
Research Publications


Journal articles in peer-reviewed, accredited journals – published with volume number

Bastable., K., Cooke., P., Harvey., L., Orlate., V., Castelejn, D. & Dada, S. (2023). Changing the story: The evaluation of a leadership development programme for vulnerable and deaf youth in South Africa. Social Sciences, 12(11), 631.

Bornman, J. & Louw, B. (2023). Leadership in interprofessional healthcare collaboration: A rapid review. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 15, 175–192.

Dada, S., Schoeman, J., Koul, R. & Wallace, S. E. (2023). The effect of frequency of augmented input on the auditory comprehension of narratives for persons with Wernicke’s aphasia. Aphasiology, 37(3), 363–381.

Dada, S., Tönsing, K., Bornman, J., Samuels, A., Johnson, E. & Morwane, R. (2023). The Sustainable Development Goals: A framework for addressing participation of persons with complex communication needs in South Africa. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(1), 47–51.

Dada, S., Wylie, K., Marshall, J., Rochus, D. & Bampoe, J. O. (2023). The importance of SDG 17 and equitable partnerships in maximising participation of persons with communication disabilities and their families. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(1), 183–187.

Gaigulo, D., King, M. & Bornman, J. (2023). Lessons from e-Learning courses in healthcare: A scoping review. E-learning and Education (eleed), 15.

Kuyler, A. & Johnson, E. (2023). Critically ill patients’ experiences of nursing care and the effect on their personhood: A retrospective study. Nursing Open, 10, 6903–6911.

Kuyler, A., Johnson, E. & Bornman, J. (2023). Multimodal communication reported by familiar caregivers to build communication capacity in persons who are minimally conscious. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(4), 523–539.

Kuyler, A., Johnson, E. & Bornman, J. (2023). An umbrella review of systematic reviews: Characteristics of communication-partner training that facilitate learning in communication partners of adults with acquired neurogenic communication disorders. Canadian Journal of Speech-language Pathology and Audiology, 47(2), 141–163.

Laher, Z. & Dada, S. (2023). The effect of aided language stimulation on the acquisition of receptive vocabulary in children with complex communication needs and severe intellectual disability: A comparison of two dosages. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 39(2), 96–109, http://doi: 10.1080/07434618.2022.2155566

Liebenberg, P., van der Linde, J., Schimper, I., de Wet, F., Graham, M. & Bornman, J. (2023). Describing the spoken language skills of typically developing Afrikaans-speaking children using Language Sample Analysis: A pilot study. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 54(2), 518–534.

Lüdtke, U., Bornman, J., de Wet, F., Heid, U., Ostermann, J., Rumberg, L., van der Linde, J. & Ehlert, H. (2023). Multidisciplinary perspectives on automatic analysis of children’s language samples: Where do we go from here? Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 75(1), 1–12.

Lüdtke, U., Ehlert, H., Gaigulu, D. & Bornman, J. (2023). Research on the methodology of LSA with preschool children: A scoping review. Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders, 8(2), 29–46.

McMahon-Panther, G. & Bornman, J. (2023).The perceptions of persons with disabilities, primary caregivers and church leaders regarding barriers and facilitators to participation in a Methodist congregation. Journal of Disability & Religion, 27(1), 39–5.

Nyberg, A., Ferm, U. & Bornman, J. (2023). School-based abuse prevention programs for children: A scoping review. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 70(2), 137–155.

Rayer, K., Chavers, T., Schlosser, R. & Koul, R. (2023). Efficacy of speech output technologies in interventions for persons with aphasia: A scoping review. Aphasiology, 37(11), 1861–1883.

Romski, M. A., Sevcik R. A., DeLeo, L., Branm-Martin, I. & Bornman, J. (2023). Using a self-guided app to provide communication strategies for caregivers of young children with developmental disorders: A pilot investigation Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 20, 73–88.

Stipinovich, A. M., Tönsing, K. & Dada, S. (2023). Communication strategies to support decision making by persons with aphasia: A scoping review. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 58, 1955–1976.

Tönsing, K. M. & Dada, S. (2023). Learning graphic symbols in two languages: Effects of monolingual teaching. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(2), 281–291.

Tönsing, K. M., Dada, S., Bastable, K. & Samuels, A. (2023). Health information and education needs for youth with complex communication needs during the Covid-19 pandemic: Rehabilitation professionals’ perspectives. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45(10), 1619–1628.

