials, Pretoria, South Africa, 1-4 September 2015, Oral Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Overview of carbon nanostructured materials development at the HySA Infrastructure CoC, SA-UK Researcher Links Workshop: Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage: Design, Synthesis and Characterisation of Porous Materials, Pretoria, South Africa. 1-4 September 2015. Oral Presentation.
J. Ren, N. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B. North, M. Mathe, D. Bessarabov, Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)-based Hydrogen Storage at HySA Infrastructure, SA-UK Researcher Links Workshop: Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage: Design, Synthesis and Characterisation of Porous Materials, Pretoria, South Africa. 1-4 September 2015. Oral Presentation.
A. Swartbooi, H.W. Langmi, B. North, Composite Cylinders for Hydrogen Storage, SA-UK Researcher Links Workshop: Materials-Based Hydrogen Storage: Design, Synthesis and Characterisation of Porous Materials, Pretoria, South Africa. 1-4 September 2015. Oral Presentation.
J. Ren, P. Annamalai, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe. Electrospun Metal-organic Framework (MOF) Nanofibers for Hydrogen Storage, 6th International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials (ANM 2015), Aveiro, Portugal, 20-22 July 2015. Oral presentation.
T. Segakweng, J. Ren, N. Musyoka, H. W. Langmi, Comparison of MOF-5 and MIL-101 derived carbons for hydrogen storage applications, Gordon Research Conference on Hydrogen-Metal Systems, 11-17 July 2015, Easton, MA, USA. Poster Presentation.
P. Annamalai, N. M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, and L.F. Petrik, Electrospinning of zeolitic fibre composites for hydrogen storage applications, 17th SACI Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Grahamstown, South Africa, 28 June-2 July 2015. Poster Presentation.
L. Baloyi, B. North, H. Langmi, T. Ojumu, B. Bladergoen, Permeability, stability and durability of Pd77-Ag23 membrane reactor exposed to hydrogen, 17th SACI Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Grahamstown, South Africa, 28 June-2 July 2015. Poster Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, M. Rambau, B. North, M. Mathe, R. Mokaya. Effect of ion exchange and acid washing on quality and performance of clay-derived zeolite templated carbons for hydrogen storage applications, 7th International Workshop on Characterisation of Porous Materials, Florida, USA, 3-6 May 2015. Poster Presentation.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, M. Mathe. Electrospun Zr-based metal-organic framework (MOF nanofibers) for hydrogen storage, 7th International Workshop on Characterisation of Porous Materials, Florida, USA, 3-6 May 2015. Poster Presentation.
J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, T. Segakweng, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe. Tailored porosity of metal-organic frameworks for hydrogen storage, 7th International Symposium on Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials, Johannesburg, South Africa, 23-27 November 2014. Oral Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, P. Annamalai, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B. North, M. Mathe. Effect of lithium-doping on templated carbons for hydrogen storage applications, 7th International Symposium on Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials, Johannesburg, South Africa, 23-27 November 2014. Poster Presentation.
T. Segakweng, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, N. Musyoka. Modulated synthesis of chromium-based metal organic frameworks (MIL-101) for hydrogen storage applications, 5th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, Durban, South Africa, 17-21 August 2014. Oral Presentation.
H.W. Langmi and D. Bessarabov, HySA Infrastructure: A strategic platform for collaboration in the area of hydrogen and fuel cell research, South Africa-Korea Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa, 4-6 August 2014. Oral Presentation.
D. Bessarabov, G. Human, S. Chiuta, F. Van Niekerk, D. De Beer, H. Malan, L.J. Grobler, H. W. Langmi, B. North, D. Mudaly, M. Mathe, HySA Infrastructure Center of competence: A strategic collaboration platform for renewable hydrogen production and storage for fuel cell telecom applications, Proc. 2014 IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC). Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2014, IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3104-0
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, Synthesis of Cr-MOF Derived Porous Carbon for Hydrogen Storage Applications, 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Manchester, UK, 20-25 July 2014. Oral Presentation.
J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe, Shaped Chromium-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (Cr-MOFs) for Hydrogen Storage Applications, 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Manchester, UK, 20-25 July 2014. Poster Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, J. Ren, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe and D. Bessarabov, Synthesis of Templated Carbons Starting from Clay and Clay-derived Zeolites for Hydrogen Storage Applications, 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Gwangju, South Korea, 15-20 June 2014. Oral Presentation.
N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, B.C. North, M. Mathe and D. Bessarabov, Synthesis of a hierarchically structured zeolite-templated carbon starting from fly ash-derived zeolite X, 10th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids, Granada, Spain, 11-14 May 2014. Poster Presentation.
Books or Chapters in Books
H.W. Langmi, N. Engelbrecht, P.M. Modisha, D. Bessarabov, Hydrogen storage, Electrochemical Power Sources: Fundamentals, Systems, and Applications: Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis, 1st Edition, Tom Smolinka and Jurgen Garche (eds.). Elsevier, 2021, Chapter 13, ISBN: 978-0128194249.
H.W. Langmi, Amide-Hydride Systems for Hydrogen Storage. In: Hydrogen Storage: Preparation, Applications and Technology. Huaiyu Shao (ed.). Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2018, Chapter 2, pp. 33-51. ISBN is 978-1-53614-220-4.
H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, Metal-Organic Frameworks as Materials for Fuel Cell Technologies. In: Nanomaterials for Fuel Cell Catalysis. Kenneth I. Ozoemena and Shaowei Chen (eds.). Springer International Publishing, 2016. Chapter 9, pp. 367-407. ISBN: 978-3-319-26249-9.
H.W. Langmi, J. Ren, N.M. Musyoka, Metal-Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen Storage. In: Compendium of Hydrogen Energy – Volume 2: Hydrogen Storage, Distribution, and Infrastructure. Ram B. Gupta, Angelo Basile and T. Nejat Veziroglu (eds.). Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier Ltd), 2016, Chapter 7, pp. 162-186. ISBN: 978-1-78242-362-1.
N.M. Musyoka, H.W. Langmi, Clay and Clay-Supported Materials for Clean Energy Storage Applications. In: Bentonite: Characteristics, Uses and Implications for the Environment. Ajay Kumar Mishra (ed.) Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2015, Chapter 1, pp. 1-17. ISBN: 978-1-63482-187-2.
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