Postgraduate (MSc & PhD)

MSc Real Estate (coursework)

The Department of Construction Economics offers a MSc degree by coursework in one field of specialisation namely Real Estate.

The programme is intended for professionals with an applicable honours degree who wishes to further their academic qualifications in the built environment and property industry.  Typical applicants are professionals with a background in quantity surveying, architecture, town planning, law, engineering, asset management and project management. 

Successful graduates must complete a set curriculum with coursework and a mini-dissertation over a minimum period of two years. The modules are presented in two block weeks per semester (four per year) in person on campus. Attendance of these block weeks are compulsory. All examinations are conducted at the Department of Construction Economics on the South Campus of the University of Pretoria.

Admission requirements and content for MSc Real Esate (coursework):  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook

MSc (Research)

The Department of Construction Economics offers a MSc degree by research in Construction Management, Quantity Surveying and Real Estate. 

Our Department specialises in various research areas and can best offer research supervision to individuals wanting to obtain a MSc degree pertaining to these research areas. 

Admission requirements and course content MSc Construction Management:  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook (Construction Management)

Admission requirements and course content MSc Quantity Surveying:  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook (Quantity Surveying)

Admission requirements and course content MSc Real Estate:  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook (Real Estate)

PhD (Research)

The Department of Construction Economics offers a PhD degree by research in Construction Management, Quantity Surveying and Real Estate.

Our Department specialises in various research areas and can best offer research supervision to individuals wanting to obtain a PhD degree pertaining to these research areas

Admission requirements and course content PhD Construction Management:  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook (Construction Management)

Admission requirements and course content PhD Quantity Surveying:  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook (Quantity Surveying)

Admission requirements and course content PhD Real Estate:  Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook (Real Estate)

Apply Online

All applications are done online via the UP website. 

CLICK HERE to apply online.

NOTE:  Applications closing date for MSc Real Estate coursework program has been extended till 31 December 2023.

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