Van Niekerk, K., Dada, S. & Tönsing, K. (2023). Perspectives of rehabilitation professionals on assistive technology provision to young children in South Africa: A national survey. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 18(5), 588–595.

White, R., Johnson, E. & Bornman, J. (2023). Giving voice to the voices of legal practitioners with disabilities. Disability and Society, 38(8), 1451–1475.

Winter, P., Rabé, M., Bornman, J., De Wet, F., Graham, M.A. & Van der Linde, J. (2023). Kodewisselingspatrone in natuurlike, gesproke taal in ʼn groep jong, Afrikaanse kinders: ʼn Verkennende studie. [Code-switching patterns in natural spoken language in a group of young Afrikaans-speaking children: An exploratory study]. Suid Afrikaanse Tydskif van Wetenskap en Kuns, 63(1), 45–64.

Zheng, H., Bornman, J., Granlund, M., Zhao, Y. & Huus, K. (2023). Participation of children with long-term health conditions compared to that of healthy peers: A cross-sectional comparative study. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(3), 334–343.

Zheng, H., Bornman, J., Granlund, M., Zhao, Y. & Huus, K. (2023). Agreement between children with long-term health conditions and their primary caregivers on reports of perceived participation. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences (Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion), 4, 1123651.

Journal articles in peer-reviewed, accredited journals – early online

Dada, S., Van der Walt, C., May, A. A. & Murray, J. (2021). Intelligent assistive technology devices for persons with dementia: A scoping review. Assistive Technology, Advance online publication.

Masuku, K., Bornman, J. & Johnson, E. (2023). Analysing Eswatini’s National Disability Policy Reforms: Access to health care implications for citizens with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Advance online publication.

Soto, G. & Tönsing, K. (2023). Is there a ‘universal’ core? Using semantic primes to select vocabulary across languages. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Advance online publication.

Tönsing, K. M., Bartram, J., Morwane, R. E. & Waller, A. (2022). Designing electronic graphic symbol-based AAC systems: A scoping review. Part 1: System description. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, Advance online publication.

Tönsing, K. M., Bartram, J., Morwane, R. E. & Waller, A. (2022). Designing electronic graphic symbol-based AAC systems: A scoping review. Part 2: Application of human-centred design. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, Advance online publication.

Tönsing, K. M., Mothapo, N. R. B., Morwane, R. E. & Soto, G. (2023). Stakeholder validation of a Sepedi core vocabulary list as a resource for augmentative and alternative communication. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Advance online publication.


Books (peer-reviewed)

Halder, S., Dada, S. & Banerjee, R. (Eds.) (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators. Routledge Handbooks.


Chapters in books

Arvidsson, P., Storfors, T. & Wilder, J. (2023). Identification of possible learning problems in children with intellectual disabilities. In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 256–265). Routledge Handbooks.

Balton, S. & Dada, S. (2023). Early education programs in under-resourced communities. In S. Halder & G. Squires (Eds.), Inclusion and Diversity: Communities and Practices around the World (pp. 223–237). Routledge.

Bornman, J. (2023). Communication, disability and human rights: Exploring the role of the Sustainable Development Goals. In U. M. Lüdtke, E. Kija & M. K. Karia (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Disabilities and Language Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 559–580). Springer Nature.

Bornman, J., Gouws, H., Moolman, E., Robberts, A. & Tönsing, K. M. (2023). Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication Strategies in Schools in Namibia. In U. M. Lüdtke; E. Kija & M. K. Karia (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Disabilities and Language Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 643–671). Springer Nature.

Bornman, J., Waller, A. & Lloyd, L. L. (2023). Background, features and principles of AAC technology. In D. Fuller & L. L. Lloyd (Eds.), Principles and Practices in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (pp. 192–215). Slack.

Dada, S. (2023). Conceptual identification and assessment of students with diverse needs. In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 219–226). Routledge Handbooks.

Dada, S., Bastable, K., Samuels, A., Granlund, M. L. S. & Huus, K. (2023). Participation of children with disabilities and their peers in low and middle-income countries: Comparison of children with and without disabilities. In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 157–190). Routledge Handbooks.

Dada, S., Flores, C., Tönsing, K. & Wilder, J. (2023). Attitudes towards an unfamiliar peer with complex communication needs using an iPad with AAC software and a communication board: Perspectives of adolescents with physical disabilities. In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 105–119). Routledge Handbooks.

