Posted on November 06, 2020
Researchers at the University of Pretoria (UP) are producing unique nanobodies that could be of ground-breaking use in rapid tests and as a therapy for COVID-19. In tests conducted in collaboration with the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), the nanobodies have been shown to...
Posted on November 01, 2020
Movember is an annual campaign in which men are called upon to grow moustaches during November to raise awareness of men’s health issues – including that of prostate cancer.
Posted on October 26, 2020
“One health” refers to a transdisciplinary approach that focuses on the convergence of humans, animals and their various environments. The University of Pretoria (UP) is strategically well positioned to lead this research field because it has several faculties which, combined, have...
Posted on October 16, 2020
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign by private and public healthcare organisations to increase awareness of the disease on a national scale. In the infographic below, UP researcher Professor Annie Joubert guides us through some fast facts on breast cancer and what you...
Posted on September 28, 2020
The Whale Unit at the University of Pretoria’s Mammal Research Institute (MRI) will be conducting this year’s aerial survey of southern right whales from 28 September to mid-October. This is the 41st annual southern right whale photo-identification aerial survey, making it one of the...
Posted on September 22, 2020
A University of Pretoria (UP) professor of zoology was part of a team that recently published a study that reveals that tiny hummingbirds living in the Andes Mountains in Peru drop their body temperature from 40°C to 3.3°C, near freezing point, to survive bitterly cold nights.
Posted on September 21, 2020
The story centres on the coloured community in Elandskloof, in the picturesque Cederberg region of the Western Cape. The community was forcibly and violently removed from this area in 1962 when, as a result of the Group Areas Act of 1950,
Posted on September 10, 2020
While kangaroos are distinguished for their well-developed hindlimbs which they use to hop across the Australian outback, it seems South Africa has its own unusual hopper – the springhare.
Posted on September 04, 2020
UP researchers are part of global team led by NASA that will use satellite data to develop strategies to curb air pollution and associated human ill health. Professor Janine Wichmann is an environmental epidemiologist and Head of the Environmental and Occupational Sciences Division, School of...
Posted on July 20, 2020
Dr Trudy Paap is a participant in the International Plant Sentinel Network who was tasked to do routine surveys for tree pests and diseases in the National Botanical Gardens of South Africa, a project funded by the South African National Biodiversity Institute.
Posted on July 16, 2020
In the age of genomics and bioinformatics scientists can produce massive amounts of data on deadly fungi threatening biodiversity and agriculture.
Posted on July 08, 2020
The United Nations in Geneva has released global standards on the use of force by the police worldwide. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet welcomed the new United Nations Human Rights Guidance on the Use of Less-Lethal Weapons in Law Enforcement and urged all states to follow...
Posted on May 07, 2020
A team of astronomers from South Africa and the USA has used the MeerKAT telescope to solve a longstanding puzzle in ‘X’-shaped radio galaxies by observing a galaxy called PKS 2014-55 that’s situated 800 million light years away from Earth.
Posted on March 18, 2020
Prof Magnus Killander, an international human rights and comparative constitutional law researcher at the University of Pretoria’s world-renowned Centre for Human Rights in the Faculty of Law, believes that South Africa needs to overhaul and re-look many of its municipal by laws which...
Posted on March 17, 2020
As South Africa responds to the local spread of a global pandemic, University of Pretoria (UP) researchers are at the forefront of research into zoonotic diseases – which can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Posted on March 05, 2020
The Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria (UP) is one of the leading partners in the Erasmus+ ELEPHANT project which will boost the capacity of the participating partner institutions in solving complex issues relating to the health of humans and animals.
Posted on March 04, 2020
Researchers at the Universities of Pretoria (UP) and Leicester are revolutionising the way tuberculosis (TB) is detected through the invention and application of a 3D-printed insert added to simple face-masks. This new approach has the potential to detect millions of currently missed infections...
Posted on November 13, 2019
The great apes, including humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans, are very intelligent.
Posted on October 31, 2019
A study has concluded that the earliest ancestors of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) emerged in a southern African “homeland” and thrived there for 70 000 years, before some migrated due to climate shifts.
Posted on October 18, 2019
The University of Pretoria’s (UP) Sport, Exercise Medicine and Lifestyle Institute (SEMLI) recently opened the doors to its new Biomechanics Lab, which is already providing support services to TuksSport’s first teams as well as elite track and field athletes, some of whom participated...
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