Dr DB Wallace

Extraordinary Lecturer: Biotechnology
Senior Researcher: Biotechnology Division: OVI

MSc (Medical Microbiology) PhD (Genetics)

Dr DB Wallace

Room  17
Biotechnology Building (29)

Postal address
ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute
Private Bag X05
Onderstepoort 0110
South Africa

Professional and academic experience

  • 25 year’s experience as researcher
  • 14 year’s experience as extraordinary lecturer in DVTD
  • 2 years as OIE Reference Laboratory Expert in Lumpy skin disease

Professional memberships

  • Member of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP)
  • Member of the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC)

Subjects taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels

  • Post-graduate supervisor, MSc
  • Post-graduate supervisor, PhD

Research interests

Recombinant vaccine development, pox virology (esp. lumpy skin disease virus), molecular diagnostics and epidemiology.





CSIRO, The Pirbright Institute and H2020-DEFEND consortium, IZSAM (Italy), USDA-ARS

Postgraduate students

Mr Pravesh Kara (PhD degree)

Research output/publications

  • 25 publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals
  • 1 book chapter
  • 61 congress presentations (oral or poster)
  • 2 non-refereed publications
  • 4 radio interviews

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