Donohue, D. K. & Bornman, J. (2023). Twenty years later: Has inclusive education in South Africa been realised? In E. J. Done & H. Knowler (Eds.). International Perspectives on Exclusionary Pressures in Education (pp. 205–215). Palgrave Macmillan.

May, A., Dada, S. & Murray, J. (2023). Implementing AAC for a person with dementia. In M. Smith (Ed.), Clinical Cases in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (pp. 173–193). Routledge.

Morwane, R. (2023). Inclusion of individuals with disabilities in vocational training in South Africa? In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 638–649). Routledge Handbooks.

Tönsing, K. & Dada, S. (2023). Augmentative and alternative communication for the classroom. In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 361–377). Routledge Handbooks.

van Niekerk, K., Dada, S. & Tonsing, K. (2023). A framework for the selection of assistive technology for the classroom. In S. Halder, S. Dada & R. Banerjee (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Inclusive Education for Teacher Educators (pp. 483–492). Routledge Handbooks.




Davis-Strauss, S.L., Johnson, E. Lubbe, W. (2022) Determining postdischarge needs of South African parents with premature infants. Infants and Young Children, 35(1), 40 - 53. 

Castro-Kemp, S., & Samuels, A. (2022). Working together: A review of cross-sector collaborative practices in provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 120, 104127.

Johnson, E., Heyns, T., Nilsson, S. (2022) Nurses' perspectives on alternative communication strategies use in critical care units. Nursing in Critical Care, 27 p 120–129.

Van Rie, K.J., Kanji, A., & Naude, A. (2022). Professional guidelines and reported practice of audiologists performing fall risk assessment with older adults: A systematic review. American Journal of Audiology, 31, 243-260.

Wiljén, A., Chaplin, J., Crine, W., Jobe, W., Johnson, E., Karlsson, K., Lindroth, T., Schwarz, A., Stenmarker, M., Thunberg, G., Öhlén, J., Nilsson, S. (2022) The development of an mHealth tool for children with long-term illness to enable person-centred communication: a user centred-design approach. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 5(1), e3064.

Dada, S., Tönsing, K., & Goldbart, J. (2022). Friendship experiences of young adults who use augmentative and alternative communication. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69(3), 951–975. 

Dada, S., May, A., Bastable, K., Samuels, A., Tönsing, K., Wilder, J., Casey, M., Ntuli, C., & Reddy, V. (2022). The involvement matrix as a framework for involving youth with severe communication disabilities in developing health education materials. Health Expectations, 25, 1004–1015.

Thunberg, G., Johnson, E., Bornman, J., Öhlén, J. & Nilsson, S. (2022).  Being heard – Supporting person-centred communication in paediatric care using augmentative and alternative communication as universal design: A position paper. Nursing Inquiry, 29(2), e12426

Kuyler, A., Johnson, E., & Bornman, J. (2022). Unaided communication behaviours displayed by adults with severe cerebrovascular accidents and little or no functional speech: A scoping review. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 57(2), 403–421.

Nyberg, A., Ferm, U., & Bornman, J. (2022). Signs of abuse in children with disabilities: A rapid review with expert panel social validation. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 47(3), 206–217.

McDowell, A., & Bornman, J. (2022). Using key-word signing to support learners in South African schools: A study of teachers’ perceptions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 38(2), 106–122.

Naudé, A., Bornman, J., & Kanji, A. (2022). A systematic review of ethics knowledge in audiology literature: A follow-up study (2011–2020). American Journal of Audiology, 31(3), 835–844.

Chavers, T. N., Schlosser, R. W., Cheng, C., & Koul, R. (2022). Effects of Interventions Involving Speech Output Technologies on Communication Outcomes for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(5), 2248–2267.

Cooper, D. S., Uppal, D., Railey, K. S., Blank Wilson, A., Maras, K., Zimmerman, E., Bornman, J., & Shea, L. L. (2022). Policy gaps and opportunities: A systematic review of autism spectrum disorder and criminal justice intersections. Autism, 26(5), 1014–1031.

Naude, T., Dada, S., & Bornman, J. (2022). The effect of an augmented input intervention on subtraction word-problem solving for children with intellectual disabilities: A preliminary study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69(6), 1988–2009.

