Crypto Giants lend a helping hand

At the beginning of the academic year the Crypto Giants decided to give back to the community what they have gained from the initiative.  They did this by starting within the Department because as the saying goes: “Charity begins at home.”

Throughout the course of this year, the group gathered on Saturdays to assist first year students in two of the modules, namely, Calculus 114 and Linear Algebra 126.  The students would come in on a Saturday and work in groups while the Cryptos monitored the session and helped out where they could.

The experience has been a great one.  Not only did the Cryptos assisted but they were also there to guide the students to avoid making the same mistakes that they made during their first year.

Karabo Madibana, a first year student said: “These classes helped.  Doing the tutorials before and after the actual class during the week, was really helpful.  And working in pairs promoted individual study.”
Another first year, Vusimuzi Ngome stated: “The classes helped me catch up with things we did not understand in lectures.”

“Behind my achievements, is a strong desire to learn to give back to the community. Crypto Giants gave me the platform to help first year students with their studies and helping them was a dream come true.  It’s through me that I hope to become an instrumental member of society using all my energy to bring about constructive change and create a path to the ‘good life’ not only for myself but also for others.” said Cliford Malapane, a member of Crypto Giants.

The group will continue to help out where possible and shine a light to those it encounters.

By Pilane Koma

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