History of the Department of Physiology

Physiology was originally presented in 1930 by Dr C Brink in the Department of Animal Science at UP. When the Faculty of Medicine was founded in 1942, Physiology together with Anatomy, were the first two Departments to be established in the Faculty. Prof GHW Scheepers became the Head of both these Departments. Two lecturers, Dr WA Odendaal (Systemic Physiology) and Mr J Rabie (Practical Physiology) were appointed for Physiology. In 1946, Physiology became a Department under the leadership of Prof C Brink. Prof. DH van Papendorp was appointed as Head of the Department in 1990-2014. From these modest beginnings of only two lecturers, the Department of Physiology has developed into a large institution of 40 staff members and a large postgraduate student component.


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