Choe, N., Shane, H., Schlosser, R. W., Haynes, C. W., & Allen, A. (2022). Directive-following based on graphic symbol sentences involving an animated verb symbol: An exploratory study. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 43(3), 143–151.

Shin, H., Shivabasappa, P., & Koul, R. (2022). Effect of clear speech intervention program on speech intelligibility in persons with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(1), 33-41. 

Balton, S., Arvidsson, P., Granlund, M., Huus, K., & Dada, S. (2022). Test-retest reliability of Picture My Participation in children with intellectual disability in South Africa. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29(4), 315–324. 

Chavers, T., Cheng, C., & Koul, R. (2022). Dynamic augmentative and alternative communication displays for individuals with developmental disabilities: A review. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 9(2), 37–44.

Brock, K. L., Koul, R., Corwin, M., & Schlosser, R. W. (2022). Attitudes toward and perceived communicative competence of individuals with aphasia using speech-generating devices. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 38(1), 15–28. 

Schlosser, R. W., Choe, N., Koul, R., Shane, H. C., Yu, C., & Wu, M. (2022). Roles of animation in augmentative and alternative communication: A scoping review. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 9, 187–203.

Govender, S., Vallabhjee., A.L., Charles, C.R., Roesch, D., Balton, S. (2022). Bridging the access gap: The telepractice experiences of  speech therapists and audiologists at a public health care facility in South Africa. International Journal of Telerehabilitation 14 (2)

Zevenster, S., & Naudé, A. ( 2022) Contralateral suppression of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in adults: A normative study South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 69(1), a929

de Clercq, H., Naude, A.M. & Bornman, J. (2022). Development and utility of an International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Code Set for Younger-Old Adults With Fall Risk: Implications for Audiologists. American Journal of Audiology, 31(4), 1116-1132.

Wingren, M., Lidström-Holmqvist, K., Roshanai, A. H., Arvidsson, P., Janeslätt, G., White, S., & Holmefur, M. (2022). One-year follow-up after the time management group intervention Let’s Get Organized. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29(4), 305–314.

Nduna, M., Mayisela, S., Balton, S., Gobodo-Madikizela, P., Kheswa, J. G., Khumalo, I. P., ... & Tabane, C. (2022). Research Site Anonymity in Context. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 17(5),  554-564



Mahakwe, G.; Johnson, E.; Karlsson, K.; Nilsson, S. (2021). A Systematic Review of Self-Report Instruments for the Measurement of Anxiety in Hospitalized Children withCancer. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 18, 1911. p1-10

Huus, K., Schlebusch, L., Ramaahlo, M., Samuels, A., Gimbler Berglund,I., Dada, S.  (2021).  Barriers and facilitators to participation for children and adolescents with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries – A scoping review. African Journal of Disability, 10, a771.

Kuyler, A. & Johnson, E. (2021). Patient and nurse content preferences for a communication board to facilitate dialogue in the critical care unit. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 63.

De Clercq, H, Naude, A., & Bornman, J.  (2021) Older adult’s perspectives on fall risk: Linking results to the ICF .  Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40(3), 328–338.

 Mbanda N., Dada, S., Bastable, K, Gimbler-Berglund, I., & Schlosser, R. W. (2021). A scoping review of the use of visual aids in health education materials for persons with low-literacy levels. Patient Education and Counseling. 104 (5) 998- 1017

Bastable, K., Klopper, S., Samuels, A., & Dada, S. (2021). How Are Stakeholders With Autism Spectrum Disorder Included in the Social Validation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Research? A Scoping Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30(2), 817-832.

 Dada, S., Flores, C., Bastable, K., & Schlosser, R. W. (2021). The effects of augmentative and alternative communication interventions on the receptive language skills of children with developmental disabilities: A scoping review. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23:3, 247-257, DOI:10.1080/17549507.2020.1797165

 Mothapo, N., Tonsing, K., & Morwane, R. (2021). Determining the core vocabulary used by Sepedi- speaking preschool children during regular preschool-based activities by. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23(3), 295–304.

