
The training to obtain an M.Med. degree in haematology extends over a period of 4 years. In the first 18 months of registrarship, students must pass a primary examination in physiology and also attend a course (TNM 800) in research methodology. Registrars in haematology rotate through various sections of the laboratory (core laboratory, platelet functions, flow cytometry, bone marrow processing) in order to familiarize themselves with all aspects of departmental operations.

Training in theoretical haematology covers the following:  Haemopoiesis  General aspects of anaemia  Microcytic anaemias and iron overload  Megaloblastic and other macrocytic anaemias  Haemolytic anaemias  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin  Bone marrow failure  Stem cell transplantation  Benign disorders of white cells  Genetics of haematological malignancy  Acute leukaemias  Chronic leukaemias  Myelodysplastic syndromes  Malignant lymphomas  Multiple myeloma  Myeloproliferative disorders  Haemostasis (platelets and coagulation factors)  Bleeding disorders  Thrombophilia  Thrombosis and anti-thrombotic therapy  Haematological change in systemic disease  Blood transfusion  Haematology of pregnancy  Neonatal haematology Practical training includes assessment and reporting on peripheral blood slides and bone marrow aspirates, blood grouping, coagulation studies, platelet functions, flow cytometry and special haematology tests (Ham's test, osmotic fragility ets.) Registrars are also actively involved with the work-up and management of patients in the haematology clinic and they provide a consultative service to clinicians from all disciplines.   As part of their training, registrars spend some time working at the South African Blood Transfusion Service

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  • Registrar Tutorials

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