This page is relevant to the Full Research, Ethics & Proposal Process for the Professional Master’s (coursework),
Academic Master’s & Doctoral Psychology programmes in the Department of Psychology
Students registered for either the Master's in Clinical, Counselling or Research In Psychology (coursework), the Academic Master's in Psychology, or the Doctorate in Psychology will follow this Research & Ethics Proposal Process.
Structure of Programmes:
- The Professional Master’s in Clinical, Counselling and Research Psychology programmes consist of two parts, namely; coursework and a mini-dissertation (each component contributes 50% towards the degree)
- The Academic Master’s and Doctoral in Psychology programmes (research only) focus on completing a research dissertation or thesis
- All students in these programmes have to complete a research proposal that has to be accepted by the Faculty of Humanities Research Ethics Committee
1. Preparation of Research Proposals
- Once an applicant is accepted/selected for the programme applied for, a supervisor will be assigned.
- Students can start developing a proposal on the official full proposal template with the supervisor’s guidance, as soon as registration has been completed.
- The Full Research Proposal Template has guidelines included in the template and needs to be read in conjunction with the Reader Evaluation Form (guides students about the information required in the proposal).
- The student and supervisor collaborate on the proposal until the supervisor is satisfied that the student can proceed to the next step.
- All students need to complete the Memorandum of Agreement for Academic Supervision of PG Students within two months of registration.
1a. Links to Official Forms and/or Templates:
Most of these documents (those you need to complete) will download to your computer when you click on the links, some might just open in a new page as a PDF document.
1b. Research Guidance
1c. Differences between Articles, Dissertations, Mini-Dissertations or Doctoral Theses
Information on the differences between completing articles, mini-dissertations, dissertations, or doctorate theses can be accessed
1d. Bursaries, Fees & Funding
Please consult the
UP Fees and Funding webpage for more information and links to available bursaries.
2. Reader Evaluation
Refer to the Reader Evaluation Template above in point 1a
The supervisor will submit your proposal to the Departmental Research Committee (ResCom)
ResCom allocates two readers who have to complete the Reader Evaluation Form within two (2) weeks and send it back to ResCom
The student and supervisor receive the readers’ comments, implement the changes, and indicate how the reviewers’ comments were addressed on the Reader Evaluation Form
The student then submits the proposal and Reader Evaluation Form back to ResCom, who will distribute the replies to the original readers
The readers will indicate their decision on the form, and if positive, the student may proceed to the next step
3. Presentation of Proposals
- ResCom will communicate via email the outcome of the second round of reading to the student and supervisor(s)
- If the proposal is accepted unconditionally or with minor revisions, the student may then continue to the online presentation stage. In the event of major revisions, the proposal will have to undergo the reader evaluation again until a satisfactory outcome is reached
- The presentation is done on the Google Group Platform, and the proposal/presentation is available for 5 working days
- Students need to email the PowerPoint presentation and the research proposal to ResCom on the Friday before the week of their presentation
- Please name the presentation and proposal appropriately to display the following: “Surname_Name_uStudentNumber_Degree_Title_VersionDate” e.g.: "Howard_Anne_u12345678_MAPsych_The_egg-in-face_Syndrome_15Mar2024”
3a. PowerPoint presentations need to comply with the following guidelines:
- Preferably a voice-over presentation
- Restricted to slide guidelines (PowerPoint requirements)
- PowerPoint slides must be restricted to the following number of slides and/or topics:
- Title Slide (Title, Student Name, Supervisor Name, Degree)
- Problem Statement
- Rationale/Justification
- Brief Background (if not yet mentioned)
- Research Method
- Design
- Sample
- Data Collection
- Analysis
- Ethics
4. Final Approval by ResCom and Submission to Faculty ResEthics
- Students and supervisors will receive a final notice from ResCom on the outcome of the presentation
- If approved, students prepare and submit all documents (proposal, permission letters, consent letters, instruments and the MoA) on the online Faculty Ethics system
- The Faculty Research Ethics (ResEthics) Committee convene once a month to consider proposals/ethical applications
- Students and supervisors will be advised of the outcome and, if necessary, will be requested to make further changes
- Please read the Research Involving UP Staff & Students document should you plan on making use of staff or students at UP for your research
4a. Process and Forms/Templates to Submit as part of the Faculty ResEthics for Approval:
5. Departmental ResCom Enquiries
Contact Mr Armand Luijk at
[email protected] for more information on the ethics and proposal process.
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