Huus, K., Morwane, R., Ramaahlo, M., Balton, S., Pettersson, E., Gimbler Berglund, I., & Dada, S. (2021). Voices of children with intellectual disabilities on participation in daily activities. African Journal of Disability, 10, 9 pages. doi:

Morwane, R., Dada, S., & Bornman, J. (2021). Barriers to and facilitators of employment of persons with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. African Journal of Disability, 10, 12 pages. doi:

Davis-Strauss, S.L., Johnson, E., & Lubbe, W. (2021). Information and Support Needs of Parents with Premature Infants: An Integrative Review. Journal of Early Intervention 43(3), 199-220

Wepener, C., Johnson, E. & Bornman, J. (2021). Text messaging “helps me to chat”: Exploring the interactional aspects of text messaging using mobile phones for youth with complex communication needs. Augmentative and Alternative Communication.  37(2), 75-86

White, R., Johnson, E. &  Bornman, J.. (2021). Investigating Court Accommodations for Persons with Severe Communication Disabilities: Perspectives of International Legal Experts. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1): 224–235.

Karlsson, K., Johnson E., & Nilsson, S. (2021). The Children´s Action-Reaction Assessment Tool (CARAT) as an observational tool for assessing symptom management: An initial validation study with children aged 3-7 years undergoing needle procedures. Applied Nursing Research.26:e12334, 1-10

White, R., Bornman, J., Johnson, E., & Msipa, D. (2021). Court accommodations for persons with severe communication disabilities: A legal scoping review. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(3), 399–420.

Viljoen, E., Bornman, J., & Tönsing, K. M. (2021). Interacting with persons with disabilities: South African police officers’ knowledge, experience and perceived competence. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(2), 965–979.

Arvidsson, P., Dada, S., Granlund, M., Imms, C., Shi, L. J., Kang, L. J., ... & Huus, K. (2021). Structural validity and internal consistency of Picture My Participation: A measure for children with disability. African Journal of Disability, 10.

Moore, R., Dada, S., Emmambux, M. N., & Samuels, A. (2021). Food and nutrition security in persons with disabilities. A scoping review. Global Food Security, 31, 100581.

Chavers, T. N., Morris, M., Schlosser, R., & Koul, R. (2021). Effects of a systematic augmentative and alternative communication intervention using a speech-generating device on multistep requesting and generic small talk for children with severe autism spectrum disorder. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 30, 2476–2491.

Allen, A. A., Shane, H. C., Schlosser, R. W., & Haynes, C. W. (2021). The effect of cue type on directive-following in children with moderate to severe autism spectrum disorder. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 37(3), 168–179.

Smith, K. A., & Samuels, A. E. (2021). A scoping review of parental roles in rehabilitation interventions for children with developmental delay, disability, or long-term health condition. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 111, 103887.

Dana K. Donohue & Juan Bornman Academic well-being in higher education: A cross-country analysis of the relationship between perceptions of instruction and academic well-being. Frontiers in Psychology (12) December 2021. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.766307

De Clercq, H., Naudé, A., & Bornman, J. (2021). Factors included in adult fall risk assessment tools (FRATs): A systematic review. Ageing and Society, 41(11), 2558-2582. doi:10.1017/S0144686X2000046X

Bornman, J. & Louw, B. (2021). A Model for Cross-Cultural Translation and Adaptation of Speech-Language Pathology Assessment Measures: Application to the Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS©). International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 23:4, 382-393,

Masuku, K., Bornman,J., &  Johnson, E.,  (2021) Access to healthcare for persons with disabilities in Eswatini: a triadic exploration of barriers.  African disability rights yearbook 9 138 - 159

Nilsson, S., Wiljén, A., Bergquist, J., Chaplin, J., Höök, A., Johnson, E., Karlsson, K., Lindroth, T., Schwarz, A., Stenmarker, M., Thunberg, G., Fridh, E., Wille, J., Esplana, L., Haglind. M., & Öhlén, J. (in print). Evaluating pictorial support in person-centred for children (PicPecc) – A protocol for a crossover design study. BMJ Open,  11:e042726, 1-10




Arvidsson, P, Dada S., Granlund M; Imms C; Bornman J; Elliott C; Huus K. (2020). Content validity and usefulness of Picture my Participation for measuring participation in children with and without intellectual disability in South Africa and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(5), 336-348. doi:10.1080/11038128.2019.1645878

White, R., Bornman, J., Johnson, E., Tewson, K. & van Niekerk, J. (2020). Transformative equality: Court accommodations for South African citizens with severe communication disabilities. African Journal of Disability; 9(0), a651. v9i0.651

Millar A; Joubert K; Naude A. (2020)  Prevalence of hearing loss and tinnitus in a group of adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. SA Journal of Communication Disorders ; 67(1), a631.

