The Department of Construction Economics offers undergraduate (BSc) and post graduate (BSc Hons) degrees in Quantity Surveying.
The first phase of the programme is a three-year degree course. Passsing all the modules in this course will result in a student obtaining a BSc degree in Quantity Surveying. A student can only continue with the second phase of the program once a BSc degree has been obtained.
In the three-year programme the main focus is on technical aspects of the built environment that impacts on the work of the quantity surveyor. Some financial, management, scientific and law aspects are touched on.
Admission requirements and course content: Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook
The second phase of the programme is a one-year honours degree course. Passsing all the modules in this course as well as obtaining a minimum of 240 hours practical experience will result in a student obtaining a BSc (Hons) degree. Students can already start to accumulate the 240 hours of practical experience during the three-year BSc programme.
The main focus of the honours programme is cost estimating, feasibility studies, construction contract law and quantity surveying practice.
Admission requirements and course content: Refer to EBIT faculty yearbook
Quantity surveying is the science that delivers specialised financial and contractual services and advice to clients in the building and construction industry, as well as in related industries. The quantity surveyor is an independent and professional consultant who works with developers, architects, consulting engineers, and building contractors, in order to protect the interests of the client, while at the same time also looking after the interests of the contractor and subcontractors.
The student could enter the building or construction industry as a candidate quantity surveyor after he/she has completed the three-year degree. Such qualification, however, would not allow the person to register as a professional quantity surveyor without acquiring additional qualifications. After completing the honours programme the opportunities become far wider, and application can be made for registration as a professional quantity surveyor with the South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession, after further assessment and furnishing of evidence of practical experience, in compliance with the prescribed competencies. Registered quantity surveyors enjoy employment opportunities in the building and construction sector, government departments, in the property sector, banks and manufacturing industry. Most, however, work in the private sector where they become employees/ partners/ directors of quantity surveying practices, or open their own practices.
The examinations for the BScHons degree in Quantity Surveying are approved by the Minister of Public Works as prescribed examinations in terms of the stipulations of the Quantity Surveying Profession Act (Act No. 49/2000), as well as by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
All applications are done online via the UP website.
CLICK HERE to apply online.
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