Hattingh, D., & Tönsing, K. M. (2020). The core vocabulary of South African Afrikaans-speaking Grade R learners without disabilities. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 67(1), a701. org/10.4102/sajcd.v67i1.701

 Bornman, J., Romski, M., King, M., Madima, V., & Sevcik, R. A. (2020). Supporting early communication skills of children with developmental disorders in South Africa: Caregiver and clinician perspectives about mobile health applications. Infants and Young Children, 33(4), 313–331.

Dada, S., Bastable, K., & Halder, S. (2020). The role of social support in participation perspectives of caregivers of children with intellectual disabilities in India and South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(18), 6644.

Samuels, A., Dada, S., Van Niekerk, K., Arvidsson; P., & Huus, K. (2020). Children in South Africa with and without Intellectual Disabilities’ Rating of Their Frequency of Participation in Everyday Activities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6702;

Dada, S.; Bastable, K.; Schlebusch, L.; Halder, S (2020). The Participation of Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Including the Voices of Children and Their Caregivers in India and South Africa. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 17(18), 6706.;

Schlebusch, L. Huus, K, Samuels, A.E., Granlund, M., & Dada, S. (2020). Participation of children and youth with disabilities and/or long-term health conditions living in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62, 1259–1265.

Tönsing, K. M., & Soto, G. (2020). Multilingualism and augmentative and alternative communication: examining language ideology and resulting practices. Augmentative and Alternative Communication,  36(3), 190-201.

De Clercq H, Naude, A.M, & Bornman J. (2020) Factors included in adult fall risk assessment tools (FRATs): A systematic review   Ageing and Society

Dada, S., Andersson, A. K., May, A., Andersson, E. E., Granlund, M., & Huus, K. (2020). Agreement between participation ratings of children with intellectual disabilities and their primary caregivers. Research in developmental disabilities, 104, 103715.

Lundqvist, L. O., Matérne, M., Granberg, A., Frank, A., Arvidsson, P., & Duberg, A. (2020). Structured Water Dance Intervention (SWAN) for adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: study protocol. Heliyon, 6(7), e04242.


Chapters in books

Samuels, A, Stemela, U., & Booi, M. (2020). The intersection between health and education: Meeting the interventions needs of children and youth with disabilities. South African Health Review 23, pp 171-181

Bastable, K., & Dada, S. (2020). Communication vulnerability in South African health care: the role of augmentative and alternative communication.  South African Health Review 23 pp 107 - 118.

Bornman, J. (2020). Human Rights and Visual Impairment. In R. Ferreira & M. M. Sefotho (Eds.) Opening Eyes: Volume 1. Understanding education for the visually impaired. Chapter 3 (pp 47-77). Cape Town: AOSIS

Bornman, J. & Heard, A. (2020). Supporting learners who are multiply impaired with a visual impairment. In  R. Ferreira & M. M. Sefotho (Eds.), Opening Eyes: Volume 1. Understanding education for the visually impaired. Chapter 5 (pp 105-145). Cape Town: AOSIS




Balton, S., Uys, K., & Alant, E. (2019). Family‐based activity settings of children in a low‐income  African context. African Journal of Disability, 8, a364. doi:10.4102/ajod.v8i0.364  

Bornman, J., & Louw, B. (2019). Personal commitment statements: Encouraging the clinical  application of continuing professional development events for health practitioners in low‐ and  middle‐income countries. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 39(2), 86– 91. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000248  

Brock, K. L., Koul, R., Corwin, M., & Schlosser, R. W. (2019). The psychometric properties of the  communicative competence scale for individuals with Aphasia using speech‐generating devices.  Aphasiology, 33(5), 520–543. doi:10.1080/02687038.2018.1561639  

Dada, S., Stockley, N., Wallace, S. E., & Koul, R. (2019). The effect of augmented input on the  auditory comprehension of narratives for persons with chronic aphasia: A pilot investigation.  Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 35(2), 148–155. doi:10.1080/07434618.2019.1576766 

Gropp, M., Johnson, E., Bornman, J., & Koul, R. (2019). Nurses’ perspectives toward patient  communication using a low‐technology communication board in an intensive care setting – a  pilot study. Health South Africa Gesondheid, d 24(0), a1162. doi: 10.4102/ hsag.v24i0.1162

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May, A. A., Dada, S., & Murray, J. (2019). Review of AAC interventions in persons with dementia.  International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54(6), 857–874.  doi:10.1111/1460‐6984.12491

Mngomezulu, J., Tönsing, K. M., Dada, S., & Bokaba, B. (2019). Determining a Zulu core vocabulary  for children who use augmentative and alternative communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 35(4), 274–284. doi:10.1080/07434618.2019.1692902

Morwane, R. E., Dada, S., & Bornman, J. (2019). Shared storybook reading interactions between  children with complex communication needs and their caregivers. South African Journal of Education, 39(2), 1–12. doi:10.15700/saje.v39n2a1695  

Mantri‐Langeveldt, A., Dada, S., & Boshoff, K. (2019). Measures for social support in raising a child  with a disability: A scoping review. Child: Care, Health and Development, 45(2), 159–174.  doi:10.1111/cch.12646 

Schlosser, R. W., Brock, K. L., Koul, R., Shane, H., & Flynn, S. (2019). Does animation facilitate  understanding of graphic symbols representing verbs in children with autism spectrum  disorder? Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(4), 965–978.  doi:10.1044/2018_JSLHR‐L‐18‐0243

Arvidsson, P, Dada S., Granlund M; Imms C; Bornman J; Elliott C; Huus K. (2020). Content validity and usefulness of Picture my Participation for measuring participation in children with and without intellectual disability in South Africa and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(5), 336-348. doi:10.1080/11038128.2019.1645878

White, R., Bornman, J., Johnson, E., Tewson, K. & van Niekerk, J. (2020). Transformative equality: Court accommodations for South African citizens with severe communication disabilities. African Journal of Disability; 9(0), a651. v9i0.651

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 Bornman, J., Romski, M., King, M., Madima, V., & Sevcik, R. A. (2020). Supporting early communication skills of children with developmental disorders in South Africa: Caregiver and clinician perspectives about mobile health applications. Infants and Young Children, 33(4), 313–331.


Samuels, A., Dada, S., Van Niekerk, K., Arvidsson; P., & Huus, K. (2020). Children in South Africa with and without Intellectual Disabilities’ Rating of Their Frequency of Participation in Everyday Activities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6702;
Dada, S.; Bastable, K.; Schlebusch, L.; Halder, S (2020). The Participation of Children with Intellectual Disabilities: Including the Voices of Children and Their Caregivers in India and South Africa. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 17(18), 6706.;
Schlebusch, L. Huus, K, Samuels, A.E., Granlund, M., & Dada, S. (2020). Participation of children and youth with disabilities and/or long-term health conditions living in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 62, 1259–1265.
Tönsing, K. M., & Soto, G. (2020). Multilingualism and augmentative and alternative communication: examining language ideology and resulting practices. Augmentative and Alternative Communication,  36(3), 190-201.
De Clercq H, Naude, A.M, & Bornman J. (2020) Factors included in adult fall risk assessment tools (FRATs): A systematic review   Ageing and Society
Dada, S., Andersson, A. K., May, A., Andersson, E. E., Granlund, M., & Huus, K. (2020). Agreement between participation ratings of children with intellectual disabilities and their primary caregivers. Research in developmental disabilities, 104, 103715.
Lundqvist, L. O., Matérne, M., Granberg, A., Frank, A., Arvidsson, P., & Duberg, A. (2020). Structured Water Dance Intervention (SWAN) for adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: study protocol. Heliyon, 6(7), e04242.
Chapters in books
Samuels, A, Stemela, U., & Booi, M. (2020). The intersection between health and education: Meeting the interventions needs of children and youth with disabilities. South African Health Review 23, pp 171-181
Bastable, K., & Dada, S. (2020). Communication vulnerability in South African health care: the role of augmentative and alternative communication.  South African Health Review 23 pp 107 - 118.
Bornman, J. (2020). Human Rights and Visual Impairment. In R. Ferreira & M. M. Sefotho (Eds.) Opening Eyes: Volume 1. Understanding education for the visually impaired. Chapter 3 (pp 47-77). Cape Town: AOSIS
Bornman, J. & Heard, A. (2020). Supporting learners who are multiply impaired with a visual impairment. In  R. Ferreira & M. M. Sefotho (Eds.), Opening Eyes: Volume 1. Understanding education for the visually impaired. Chapter 5 (pp 105-145). Cape Town: AOSIS



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